Module org.dyn4j

Class BruteForceBroadphase<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the object type
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    BroadphaseDetector<T>, Shiftable

    public final class BruteForceBroadphase<T>
    extends AbstractBroadphaseDetector<T>
    This class implements the simplest possible broad-phase detector, a brute-force algorithm for finding all pairs of collisions (and similar queries).

    This implementation is not tuned for performance in any way and should not be used except for testing purposes. One main reason this was developed is for automated testing of the other broad-phase detectors.

    The logic of this class is simple: It holds a hash table of all the nodes and each time a query is made it scans linearly all the nodes to find the answer.

    Important note: This class must not use AABB expansion in order to always return the minimum set of pairs/items. This property is used to test the other broad-phase detectors correctly.

    Manolis Tsamis
    • Constructor Detail

      • BruteForceBroadphase

        public BruteForceBroadphase​(BroadphaseFilter<T> broadphaseFilter,
                                    AABBProducer<T> aabbProducer)
        Default constructor.
        broadphaseFilter - the broadphase filter
        aabbProducer - the AABB producer
        NullPointerException - if broadphaseFilter or aabbProducer are null
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(T object)
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        Adds a new object to this broad-phase.

        If the given object has already been added, the object is updated (BroadphaseDetector.update(Object)).

        object - the object to add
      • remove

        public boolean remove​(T object)
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        Removes the given object from this broad-phase.
        object - the object to remove
        boolean true if the object was removed
      • update

        public void update​(T object)
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        Updates the broad-phase representation of the given object.

        This should be called when the object's location, rotation, or shape has changed.

        object - the object
      • isUpdated

        public boolean isUpdated​(T object)
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        Returns true if the given object is marked as updated in this broad-phase.

        If BroadphaseDetector.isUpdateTrackingEnabled() is false, this method will always return true.

        Returns false if the given object is not part of this broad-phase.

        object - the object
      • setUpdated

        public void setUpdated​(T object)
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        This method forces this broad-phase to include the given object in the updated list to ensure they are checked in the updated-only detection routine.

        The BroadphaseDetector.update(Object) method will only mark an object as updated if it's fixtures have moved enough to change the internally stored AABB.

        object - the object
      • clearUpdates

        public void clearUpdates()
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        Clears internal state that tracks what objects have been updated.

        Typically this method would be called from a pipeline after a broad-phase collision detection method has been called to clear the state before starting to track new updates.

      • contains

        public boolean contains​(T object)
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        Returns true if the given object exists in this broad-phase.
        object - the object
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        Clear all the internal state of this broad-phase.
      • size

        public int size()
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        Returns the number of objects managed in this broad-phase.
      • detectIterator

        public Iterator<CollisionPair<T>> detectIterator​(boolean forceFullDetection)
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        Performs collision detection on all objects that have been added to this BroadphaseDetector and returns an iterator of potential collision pairs (i.e. those pairs whose AABBs overlap).

        The pairs returned from this method will depend on the value of the BroadphaseDetector.isUpdateTrackingEnabled() flag. When false, the returned iterator will report all pairs, every invocation. When true, the returned iterator will only contain pairs whose objects moved significantly enough to generate new AABBs. As a result, this mode would not report those pairs who ARE NOT overlapping, nor would it report those pairs who ARE overlapping, but the objects didn't move enough.

        Use the forceFullDetection parameter to override this behavior for a single call.

        NOTE: This method returns CollisionPairs that are mutable internally. If you need to store the pairs outside of the iteration, be sure to call the Copyable.copy() method to create a copy of the pair data.

        forceFullDetection - true if a full detection should be performed
      • detectIterator

        public Iterator<T> detectIterator​(AABB aabb)
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        Performs a broad-phase collision test using the given AABB and returns the items that overlap.
        aabb - the AABB to test
      • raycastIterator

        public Iterator<T> raycastIterator​(Ray ray,
                                           double length)
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        Performs a raycast over all the objects in the broad-phase and returns the items that intersect.
        ray - the Ray
        length - the length of the ray; 0.0 for infinite length
      • shift

        public void shift​(Vector2 shift)
        Description copied from interface: Shiftable
        Translates the object to match the given coordinate shift.
        shift - the amount to shift along the x and y axes
      • setUpdateTrackingEnabled

        public void setUpdateTrackingEnabled​(boolean flag)
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        Sets the update tracking to the given flag.

        Tracking updates to the broad-phase can have huge performance gains if the majority of objects are stationary or moving slowly enough.

        Disabling this feature will clear the set of tracked updates (the updates themselves are not cleared). In addition, when enabling this feature (after disabling it), the user is expected to re-update all items in the broad-phase manually to ensure the updates set is non-empty. Typically this will self heal in the next iteration though.

        Specified by:
        setUpdateTrackingEnabled in interface BroadphaseDetector<T>
        setUpdateTrackingEnabled in class AbstractBroadphaseDetector<T>
        flag - true to turn on update tracking
        See Also:
      • isUpdateTrackingSupported

        public boolean isUpdateTrackingSupported()
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        Returns whether this particular BroadphaseDetector supports update tracking.
      • optimize

        public void optimize()
        Description copied from interface: BroadphaseDetector
        Attempts to optimize the broad-phase based on the current state.

        This method could be very intensive so should only be called if there's a clear benefit.