Class MetaDataUtils

  • public class MetaDataUtils
    extends Object
    Utilities needed for the processing of MetaData.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MetaDataUtils

        protected MetaDataUtils()
        Protected constructor to prevent outside instantiation
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static MetaDataUtils getInstance()
        Gets an instance of MetaDataUtils
        a singleton instance of MetaDataUtils
      • arrayStorableAsByteArrayInSingleColumn

        public boolean arrayStorableAsByteArrayInSingleColumn​(AbstractMemberMetaData fmd)
        Convenience method to determine if an array is storable in a single column as a byte array.
        fmd - The field
        Whether this is an array that can be stored in a single column as non-serialised
      • storesPersistable

        public boolean storesPersistable​(AbstractMemberMetaData fmd,
                                         ExecutionContext ec)
        Convenience method that returns if a field stores a persistable object. Doesn't care if the persistable object is serialised or embedded, just that it is persistable.
        fmd - MetaData for the field
        ec - ExecutionContext
        Whether it stores a persistable object
      • storesFCO

        public boolean storesFCO​(AbstractMemberMetaData fmd,
                                 ExecutionContext ec)
        Convenience method that returns if a field stores a First-Class object (FCO). If a field object is serialised/embedded then doesn't count the object as FCO - use storesPersistable() if you want that not checking.
        fmd - MetaData for the field
        ec - ExecutionContext
        Whether it stores a FCO
      • getValuesForCommaSeparatedAttribute

        public String[] getValuesForCommaSeparatedAttribute​(String attr)
        Convenience method that splits a comma-separated list of values into a String array (removing whitespace).
        attr - The attribute value
        The string components
      • getImplementationNamesForReferenceField

        public String[] getImplementationNamesForReferenceField​(AbstractMemberMetaData fmd,
                                                                FieldRole fieldRole,
                                                                ClassLoaderResolver clr,
                                                                MetaDataManager mmgr)
        Convenience method to return the class names of the available implementation types for an interface/Object field, given its required role. Removes all duplicates from the list.
        fmd - MetaData for the field
        fieldRole - The role of the field
        clr - the ClassLoaderResolver
        mmgr - MetaData manager
        Names of the classes of the possible implementations of this interface/Object
        NucleusUserException - if no implementation types are found for the reference type field
      • getBooleanForString

        public static boolean getBooleanForString​(String str,
                                                  boolean dflt)
        Convenience method to return a boolean from the String value. If the string is null then dflt is returned.
        str - The string (should be "true", "false")
        dflt - The default
        The boolean to use
      • getValueForExtensionRecursively

        public static String getValueForExtensionRecursively​(MetaData metadata,
                                                             String key)
        Searches the meta data tree upwards starting with the given leaf, stops as soon as it finds an extension with the given key.
        metadata - Leaf of the meta data tree, where the search should start
        key - The key of the extension
        The value of the extension (null if not existing)
      • getValuesForExtensionRecursively

        public static String[] getValuesForExtensionRecursively​(MetaData metadata,
                                                                String key)
        Searches the meta data tree upwards starting with the given leaf, stops as soon as it finds an extension with the given key.
        metadata - Leaf of the meta data tree, where the search should start
        key - The key of the extension
        The values of the extension (null if not existing)
      • isJdbcTypeNumeric

        public static boolean isJdbcTypeNumeric​(JdbcType jdbcType)
        Convenience method to return if a jdbc-type is numeric.
        jdbcType - The type string
        Whether it is numeric
      • isJdbcTypeFloatingPoint

        public static boolean isJdbcTypeFloatingPoint​(JdbcType jdbcType)
        Convenience method to return if a jdbc-type is floating point based.
        jdbcType - The type string
        Whether it is floating point ased
      • isJdbcTypeString

        public static boolean isJdbcTypeString​(JdbcType jdbcType)
        Convenience method to return if a jdbc-type is character based.
        jdbcType - The type string
        Whether it is character based
      • getMetaDataForCandidates

        public static List<AbstractClassMetaData> getMetaDataForCandidates​(Class cls,
                                                                           boolean subclasses,
                                                                           ExecutionContext ec)
        Convenience method to return the class metadata for the candidate and optionally its subclasses. Caters for the class being a persistent interface.
        cls - The class
        subclasses - Include subclasses?
        ec - ExecutionContext
        The metadata, starting with the candidate
        NucleusUserException - if candidate is an interface with no metadata (i.e not persistent)
      • getFileMetaDataForInputFiles

        public static FileMetaData[] getFileMetaDataForInputFiles​(MetaDataManager metaDataMgr,
                                                                  ClassLoaderResolver clr,
                                                                  String[] inputFiles)
        Method to take the provided input files and returns the FileMetaData that they implies. Loads the files into the provided MetaDataManager in the process.
        metaDataMgr - Manager for MetaData
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
        inputFiles - Input metadata/class files
        The FileMetaData for the input
        NucleusException - Thrown if error(s) occur in processing the input
      • parsePersistenceFiles

        public static PersistenceFileMetaData[] parsePersistenceFiles​(PluginManager pluginMgr,
                                                                      String persistenceFilename,
                                                                      boolean validate,
                                                                      boolean namespaceAware,
                                                                      ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Method to parse the available "persistence.xml" files returning the metadata for all found. Searches for all files "META-INF/persistence.xml" in the CLASSPATH of the current thread.
        pluginMgr - PluginManager
        persistenceFilename - Name of persistence file (if null will use "persistence.xml")
        validate - Whether to validate the persistence file
        namespaceAware - Whether to support namespaces
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
        The metadata for all "persistence.xml" files
      • getMetaDataForPersistenceUnit

        public static PersistenceUnitMetaData getMetaDataForPersistenceUnit​(PluginManager pluginMgr,
                                                                            String persistenceFilename,
                                                                            String unitName,
                                                                            boolean validate,
                                                                            boolean namespaceAware,
                                                                            ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Convenience method to parse the available persistence.xml file(s) and find the metadata for the specified persistence-unit.
        pluginMgr - Plugin Manager
        persistenceFilename - Filename of the persistence.xml (or null if using default "META-INF/persistence.xml")
        unitName - Name of the persistence unit
        validate - Whether to validate the XML
        namespaceAware - Whether the XML is namespace aware
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
        Metadata for the persistence-unit (if found), or null (if not found)
      • persistColumnAsNumeric

        public static boolean persistColumnAsNumeric​(ColumnMetaData colmd)
        Convenience method for whether to persist the provided column as numeric. Returns true if it has the jdbcType defined as "int"/"integer"
        colmd - Metadata for the column
        Whether explicitly specified to use numeric, otherwise returns false.
      • persistColumnAsString

        public static boolean persistColumnAsString​(ColumnMetaData colmd)
        Convenience method for whether to persist the provided column as string-based. Returns true if it has the jdbcType defined as "varchar"/"char"
        colmd - Metadata for the column
        Whether explicitly specified to use String, otherwise returns false.
      • isMemberEmbedded

        public static boolean isMemberEmbedded​(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd,
                                               RelationType relationType,
                                               ClassLoaderResolver clr,
                                               MetaDataManager mmgr)
        Convenience method to return whether a member is stored as embedded. This caters for not just "mmd.isEmbedded" returning true, but also the "embeddedOnly" of the related type, as well as whether there is <embedded> metadata for this member
        mmd - Metadata for the member
        relationType - The relation type for this member
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
        mmgr - MetaData manager
        Whether it is embedded
      • isMemberEmbedded

        public boolean isMemberEmbedded​(MetaDataManager mmgr,
                                        ClassLoaderResolver clr,
                                        AbstractMemberMetaData mmd,
                                        RelationType relationType,
                                        AbstractMemberMetaData ownerMmd)
        Convenience method to return if the specified member is embedded. Only applies to relation fields, since all other fields are always "embedded". TODO Likely ought to change last arg to List<AbstractMemberMetaData> for multilevel of embedded
        mmgr - Metadata manager
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
        mmd - Metadata for the member we are interested in
        relationType - Relation type of the member we are interested in
        ownerMmd - Optional metadata for the owner member (for nested embeddeds only. Set to null if not relevant to the member in question).
        Whether the member is embedded