
object HttpRoutes

Functions for creating HttpRoutes kleislis.

Functions for creating HttpRoutes kleislis.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[F[_]](run: Request[F] => OptionT[F, Response[F]])(`evidence$1`: Defer[F]): HttpRoutes[F]

Lifts a function into an HttpRoutes. The application of run is suspended in F to permit more efficient combination of routes via SemigroupK.

Lifts a function into an HttpRoutes. The application of run is suspended in F to permit more efficient combination of routes via SemigroupK.

Type Params

the effect of the HttpRoutes

Value Params

the function to lift


an HttpRoutes that wraps run

def empty[F[_]](`evidence$6`: Applicative[F]): HttpRoutes[F]

An empty set of routes. Always responds with OptionT.none.

An empty set of routes. Always responds with OptionT.none.

Type Params

the base effect of the HttpRoutes

def liftF[F[_]](fr: OptionT[F, Response[F]]): HttpRoutes[F]

Lifts an effectful Response into an HttpRoutes.

Lifts an effectful Response into an HttpRoutes.

Type Params

the effect of the HttpRoutes

Value Params

the effectful Response to lift


an HttpRoutes that always returns fr

def local[F[_]](f: Request[F] => Request[F])(fa: HttpRoutes[F])(`evidence$2`: Defer[F]): HttpRoutes[F]

Transforms an HttpRoutes on its input. The application of the transformed function is suspended in F to permit more efficient combination of routes via SemigroupK.

Transforms an HttpRoutes on its input. The application of the transformed function is suspended in F to permit more efficient combination of routes via SemigroupK.

Type Params

the base effect of the HttpRoutes

Value Params

a function to apply to the Request


the HttpRoutes to transform


An HttpRoutes whose input is transformed by f before being applied to fa

def of[F[_]](pf: PartialFunction[Request[F], F[Response[F]]])(`evidence$3`: Defer[F], `evidence$4`: Applicative[F]): HttpRoutes[F]

Lifts a partial function into an HttpRoutes. The application of the partial function is suspended in F to permit more efficient combination of routes via SemigroupK.

Lifts a partial function into an HttpRoutes. The application of the partial function is suspended in F to permit more efficient combination of routes via SemigroupK.

Type Params

the base effect of the HttpRoutes - Defer suspends evaluation of routes, so only 1 section of routes is checked at a time.

Value Params

the partial function to lift


An HttpRoutes that returns some Response in an OptionT[F, *] wherever pf is defined, an OptionT.none wherever it is not

def pure[F[_]](r: Response[F])(FO: Applicative[[_] =>> OptionT[F, _$4]]): HttpRoutes[F]

Lifts a Response into an HttpRoutes.

Lifts a Response into an HttpRoutes.

Type Params

the base effect of the HttpRoutes

Value Params

the Response to lift


an HttpRoutes that always returns r in effect OptionT[F, *]

def strict[F[_]](pf: PartialFunction[Request[F], F[Response[F]]])(`evidence$5`: Applicative[F]): HttpRoutes[F]

Lifts a partial function into an HttpRoutes. The application of the partial function is not suspended in F, unlike of. This allows for less constraints when not combining many routes.

Lifts a partial function into an HttpRoutes. The application of the partial function is not suspended in F, unlike of. This allows for less constraints when not combining many routes.

Type Params

the base effect of the HttpRoutes

Value Params

the partial function to lift


An HttpRoutes that returns some Response in an OptionT[F, *] wherever pf is defined, an OptionT.none wherever it is not