Interface IndirectCollection<E,​C>

    • Method Detail

      • clearDeferredChanges

        void clearDeferredChanges()
        INTERNAL: clear any changes that have been deferred to instantiation. Indirect collections with change tracking avoid instantiation on add/remove.
      • hasDeferredChanges

        boolean hasDeferredChanges()
        INTERNAL: Return if the collection has any changes that have been deferred to instantiation. Indirect collections with change tracking avoid instantiation on add/remove.
      • getAddedElements

        Collection<E> getAddedElements()
        INTERNAL: Return if the collection has any elements added that have been deferred to instantiation. Indirect collections with change tracking avoid instantiation on add/remove.
      • getRemovedElements

        Collection<E> getRemovedElements()
        INTERNAL: Return if the collection has any elements removed that have been deferred to instantiation. Indirect collections with change tracking avoid instantiation on add/remove.
      • getDelegateObject

        C getDelegateObject()
        INTERNAL: Return the real collection object. This will force instantiation.
      • setUseLazyInstantiation

        void setUseLazyInstantiation​(boolean useLazyInstantiation)
        INTERNAL Set whether this collection should attempt do deal with adds and removes without retrieving the collection from the dB