
trait Header[A, T <: Type]

Typeclass representing an HTTP header, which all the http4s default headers satisfy. You can add modelled headers by providing an implicit instance of Header[YourModelledHeader]

Typeclass representing an HTTP header, which all the http4s default headers satisfy. You can add modelled headers by providing an implicit instance of Header[YourModelledHeader]

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def name: CIString

Name of the header. Not case sensitive.

Name of the header. Not case sensitive.

def parse(headerValue: String): Either[ParseFailure, A]

Parses the header from its String representation. Could be a comma separated String in case of a Header with multiple values.

Parses the header from its String representation. Could be a comma separated String in case of a Header with multiple values.

def value(a: A): String

Value of the header, which is represented as a String. Will be a comma separated String for headers with multiple values.

Value of the header, which is represented as a String. Will be a comma separated String for headers with multiple values.