Class AggregateCollectionMapping

    • Field Detail

      • targetForeignKeyFields

        protected Vector<DatabaseField> targetForeignKeyFields
        This is a key in the target table which is a foreign key in the target table.
      • sourceKeyFields

        protected Vector<DatabaseField> sourceKeyFields
        This is a primary key in the source table that is used as foreign key in the target table
      • targetForeignKeyToSourceKeys

        protected Map<DatabaseField,​DatabaseField> targetForeignKeyToSourceKeys
        Foreign keys in the target table to the related keys in the source table
      • aggregateToSourceFields

        protected Map<String,​DatabaseField> aggregateToSourceFields
        Map the name of a field in the aggregate collection descriptor to a field in the actual table specified in the mapping.
      • nestedAggregateToSourceFields

        protected Map<String,​Map<String,​DatabaseField>> nestedAggregateToSourceFields
        Map the name of an attribute of the reference descriptor mapped with AggregateCollectionMapping to aggregateToSourceFieldNames that should be applied to this mapping.
      • converters

        protected Map<String,​Converter> converters
        List of converters to apply at initialize time to their cloned aggregate mappings.
      • remoteReferenceDescriptor

        protected ClassDescriptor remoteReferenceDescriptor
        In RemoteSession case the mapping needs the reference descriptor serialized from the server, but referenceDescriptor attribute defined as transient in the superclass. To overcome that in non-remote case referenceDescriptor is assigned to remoteReferenceDescriptor; in remote - another way around.
      • defaultSourceTable

        protected DatabaseTable defaultSourceTable
        Default source table that should be used with the default source fields of this mapping.
      • isEntireObjectPK

        protected boolean isEntireObjectPK
        Indicates whether the entire target object is primary key - in that case the object can't be updated in the db, but rather deleted and then re-inserted.
      • updateListOrderFieldQuery

        protected transient DataModifyQuery updateListOrderFieldQuery
        These queries used to update listOrderField
      • bulkUpdateListOrderFieldQuery

        protected transient DataModifyQuery bulkUpdateListOrderFieldQuery
      • pkUpdateListOrderFieldQuery

        protected transient DataModifyQuery pkUpdateListOrderFieldQuery
      • isListOrderFieldUpdatable

        protected boolean isListOrderFieldUpdatable
        indicates whether listOrderField value could be updated in the db. Used only if listOrderField!=null
      • hasNestedIdentityReference

        protected Boolean hasNestedIdentityReference
        Indicates whether the mapping (or at least one of its nested mappings, at any nested depth) references an entity. To return true the mapping (or nested mapping) should be ForeignReferenceMapping with non-null and non-aggregate reference descriptor. Lazily initialized.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AggregateCollectionMapping

        public AggregateCollectionMapping()
        PUBLIC: Default constructor.