
Class XMLOutputter

  extended by org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class XMLOutputter
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Cloneable

Outputs a JDOM document as a stream of bytes.

The XMLOutputter can manage many styles of document formatting, from untouched to 'pretty' printed. The default is to output the document content exactly as created, but this can be changed by setting a new Format object:

There are output(...) methods to print any of the standard JDOM classes to either a Writer or an OutputStream.

Warning: When outputting to a Writer, make sure the writer's encoding matches the encoding setting in the Format object. This ensures the encoding in which the content is written (controlled by the Writer configuration) matches the encoding placed in the document's XML declaration (controlled by the XMLOutputter). Because a Writer cannot be queried for its encoding, the information must be passed to the Format manually in its constructor or via the Format.setEncoding(java.lang.String) method. The default encoding is UTF-8.

The methods outputString(...) are for convenience only; for top performance you should call one of the output(...) methods and pass in your own Writer or OutputStream if possible.

All of the output*(...) methods will flush the destination Writer or OutputStream before returning, and none of them will close() the destination.

XML declarations are always printed on their own line followed by a line separator (this doesn't change the semantics of the document). To omit printing of the declaration use Format.setOmitDeclaration(boolean). To omit printing of the encoding in the declaration use Format.setOmitEncoding(boolean). Unfortunately there is currently no way to know the original encoding of the document.

Empty elements are by default printed as <empty/>, but this can be configured with Format.setExpandEmptyElements(boolean) to cause them to be expanded to <empty></empty>.

If changing the Format settings are insufficient for your output needs you can customise this XMLOutputter further by setting a different XMLOutputProcessor with the setXMLOutputProcessor(XMLOutputProcessor) method or an appropriate constructor. A fully-enabled Abstract class AbstractXMLOutputProcessor is available to be further extended to your needs if all you want to do is tweak some details.

Brett McLaughlin, Jason Hunter, Jason Reid, Wolfgang Werner, Elliotte Rusty Harold, David & Will (from Post Tool Design), Dan Schaffer, Alex Chaffee, Bradley S. Huffman

Constructor Summary
          This will create an XMLOutputter with a default Format and XMLOutputProcessor.
XMLOutputter(Format format)
          This will create an XMLOutputter with the specified format characteristics.
XMLOutputter(Format format, XMLOutputProcessor processor)
          This will create an XMLOutputter with the specified format characteristics.
XMLOutputter(XMLOutputProcessor processor)
          This will create an XMLOutputter with the specified XMLOutputProcessor.
XMLOutputter(XMLOutputter that)
          This will create an XMLOutputter with the same customisations set in the given XMLOutputter instance.
Method Summary
 XMLOutputter clone()
          Returns a cloned copy of this XMLOutputter.
 java.lang.String escapeAttributeEntities(java.lang.String str)
          Escape any characters in the input string in such a way that the returned value is valid as output in an XML Attribute value.
 java.lang.String escapeElementEntities(java.lang.String str)
          Escape any characters in the input string in such a way that the returned value is valid as output in an XML Element text.
 Format getFormat()
          Returns the current format in use by the XMLOutputter.
 XMLOutputProcessor getXMLOutputProcessor()
          Returns the current XMLOutputProcessor instance in use by the XMLOutputter.
 void output(CDATA cdata, java.io.OutputStream out)
          Print out a CDATA node.
 void output(CDATA cdata, java.io.Writer out)
          Print out a CDATA node.
 void output(Comment comment, java.io.OutputStream out)
          Print out a Comment.
 void output(Comment comment, java.io.Writer out)
          Print out a Comment.
 void output(DocType doctype, java.io.OutputStream out)
          This will print the DocType to the given OutputStream.
 void output(DocType doctype, java.io.Writer out)
          Print out the DocType.
 void output(Document doc, java.io.OutputStream out)
          This will print the Document to the given OutputStream.
 void output(Document doc, java.io.Writer out)
          This will print the Document to the given Writer.
 void output(Element element, java.io.OutputStream out)
          Print out an Element, including its Attributes, and all contained (child) elements, etc.
 void output(Element element, java.io.Writer out)
          Print out an Element, including its Attributes, and all contained (child) elements, etc.
 void output(EntityRef entity, java.io.OutputStream out)
          Print out a EntityRef.
 void output(EntityRef entity, java.io.Writer out)
          Print out an EntityRef.
 void output(java.util.List<? extends Content> list, java.io.OutputStream out)
          This will handle printing out a list of nodes.
 void output(java.util.List<? extends Content> list, java.io.Writer out)
          This will handle printing out a list of nodes.
 void output(ProcessingInstruction pi, java.io.OutputStream out)
          Print out a ProcessingInstruction.
 void output(ProcessingInstruction pi, java.io.Writer out)
          Print out a ProcessingInstruction.
 void output(Text text, java.io.OutputStream out)
          Print out a Text node.
 void output(Text text, java.io.Writer out)
          Print out a Text node.
 void outputElementContent(Element element, java.io.OutputStream out)
          This will handle printing out an Element's content only, not including its tag, and attributes.
 void outputElementContent(Element element, java.io.Writer out)
          This will handle printing out an Element's content only, not including its tag, and attributes.
 java.lang.String outputElementContentString(Element element)
          This will handle printing out an Element's content only, not including its tag, and attributes.
 java.lang.String outputString(CDATA cdata)
          Return a string representing a CDATA node.
 java.lang.String outputString(Comment comment)
          Return a string representing a Comment.
 java.lang.String outputString(DocType doctype)
          Return a string representing a DocType.
 java.lang.String outputString(Document doc)
          Return a string representing a Document.
 java.lang.String outputString(Element element)
          Return a string representing an Element.
 java.lang.String outputString(EntityRef entity)
          Return a string representing an EntityRef.
 java.lang.String outputString(java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
          Return a string representing a List of Content nodes.
 java.lang.String outputString(ProcessingInstruction pi)
          Return a string representing a ProcessingInstruction.
 java.lang.String outputString(Text text)
          Return a string representing a Text node.
 void setFormat(Format newFormat)
          Sets the new format logic for the XMLOutputter.
 void setXMLOutputProcessor(XMLOutputProcessor processor)
          Sets a new XMLOutputProcessor instance for this XMLOutputter.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Return a string listing of the settings for this XMLOutputter instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XMLOutputter(Format format,
                    XMLOutputProcessor processor)
This will create an XMLOutputter with the specified format characteristics.

Note: the format object is cloned internally before use. If you want to modify the Format after constructing the XMLOutputter you can modify the Format instance getFormat() returns.

format - The Format instance to use. This instance will be cloned() and as a consequence, changes made to the specified format instance will not be reflected in this XMLOutputter. A null input format indicates that XMLOutputter should use the default Format.getRawFormat()
processor - The XMLOutputProcessor to delegate output to. If null the XMLOutputter will use the default XMLOutputProcessor.


public XMLOutputter()
This will create an XMLOutputter with a default Format and XMLOutputProcessor.


public XMLOutputter(XMLOutputter that)
This will create an XMLOutputter with the same customisations set in the given XMLOutputter instance. Note that XMLOutputter two = one.clone(); would work equally well.

that - the XMLOutputter to clone


public XMLOutputter(Format format)
This will create an XMLOutputter with the specified format characteristics.

Note: the format object is cloned internally before use.

format - The Format instance to use. This instance will be cloned() and as a consequence, changes made to the specified format instance will not be reflected in this XMLOutputter. A null input format indicates that XMLOutputter should use the default Format.getRawFormat()


public XMLOutputter(XMLOutputProcessor processor)
This will create an XMLOutputter with the specified XMLOutputProcessor.

processor - The XMLOutputProcessor to delegate output to. If null the XMLOutputter will use the default XMLOutputProcessor.
Method Detail


public void setFormat(Format newFormat)
Sets the new format logic for the XMLOutputter. Note the Format object is cloned internally before use.

newFormat - the format to use for subsequent output
See Also:


public Format getFormat()
Returns the current format in use by the XMLOutputter. Note the Format object returned is not a clone of the one used internally, thus, an XMLOutputter instance is able to have it's Format changed by changing the settings on the Format instance returned by this method.

the current Format instance used by this XMLOutputter.


public XMLOutputProcessor getXMLOutputProcessor()
Returns the current XMLOutputProcessor instance in use by the XMLOutputter.

the current XMLOutputProcessor instance.


public void setXMLOutputProcessor(XMLOutputProcessor processor)
Sets a new XMLOutputProcessor instance for this XMLOutputter. Note the processor object is expected to be thread-safe.

processor - the new XMLOutputProcesor to use for output


public final void output(Document doc,
                         java.io.OutputStream out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
This will print the Document to the given OutputStream. The characters are printed using the encoding specified in the constructor, or a default of UTF-8.

doc - Document to format.
out - OutputStream to use.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(DocType doctype,
                         java.io.OutputStream out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
This will print the DocType to the given OutputStream.

doctype - DocType to output.
out - OutputStream to use.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(Element element,
                         java.io.OutputStream out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
Print out an Element, including its Attributes, and all contained (child) elements, etc.

element - Element to output.
out - OutputStream to use.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void outputElementContent(Element element,
                                       java.io.OutputStream out)
                                throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing out an Element's content only, not including its tag, and attributes. This can be useful for printing the content of an element that contains HTML, like "<description>JDOM is <b>fun>!</description>".

element - Element to output.
out - OutputStream to use.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(java.util.List<? extends Content> list,
                         java.io.OutputStream out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing out a list of nodes. This can be useful for printing the content of an element that contains HTML, like "<description>JDOM is <b>fun>!</description>".

The list is assumed to contain legal JDOM nodes. If other content is coerced on to the list it will cause ClassCastExceptions, and null Lists or null list members will cause NullPointerException.

list - List of nodes.
out - OutputStream to use.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.ClassCastException - if non-Content is forced in to the list
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the List is null or contains null members.


public final void output(CDATA cdata,
                         java.io.OutputStream out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
Print out a CDATA node.

cdata - CDATA to output.
out - OutputStream to use.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(Text text,
                         java.io.OutputStream out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
Print out a Text node. Perfoms the necessary entity escaping and whitespace stripping.

text - Text to output.
out - OutputStream to use.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(Comment comment,
                         java.io.OutputStream out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
Print out a Comment.

comment - Comment to output.
out - OutputStream to use.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(ProcessingInstruction pi,
                         java.io.OutputStream out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
Print out a ProcessingInstruction.

pi - ProcessingInstruction to output.
out - OutputStream to use.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public void output(EntityRef entity,
                   java.io.OutputStream out)
            throws java.io.IOException
Print out a EntityRef.

entity - EntityRef to output.
out - OutputStream to use.
java.io.IOException - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final java.lang.String outputString(Document doc)
Return a string representing a Document. Uses an internal StringWriter.

Warning: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.

doc - Document to format.
the input content formatted as an XML String.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final java.lang.String outputString(DocType doctype)
Return a string representing a DocType.

Warning: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.

doctype - DocType to format.
the input content formatted as an XML String.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final java.lang.String outputString(Element element)
Return a string representing an Element.

Warning: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.

element - Element to format.
the input content formatted as an XML String.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final java.lang.String outputString(java.util.List<? extends Content> list)
Return a string representing a List of Content nodes.
The list is assumed to contain legal JDOM nodes. If other content is coerced on to the list it will cause ClassCastExceptions, and null List members will cause NullPointerException.

Warning: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.

list - List to format.
the input content formatted as an XML String.
java.lang.ClassCastException - if non-Content is forced in to the list
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the List is null or contains null members.


public final java.lang.String outputString(CDATA cdata)
Return a string representing a CDATA node.

Warning: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.

cdata - CDATA to format.
the input content formatted as an XML String.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final java.lang.String outputString(Text text)
Return a string representing a Text node.

Warning: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.

text - Text to format.
the input content formatted as an XML String.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final java.lang.String outputString(Comment comment)
Return a string representing a Comment.

Warning: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.

comment - Comment to format.
the input content formatted as an XML String.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final java.lang.String outputString(ProcessingInstruction pi)
Return a string representing a ProcessingInstruction.

Warning: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.

pi - ProcessingInstruction to format.
the input content formatted as an XML String.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final java.lang.String outputString(EntityRef entity)
Return a string representing an EntityRef.

Warning: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.

entity - EntityRef to format.
the input content formatted as an XML String.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final java.lang.String outputElementContentString(Element element)
This will handle printing out an Element's content only, not including its tag, and attributes. This can be useful for printing the content of an element that contains HTML, like "<description>JDOM is <b>fun>!</description>".

Warning: a String is Unicode, which may not match the outputter's specified encoding.

element - Element to output.
the input content formatted as an XML String.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(Document doc,
                         java.io.Writer out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
This will print the Document to the given Writer.

Warning: using your own Writer may cause the outputter's preferred character encoding to be ignored. If you use encodings other than UTF-8, we recommend using the method that takes an OutputStream instead.

doc - Document to format.
out - Writer to use.
java.io.IOException - - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(DocType doctype,
                         java.io.Writer out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
Print out the DocType.

doctype - DocType to output.
out - Writer to use.
java.io.IOException - - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(Element element,
                         java.io.Writer out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
Print out an Element, including its Attributes, and all contained (child) elements, etc.

element - Element to output.
out - Writer to use.
java.io.IOException - - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void outputElementContent(Element element,
                                       java.io.Writer out)
                                throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing out an Element's content only, not including its tag, and attributes. This can be useful for printing the content of an element that contains HTML, like "<description>JDOM is <b>fun>!</description>".

element - Element to output.
out - Writer to use.
java.io.IOException - - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(java.util.List<? extends Content> list,
                         java.io.Writer out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
This will handle printing out a list of nodes. This can be useful for printing the content of an element that contains HTML, like "<description>JDOM is <b>fun>!</description>".

list - List of nodes.
out - Writer to use.
java.io.IOException - - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(CDATA cdata,
                         java.io.Writer out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
Print out a CDATA node.

cdata - CDATA to output.
out - Writer to use.
java.io.IOException - - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(Text text,
                         java.io.Writer out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
Print out a Text node. Perfoms the necessary entity escaping and whitespace stripping.

text - Text to output.
out - Writer to use.
java.io.IOException - - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(Comment comment,
                         java.io.Writer out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
Print out a Comment.

comment - Comment to output.
out - Writer to use.
java.io.IOException - - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(ProcessingInstruction pi,
                         java.io.Writer out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
Print out a ProcessingInstruction.

pi - ProcessingInstruction to output.
out - Writer to use.
java.io.IOException - - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public final void output(EntityRef entity,
                         java.io.Writer out)
                  throws java.io.IOException
Print out an EntityRef.

entity - EntityRef to output.
out - Writer to use.
java.io.IOException - - if there's any problem writing.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if the specified content is null.


public java.lang.String escapeAttributeEntities(java.lang.String str)
Escape any characters in the input string in such a way that the returned value is valid as output in an XML Attribute value.

str - the input String to escape
the escaped version of the input String


public java.lang.String escapeElementEntities(java.lang.String str)
Escape any characters in the input string in such a way that the returned value is valid as output in an XML Element text.

str - the input String to escape
the escaped version of the input String


public XMLOutputter clone()
Returns a cloned copy of this XMLOutputter.

clone in class java.lang.Object


public java.lang.String toString()
Return a string listing of the settings for this XMLOutputter instance.

toString in class java.lang.Object
a string listing the settings for this XMLOutputter instance


Copyright � 2011 Jason Hunter, Brett McLaughlin. All Rights Reserved.