
trait CookieJar[F[_]]

Algebra for Interfacing with the Cookie Jar. Allows manual intervention and eviction.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def addCookies[G[_] : Foldable](cookies: G[(ResponseCookie, Uri)]): F[Unit]

Like addCookie but puts several in at once

Like addCookie but puts several in at once

def enrichRequest[G[_]](r: Request[G]): F[Request[G]]

Enrich a Request with the cookies available

Enrich a Request with the cookies available

def evictAll: F[Unit]

Available for Use To Relieve Memory Pressure

Available for Use To Relieve Memory Pressure

Default Expiration Approach, Removes Expired Cookies

Default Expiration Approach, Removes Expired Cookies

Concrete methods

def addCookie(c: ResponseCookie, uri: Uri): F[Unit]

Add Cookie to the cookie jar

Add Cookie to the cookie jar