Class Stages.LinkedStage<DATA>

  • Type Parameters:
    DATA - processed data type.
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    public static class Stages.LinkedStage<DATA>
    extends Object
    implements Stage<DATA>
    Linked linear stage implementation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LinkedStage

        public LinkedStage​(Function<DATA,​DATA> transformation,
                           Stage<DATA> nextStage)
        Create a new stage that will return the supplied stage in the continuation.
        transformation - Request transformation function to be applied in the stage.
        nextStage - next stage returned in the continuation.
      • LinkedStage

        public LinkedStage​(Function<DATA,​DATA> transformation)
        Create a new terminal stage .
        transformation - Request transformation function to be applied in the stage.