
implicit class RendererPictureOps[Alg <: Algebra, A](picture: Picture[Alg, A])
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def draw[Frame, Canvas](cb: Either[Throwable, A] => Unit)(implicit renderer: DefaultRenderer[Alg, Frame, Canvas], r: IORuntime): Unit

Convenience to immediately render a Picture, using the default Frame options for this Renderer.

Convenience to immediately render a Picture, using the default Frame options for this Renderer.

def drawToIO[Frame, Canvas](implicit renderer: DefaultRenderer[Alg, Frame, Canvas]): IO[A]

Create an effect that, when run, will draw Picture on the default Frame for this Renderer.

Create an effect that, when run, will draw Picture on the default Frame for this Renderer.

def drawWithCanvas[Canvas](canvas: Canvas, cb: Either[Throwable, A] => Unit)(implicit renderer: Renderer[Alg, _, Canvas], r: IORuntime): Unit

Convenience to immediately render a Picture, using the given Canvas for this Renderer.

Convenience to immediately render a Picture, using the given Canvas for this Renderer.

def drawWithCanvasToIO[Canvas](canvas: Canvas)(implicit renderer: Renderer[Alg, _, Canvas]): IO[A]

Create an effect that, when run, will draw the Picture on the given Canvas.

Create an effect that, when run, will draw the Picture on the given Canvas.

def drawWithFrame[Frame, Canvas](frame: Frame, cb: Either[Throwable, A] => Unit)(implicit renderer: Renderer[Alg, Frame, Canvas], r: IORuntime): Unit

Convenience to immediately render a Picture, using the given Frame options for this Renderer.

Convenience to immediately render a Picture, using the given Frame options for this Renderer.
