Interface IndirectContainer<C>

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    IndirectList, IndirectMap, IndirectSet

    public interface IndirectContainer<C>
    Purpose: Define an interface for a Container that can also act as an EclipseLink "indirection" object; i.e. the Container will only read its contents from the database when necessary (typically, on receipt of the first Container-related message).

    TOPLink/Java 2.5
    Big Country
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getValueHolder

        ValueHolderInterface<C> getValueHolder()
        PUBLIC: This is used by the indirection policy to build the UOW clone of the container.
        org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface A representation of the valueholder * which this container uses
      • isInstantiated

        boolean isInstantiated()
        PUBLIC: Return whether the contents have been read from the database. This is used periodically by the indirection policy to determine whether to trigger the database read.
      • setValueHolder

        void setValueHolder​(ValueHolderInterface<C> valueHolder)
        PUBLIC: Set the valueHolder. This is used by the indirection policy to build the UOW clone of the container.