Interface Writeable<L>

    • Method Detail

      • write

        <M> GrizzlyFuture<WriteResult<M,​L>> write​(M message)
        Method writes the buffer.
        Type Parameters:
        M - type of data to be written
        message - the buffer, from which the data will be written
        Future, using which it's possible to check the result
      • write

        <M> void write​(M message,
                       CompletionHandler<WriteResult<M,​L>> completionHandler)
        Method writes the buffer.
        Type Parameters:
        M - type of data to be written
        message - the buffer, from which the data will be written
        completionHandler - CompletionHandler, which will get notified, when write will be completed
      • write

        <M> void write​(M message,
                       CompletionHandler<WriteResult<M,​L>> completionHandler,
                       PushBackHandler pushbackHandler)
        push back logic is deprecated
        Method writes the buffer.
        Type Parameters:
        M - type of data to be written
        message - the buffer, from which the data will be written
        completionHandler - CompletionHandler, which will get notified, when write will be completed
        pushbackHandler - PushBackHandler, which will be notified if message was accepted by transport write queue or refused
      • write

        <M> void write​(L dstAddress,
                       M message,
                       CompletionHandler<WriteResult<M,​L>> completionHandler)
        Method writes the buffer to the specific address.
        Type Parameters:
        M - type of data to be written
        dstAddress - the destination address the buffer will be sent to
        message - the buffer, from which the data will be written
        completionHandler - CompletionHandler, which will get notified, when write will be completed
      • write

        <M> void write​(L dstAddress,
                       M message,
                       CompletionHandler<WriteResult<M,​L>> completionHandler,
                       PushBackHandler pushbackHandler)
        push back logic is deprecated
        Method writes the buffer to the specific address.
        Type Parameters:
        M - type of data to be written
        dstAddress - the destination address the buffer will be sent to
        message - the buffer, from which the data will be written
        completionHandler - CompletionHandler, which will get notified, when write will be completed
        pushbackHandler - PushBackHandler, which will be notified if message was accepted by transport write queue or refused