
trait QueryOps
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Query
class Uri

Type members


protected type Self <: QueryOps

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def replaceQuery(query: Query): Self
protected def self: Self

Concrete methods

def +*?[T : QueryParamEncoder](value: T): Self

alias for withQueryParam

alias for withQueryParam

def +*?[T : QueryParamEncoder](values: Seq[T]): Self

alias for withQueryParam

alias for withQueryParam

def ++?[K : QueryParamKeyLike, T : QueryParamEncoder](param: (K, Seq[T])): Self

alias for withQueryParam

alias for withQueryParam

scala> import org.http4s.implicits._
scala> uri"www.scala.com".++?("key" -> List("value1", "value2", "value3"))
res1: Uri = www.scala.com?key=value1&key=value2&key=value3

alias for withQueryParam

alias for withQueryParam

def +?[K : QueryParamKeyLike, T : QueryParamEncoder](param: (K, T)): Self

alias for withQueryParam

alias for withQueryParam

def +?[K : QueryParamKeyLike](name: K): Self

alias for withQueryParam

alias for withQueryParam

def +??[K : QueryParamKeyLike, T : QueryParamEncoder](param: (K, Option[T])): Self

alias for withOptionQueryParam

alias for withOptionQueryParam

def +??[T : QueryParamEncoder](value: Option[T]): Self

alias for withOptionQueryParam

alias for withOptionQueryParam

def -?[T](implicit key: QueryParam[T]): Self

alias for removeQueryParam

alias for removeQueryParam

def -?[K : QueryParamKeyLike](key: K): Self

alias for removeQueryParam

alias for removeQueryParam


alias for setQueryParams

alias for setQueryParams

def ?[K : QueryParamKeyLike](name: K): Boolean

alias for containsQueryParam

alias for containsQueryParam

def containsQueryParam[T](implicit key: QueryParam[T]): Boolean

Checks if a specified parameter exists in the Query. A parameter without a name can be checked with an empty string.

Checks if a specified parameter exists in the Query. A parameter without a name can be checked with an empty string.


Creates maybe a new Self without the specified parameter in query. If no parameter with the given key exists then this will be returned.

Creates maybe a new Self without the specified parameter in query. If no parameter with the given key exists then this will be returned.


Creates maybe a new Self with the specified parameters. The entire Query will be replaced with the given one.

Creates maybe a new Self with the specified parameters. The entire Query will be replaced with the given one.


Creates maybe a new Self with all the specified parameters in the Query. If any of the given parameters' keys already exists, the value(s) will be replaced. Parameters from the input map are added left-to-right, so if a parameter with a given key is specified more than once, it will be self-overwriting.

Creates maybe a new Self with all the specified parameters in the Query. If any of the given parameters' keys already exists, the value(s) will be replaced. Parameters from the input map are added left-to-right, so if a parameter with a given key is specified more than once, it will be self-overwriting.


Creates maybe a new Self with the specified parameter in the Query. If the value is empty or if the parameter to be added equal the existing entry the same instance of Self will be returned. If a parameter with the given key already exists the values will be replaced.

Creates maybe a new Self with the specified parameter in the Query. If the value is empty or if the parameter to be added equal the existing entry the same instance of Self will be returned. If a parameter with the given key already exists the values will be replaced.


Creates maybe a new Self with the specified parameter in the Query. If the value is empty or if the parameter to be added equal the existing entry the same instance of Self will be returned. If a parameter with the given name already exists the values will be replaced.

Creates maybe a new Self with the specified parameter in the Query. If the value is empty or if the parameter to be added equal the existing entry the same instance of Self will be returned. If a parameter with the given name already exists the values will be replaced.


Creates a new Self with the specified parameter in the Query. If a parameter with the given QueryParam.key already exists the values will be replaced with an empty list.

Creates a new Self with the specified parameter in the Query. If a parameter with the given QueryParam.key already exists the values will be replaced with an empty list.


Creates a new Self with the specified parameter in the Query. If a parameter with the given key already exists the values will be replaced with an empty list.

Creates a new Self with the specified parameter in the Query. If a parameter with the given key already exists the values will be replaced with an empty list.


Creates maybe a new Self with the specified parameter in the Query. If a parameter with the given key already exists the values will be replaced. If the parameter to be added equal the existing entry the same instance of Self will be returned.

Creates maybe a new Self with the specified parameter in the Query. If a parameter with the given key already exists the values will be replaced. If the parameter to be added equal the existing entry the same instance of Self will be returned.


Creates maybe a new Self with the specified parameters in the Query. If a parameter with the given key already exists the values will be replaced.

Creates maybe a new Self with the specified parameters in the Query. If a parameter with the given key already exists the values will be replaced.


Creates maybe a new Self with all the specified parameters in the Query. If any of the given parameters' keys already exists, the value(s) will be replaced. Parameters from the input map are added left-to-right, so if a parameter with a given key is specified more than once, it will be self-overwriting.

Creates maybe a new Self with all the specified parameters in the Query. If any of the given parameters' keys already exists, the value(s) will be replaced. Parameters from the input map are added left-to-right, so if a parameter with a given key is specified more than once, it will be self-overwriting.


Abstract fields

protected val query: Query