All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract ContentStoreAdapter that provides caching to actual implementations.
Abstract ContentStoreService that provides caching to actual implementations.
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Base abstract implementation of CachingAwareObject
File-based content store adapter.
Abstract DescriptorMergeStrategy that defines the base code for strategies that decide which descriptors to "inherit" from upper levels in the folder hierarchy.
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Base ItemProcessor to add a new field to documents.
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Prepends to a context relative url the schema, domain and port (if different than 80 and 443 in case of https) to URL, normally to get a full url, e.g., /webapp/servlet/a =>
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Created by alfonso on 2/21/17.
Thrown to indicate that authentication wasn't possible with the content store.
NodeTemplateModelFactory that always returns the BeanFactory of the Spring application context where this factory is configured.
Crafter's Cache API.
Root exception for all cache related exceptions.
Cache that implements common functionality, such as logging and expiration/refresh check every tick, and uses and underlying CacheStoreAdapter to store the items.
Provides information about an item residing in the cache.
Default implementation of CacheItem.
Implementations of this interface are used by Caches to refresh items that are already in the cache.
Refreshes a list of CacheItems in a Cache.
Default implementation of CacheRefresher.
REST service that provides several methods to handle Crafter's cache engine.
Default implementation of CacheService.
Base class for all cache implementations to provide statistics.
Adapter to the real data structure used to store the items of a cache.
Template patten that allows easy usage of the cache service.
Utility methods for caching.
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Objects that are generally cached implement this method so that they can provide information about their caching to methods higher in the stack trace.
Set of options that should be used when caching in a service call.
Utility methods for collections.
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Implementation of AbstractInheritFromHierarchyMergeStrategy that delegates to several other AbstractInheritFromHierarchyMergeStrategys to determine the descriptors to "inherit" from upper levels in the folder hierarchy.
Composite ItemFilter implementation.
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Represents the content of a file in the content store.
DescriptorMergeStrategy that returns the level descriptors in the hierarchy and the base descriptors when some of the parent folders are part of a content bundle (which is similar to a resource bundle, but instead of simple properties, a content bundle is formed by XML content (descriptors)).
This transformer is similar to ShortToLongUrlTransformer, but also looks in a content bundle for an item name (long name) that can be mapped to the short name.
Adapter that provides path based access to a repository of some type.
Registry for ContentStoreAdapters.
Default implementation of ContentStoreAdapterRegistry.
REST service that provides several methods to access the Crafter content store.
Main Crafter content access API.
Default implementation of ContentStoreService.
Utility methods for content store.
Contains information of the content store used by a particular tenant.
Default Context implementation.
Root exception for all exceptions defined in Crafter.
Extension of XStreamMarshaller that: Provides correct marshalling/unmarshalling support for Crafter objects. Adds a unsupportedClasses property to exclude any unwanted classes from being marshalled/unmarshalled
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Merges a set of XML DOM descriptors into a new DOM.
Default implementation of DescriptorMerger.
Strategy for merging descriptor files.
Resolves the DescriptorMergeStrategy to use for a given descriptor.
XStream converter to marshal Dom4j Document (unmarshalling is unsupported).
Custom Jackson serializer for Document.
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Extension of CompactWriter that enables setting on/off XML escaping.
Global exception handlers for Crafter REST services.
Utility methods for exceptions.
ItemFilter that rejects an item if its URL matches any one of a list of regexes.
Implementation of DescriptorMergeStrategy that merges the descriptor with an explicitly named parent.
Extracts a request attribute from the URL, and finally removes it from the URL.
Created by alfonso on 2/21/17.
Abstraction of a file in a content store.
Gives access to the content of a file in the local filesystem
Implementation of ContentStoreAdapter that enables access to a store in the filesystem.
Extension of context that adds properties used by the FileSystemContentStoreAdapter.
Adapter to a filesystem File, used by ContentStoreAdapters;
Thrown when a path that is restricted is being accessed.
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Implementation of a CacheStoreAdapter using Guava Caches.
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Generator for unique string identifiers.
ItemFilter that rejects an item if its URL doesn't match any one of a list of regexes.
ItemProcessor that finds special "include" tags found in a descriptor document and inserts there the document tree of descriptors specified in these "include" tags.
Implementation of TimestampGenerator that returns increments of a counter as timestamps.
Thrown when an error occurs in the underlying cache implementation used.
Thrown to indicate that a specified Context is not a valid open context
Thrown to indicate that a specified scope is not valid, that is, it is not registered in the cache.
Thrown to indicate that a specified store type is invalid.
Represents an item of a content store.
Interface for item filters.
Thrown when an error occurred while a ItemProcessor was processing an Item.
Processes an Item, by applying any needed modification to it.
Pipeline of ItemProcessors.
Resolves the ItemProcessor to use for a given Item.
Composite ItemProcessorResolver, that iterates through a list of resolvers until one of them provides a non-null ItemProcessor.
ItemProcessor that takes the item url, transforms it by calling the transformation engine, and places the transformed url in the properties.
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Implementation of a CacheStoreAdapter using an underlying Map.
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Resolves the DescriptorMergeStrategy to use for a given descriptor, based on the value of an element in the descriptor document.
ItemProcessorResolver that searches the item's descriptor for a processor element that defines the name of the processor
Scans an XML DOM for nodes that fit a certain condition.
Factory that returns models for DOM node templates.
Extension of DefaultCacheTemplate that skips locking when loading items into the cache.
Implementation of a CacheStoreAdapter that uses no data structure and whose operations do nothing.
Extension of DefaultCacheTemplate that executes the given Callback without additional checks.
Extension of IncludeDescriptorsProcessor that prevents pages from being included when disablePageInclusion is true.
Thrown to indicate that a resource in a content store couldn't be reached (its path was not found).
NodeScanner implementation that scans the document to find nodes that match certain regex patterns.
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Implementation of Content that relies on a Resource
Base class for Crafter REST services
Exception thrown when creating a content store context an no root folder was found for the specified path.
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DescriptorMergeStrategy that returns the same specified descriptor URL.
DescriptorMergeStrategyResolver that always returns the same DescriptorMergeStrategy for all descriptors
No-op ItemProcessor exclusive implementation.
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Thrown when access is denied to a resource in the content store.
Thrown when an error occurred in the content store.
FactoryBean that returns a different CacheStoreAdapter depending on the value of a flag property that indicates if caching should be turned on or off.
ItemProcessor that adds a new tag or field to items that have a certain tag/field and value.
ItemProcessor that adds a new tag or field to items on specific paths.
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Thrown when a template related error occurs.
ItemProcessor that processes the content of certain XML nodes in item descriptors as templates.
ItemProcessor that extracts a list of text values from descriptor XPath-selected nodes and sets them as the properties of the item.
ItemProcessor that extracts single text values from descriptor XPath-selected nodes and sets them as the properties of the item.
Generator for timestamps.
Folder Item that also contains it's children.
Resolves the DescriptorMergeStrategy to use for a given descriptor by matching the descriptor URL to a pattern.
ItemProcessorResolver that returns certain ItemProcessors for certain url patterns.
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Thrown when a URL can't be correctly transformed to a different URL.
UrlTransformer implementation that basically is a collection of other transformers.
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Generator for UUID identifiers.
Holds the result of a field validation error.
Thrown for XML related errors
Thrown to indicate that an error occurred while parsing an XML file.
Thrown when two descriptor DOMs can't be merged correctly into a single DOM.
NodeScanner implementation that scans the document by executing XPath queries.