Class AbstractChainableStage<DATA>

  • Type Parameters:
    DATA - processed data type.
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    ChainableStage<DATA>, Stage<DATA>

    public abstract class AbstractChainableStage<DATA>
    extends Object
    implements ChainableStage<DATA>
    Abstract chainable linear acceptor. Implements support for managing the default next stage value.
    Marek Potociar
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractChainableStage

        protected AbstractChainableStage()
        Create a new chainable acceptor with no next stage set.
      • AbstractChainableStage

        protected AbstractChainableStage​(Stage<DATA> nextStage)
        Create a new chainable acceptor with an initialized default next stage value.
        nextStage - default next stage.
    • Method Detail

      • setDefaultNext

        public final void setDefaultNext​(Stage<DATA> next)
        Description copied from interface: ChainableStage
        Set the default next stage that should be returned from this stage after it has been invoked by default.
        Specified by:
        setDefaultNext in interface ChainableStage<DATA>
        next - the next default stage in the chain.
      • getDefaultNext

        public final Stage<DATA> getDefaultNext()
        Get the default next stage currently configured on the acceptor.
        default next stage currently configured on the acceptor.