
trait WSConnection[F[_]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

Wait for a single websocket frame to be received. Returns None if the receiving side is closed.

Wait for a single websocket frame to be received. Returns None if the receiving side is closed.

def send(wsf: WSFrame): F[Unit]

Send a single websocket frame. The sending side of this connection has to be open.

Send a single websocket frame. The sending side of this connection has to be open.

def sendMany[G[_] : Foldable, A <: WSFrame](wsfs: G[A]): F[Unit]

Send multiple websocket frames. Equivalent to multiple send calls, but at least as fast.

Send multiple websocket frames. Equivalent to multiple send calls, but at least as fast.

The negotiated subprotocol, if any.

The negotiated subprotocol, if any.

Concrete methods

def mapK[G[_]](fk: FunctionK[F, G]): WSConnection[G]

A stream of the incoming websocket frames.

A stream of the incoming websocket frames.

def sendPipe: (F, WSFrame) => Unit

A Pipe which sends websocket frames and emits a () for each chunk sent.

A Pipe which sends websocket frames and emits a () for each chunk sent.