Class StateHolder<E>


public final class StateHolder<E> extends Object
Class, which holds the state. Provides API for state change notification, state read/write access locking.
Alexey Stashok
  • Constructor Details

    • StateHolder

      public StateHolder()
      Constructs StateHolder.
    • StateHolder

      public StateHolder(E initialState)
      Constructs StateHolder.
  • Method Details

    • getState

      public E getState()
      Gets current state Current StateHolder locking mode will be used
    • setState

      public void setState(E state)
      Sets current state Current StateHolder locking mode will be used
      state -
    • getStateLocker

      public ReentrantReadWriteLock getStateLocker()
      Gets Read/Write locker, which is used by this StateHolder
    • notifyWhenStateIsEqual

      public Future<E> notifyWhenStateIsEqual(E state, CompletionHandler<E> completionHandler)
      Register listener, which will be notified, when state will be equal to passed one. Once listener will be notified - it will be removed from this StateHolder's listener set.
      state - State, listener is interested in
      completionHandler - that will be notified. This StateHolder implementation works with Runnable, Callable, CountDownLatch, Object listeners
      ConditionListener, if current state is not equal to required and listener was registered, null if current state is equal to required. In both cases listener will be notified
    • notifyWhenStateIsNotEqual

      public Future<E> notifyWhenStateIsNotEqual(E state, CompletionHandler<E> completionHandler)
      Register listener, which will be notified, when state will become not equal to passed one. Once listener will be notified - it will be removed from this StateHolder's listener set.
      state - State, listener is interested in
      completionHandler - that will be notified. This StateHolder implementation works with Runnable, Callable, CountDownLatch, Object listeners
      ConditionListener, if current state is equal to required and listener was registered, null if current state is not equal to required. In both cases listener will be notified
    • notifyWhenConditionMatchState

      public Future<E> notifyWhenConditionMatchState(Condition condition, CompletionHandler<E> completionHandler)
      Register listener, which will be notified, when state will match the condition. Once listener will be notified - it will be removed from this StateHolder's listener set.
      condition - Condition, the listener is interested in
      completionHandler - that will be notified. This StateHolder implementation works with Runnable, Callable, CountDownLatch, Object listeners
      ConditionListener, if current state doesn't match the condition and listener was registered, null if current state matches the condition. In both cases listener will be notified
    • notifyConditionListeners

      protected void notifyConditionListeners()