
Uses of Class

Packages that use Namespace
org.jdom2 Classes representing the components of an XML document. 
org.jdom2.filter Classes to both filter and generically type-cast nodes of a document based on type, name, value, or other aspects, and to boolean AND/OR/NEGATE these rules. 
org.jdom2.input.stax Support classes for building JDOM documents and content using StAX readers. 
org.jdom2.located Extended JDOM Content Classes that contain location coordinates. 
org.jdom2.output.support Classes used to implement output functionality that are not part of the actual Output API, but rather part of the implementation. 
org.jdom2.util Classes that implement reusable functionality that are not part of the official JDOM API, but are used by many of the JDOM classes. 
org.jdom2.xpath Support for XPath from within JDOM. 
org.jdom2.xpath.jaxen Support for the Jaxen XPath Library
org.jdom2.xpath.util Classes useful for interfacing the JDOM XPath API to full XPath libraries. 

Uses of Namespace in org.jdom2

Fields in org.jdom2 declared as Namespace
protected  Namespace Element.namespace
          The namespace of the element
protected  Namespace Attribute.namespace
          The Namespace of the Attribute
static Namespace Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE
          Define a Namespace for when not in a namespace
static Namespace Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE
          Define a Namespace for the standard xml prefix.

Methods in org.jdom2 that return Namespace
 Namespace Element.getNamespace()
          Returns the element's Namespace.
 Namespace Attribute.getNamespace()
          This will return this Attribute's Namespace.
static Namespace Namespace.getNamespace(java.lang.String uri)
          This will retrieve (if in existence) or create (if not) a Namespace for the supplied URI, and make it usable as a default namespace, as no prefix is supplied.
 Namespace Element.getNamespace(java.lang.String prefix)
          Returns the Namespace corresponding to the given prefix in scope for this element.
static Namespace Namespace.getNamespace(java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String uri)
          This will retrieve (if in existence) or create (if not) a Namespace for the supplied prefix and uri.

Methods in org.jdom2 that return types with arguments of type Namespace
 java.util.List<Namespace> Element.getAdditionalNamespaces()
          Returns a list of the additional namespace declarations on this element.
 java.util.List<Namespace> NamespaceAware.getNamespacesInherited()
          Obtain a list of all namespaces that are in scope for this content, but were not introduced by this content.
 java.util.List<Namespace> Element.getNamespacesInherited()
 java.util.List<Namespace> Document.getNamespacesInherited()
 java.util.List<Namespace> Content.getNamespacesInherited()
 java.util.List<Namespace> Attribute.getNamespacesInherited()
 java.util.List<Namespace> NamespaceAware.getNamespacesInScope()
          Obtain a list of all namespaces that are in scope for the current content.
 java.util.List<Namespace> Element.getNamespacesInScope()
          Get the Namespaces that are in-scope on this Element.
 java.util.List<Namespace> Document.getNamespacesInScope()
          Get the Namespaces that are in-scope on this Document.
 java.util.List<Namespace> Content.getNamespacesInScope()
 java.util.List<Namespace> Attribute.getNamespacesInScope()
          Get the namespaces that are in-scope on this Attribute.
 java.util.List<Namespace> NamespaceAware.getNamespacesIntroduced()
          Obtain a list of all namespaces that are introduced to the XML tree by this node.
 java.util.List<Namespace> Element.getNamespacesIntroduced()
 java.util.List<Namespace> Document.getNamespacesIntroduced()
 java.util.List<Namespace> Content.getNamespacesIntroduced()
 java.util.List<Namespace> Attribute.getNamespacesIntroduced()

Methods in org.jdom2 with parameters of type Namespace
 void UncheckedJDOMFactory.addNamespaceDeclaration(Element parent, Namespace additional)
 void JDOMFactory.addNamespaceDeclaration(Element element, Namespace additional)
          Adds a namespace declaration to an Element
 void DefaultJDOMFactory.addNamespaceDeclaration(Element parent, Namespace additional)
 boolean Element.addNamespaceDeclaration(Namespace additionalNamespace)
          Adds a namespace declarations to this element.
 Attribute UncheckedJDOMFactory.attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, AttributeType type, Namespace namespace)
 Attribute SlimJDOMFactory.attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, AttributeType type, Namespace namespace)
 Attribute JDOMFactory.attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, AttributeType type, Namespace namespace)
          This will create a new Attribute with the specified (local) name, value, and type, and in the provided Namespace.
 Attribute DefaultJDOMFactory.attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, AttributeType type, Namespace namespace)
 Attribute UncheckedJDOMFactory.attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, int type, Namespace namespace)
 Attribute SlimJDOMFactory.attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, int type, Namespace namespace)
 Attribute JDOMFactory.attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, int type, Namespace namespace)
          Deprecated. Use JDOMFactory.attribute(String, String, AttributeType, Namespace)
 Attribute DefaultJDOMFactory.attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, int type, Namespace namespace)
 Attribute UncheckedJDOMFactory.attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, Namespace namespace)
 Attribute SlimJDOMFactory.attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, Namespace namespace)
 Attribute JDOMFactory.attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, Namespace namespace)
           This will create a new Attribute with the specified (local) name and value, and in the provided Namespace.
 Attribute DefaultJDOMFactory.attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, Namespace namespace)
static java.lang.String Verifier.checkNamespaceCollision(Namespace namespace, Attribute attribute)
          Check if a Namespace collides with a Attribute's namespace.
static java.lang.String Verifier.checkNamespaceCollision(Namespace namespace, Element element)
          Check if a Namespace collides with a Element's namespace.
static java.lang.String Verifier.checkNamespaceCollision(Namespace namespace, java.util.List<?> list)
          Check if a Namespace collides with any namespace from a list of objects.
static java.lang.String Verifier.checkNamespaceCollision(Namespace namespace, Namespace other)
          Check if two namespaces collide.
 Element UncheckedJDOMFactory.element(int line, int col, java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)
 Element SlimJDOMFactory.element(int line, int col, java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)
 Element JDOMFactory.element(int line, int col, java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)
          This will create a new Element with the supplied (local) name, and define the Namespace to be used.
 Element DefaultJDOMFactory.element(int line, int col, java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)
 Element JDOMFactory.element(java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)
          This will create a new Element with the supplied (local) name, and define the Namespace to be used.
 Element DefaultJDOMFactory.element(java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)
 Attribute Element.getAttribute(java.lang.String attname, Namespace ns)
           This returns the attribute for this element with the given name and within the given Namespace, or null if no such attribute exists.
 java.lang.String Element.getAttributeValue(java.lang.String attname, Namespace ns)
           This returns the attribute value for the attribute with the given name and within the given Namespace, null if there is no such attribute, and the empty string if the attribute value is empty.
 java.lang.String Element.getAttributeValue(java.lang.String attname, Namespace ns, java.lang.String def)
           This returns the attribute value for the attribute with the given name and within the given Namespace, or the passed-in default if there is no such attribute.
 Element Element.getChild(java.lang.String cname, Namespace ns)
          This returns the first child element within this element with the given local name and belonging to the given namespace.
 java.util.List<Element> Element.getChildren(java.lang.String cname, Namespace ns)
          This returns a List of all the child elements nested directly (one level deep) within this element with the given local name and belonging to the given Namespace, returned as Element objects.
 java.lang.String Element.getChildText(java.lang.String cname, Namespace ns)
          Returns the textual content of the named child element, or null if there's no such child.
 java.lang.String Element.getChildTextNormalize(java.lang.String cname, Namespace ns)
          Returns the normalized textual content of the named child element, or null if there's no such child.
 java.lang.String Element.getChildTextTrim(java.lang.String cname, Namespace ns)
          Returns the trimmed textual content of the named child element, or null if there's no such child.
 boolean Element.removeAttribute(java.lang.String attname, Namespace ns)
           This removes the attribute with the given name and within the given Namespace.
 boolean Element.removeChild(java.lang.String cname, Namespace ns)
           This removes the first child element (one level deep) with the given local name and belonging to the given namespace.
 boolean Element.removeChildren(java.lang.String cname, Namespace ns)
           This removes all child elements (one level deep) with the given local name and belonging to the given namespace.
 void Element.removeNamespaceDeclaration(Namespace additionalNamespace)
          Removes an additional namespace declarations from this element.
 Element Element.setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, Namespace ns)
           This sets an attribute value for this element.
 Element Element.setNamespace(Namespace namespace)
          Sets the element's Namespace.
 Attribute Attribute.setNamespace(Namespace namespace)
          This sets this Attribute's Namespace.

Constructors in org.jdom2 with parameters of type Namespace
Attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, AttributeType type, Namespace namespace)
          This will create a new Attribute with the specified (local) name, value, and type, and in the provided Namespace.
Attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, int type, Namespace namespace)
          Deprecated. Use Attribute.Attribute(String, String, AttributeType, Namespace).
Attribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, Namespace namespace)
          This will create a new Attribute with the specified (local) name and value, and in the provided Namespace.
Element(java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)
          Creates a new element with the supplied (local) name and namespace.

Uses of Namespace in org.jdom2.filter

Methods in org.jdom2.filter with parameters of type Namespace
static Filter<Attribute> Filters.attribute(Namespace ns)
          Return a Filter that matches any Attribute data with the specified namespace.
static Filter<Attribute> Filters.attribute(java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
          Return a Filter that matches any Attribute data with the specified name and namespace.
static Filter<Element> Filters.element(Namespace ns)
          Return a Filter that matches any Element data with the specified Namespace.
static Filter<Element> Filters.element(java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
          Return a Filter that matches any Element data with the specified name and Namespace.

Constructors in org.jdom2.filter with parameters of type Namespace
AttributeFilter(Namespace namespace)
          Select only the Attributes with the supplied Namespace.
AttributeFilter(java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)
          Select only the Attributes with the supplied name and Namespace.
ElementFilter(Namespace namespace)
          Select only the Elements with the supplied Namespace.
ElementFilter(java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)
          Select only the Elements with the supplied name and Namespace.

Uses of Namespace in org.jdom2.input.stax

Methods in org.jdom2.input.stax with parameters of type Namespace
 boolean StAXFilter.includeElement(int depth, java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
          The current event is an Element event.
 boolean DefaultStAXFilter.includeElement(int depth, java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
 boolean StAXFilter.pruneElement(int depth, java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
          An Element is being included, and this is a child Element event of the included parent Element.
 boolean DefaultStAXFilter.pruneElement(int depth, java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)

Uses of Namespace in org.jdom2.located

Methods in org.jdom2.located with parameters of type Namespace
 Element LocatedJDOMFactory.element(int line, int col, java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)

Constructors in org.jdom2.located with parameters of type Namespace
LocatedElement(java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)
          Creates a new element with the supplied (local) name and namespace.

Uses of Namespace in org.jdom2.output.support

Methods in org.jdom2.output.support with parameters of type Namespace
protected  void AbstractXMLOutputProcessor.printNamespace(java.io.Writer out, FormatStack fstack, Namespace ns)
          This will handle printing of any needed Namespace declarations.
protected  void AbstractStAXStreamProcessor.printNamespace(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter out, FormatStack fstack, Namespace ns)
          This will handle printing of any needed Namespace declarations.

Uses of Namespace in org.jdom2.util

Methods in org.jdom2.util that return Namespace
 Namespace[] NamespaceStack.getScope()
          Return a new array instance representing the current scope.

Methods in org.jdom2.util that return types with arguments of type Namespace
 java.lang.Iterable<Namespace> NamespaceStack.addedForward()
          Return an Iterable containing all the Namespaces introduced to the current-level's scope.
 java.lang.Iterable<Namespace> NamespaceStack.addedReverse()
          Return an Iterable containing all the Namespaces introduced to the current-level's scope but in reverse order to NamespaceStack.addedForward().
 java.util.Iterator<Namespace> NamespaceStack.iterator()
          Get all the Namespaces in-scope at the current level of the stack.

Methods in org.jdom2.util with parameters of type Namespace
static java.lang.String TextHelper.getChildText(Element parent, java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
           This convenience method returns the textual content of the first named child element, or returns an empty String ("") if the child has no textual content.
static java.lang.String TextHelper.getChildTextNormalize(Element parent, java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
           This convenience method returns the normalized textual content of the named child element, or returns null if there's no such child.
static java.lang.String TextHelper.getChildTextTrim(Element parent, java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
           This convenience method returns the trimmed textual content of the named child element, or returns null if there's no such child.
 boolean NamespaceStack.isInScope(Namespace ns)
          Inspect the current scope and return true if the specified namespace is in scope.

Constructors in org.jdom2.util with parameters of type Namespace
NamespaceStack(Namespace[] seed)
          Create a NamespaceWalker ready to use as a stack.

Uses of Namespace in org.jdom2.xpath

Methods in org.jdom2.xpath that return Namespace
 Namespace XPathBuilder.getNamespace(java.lang.String prefix)
          Get the variable value associated with the given name.

Methods in org.jdom2.xpath with parameters of type Namespace
abstract  void XPath.addNamespace(Namespace namespace)
          Deprecated. Adds a namespace definition to the list of namespaces known of this XPath expression.
<T> XPathExpression<T>
XPathFactory.compile(java.lang.String expression, Filter<T> filter, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> variables, Namespace... namespaces)
          Create a Compiled XPathExpression<> instance from this factory.
 boolean XPathBuilder.setNamespace(Namespace namespace)
          Define a Namespace to be available for the XPath expression.

Method parameters in org.jdom2.xpath with type arguments of type Namespace
<T> XPathExpression<T>
XPathFactory.compile(java.lang.String expression, Filter<T> filter, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> variables, java.util.Collection<Namespace> namespaces)
          Create a XPathExpression<> instance from this factory.
 boolean XPathBuilder.setNamespaces(java.util.Collection<Namespace> namespaces)
          Add a number of namespaces to this XPathBuilder

Uses of Namespace in org.jdom2.xpath.jaxen

Methods in org.jdom2.xpath.jaxen with parameters of type Namespace
 void JDOMXPath.addNamespace(Namespace namespace)
          Deprecated. Adds a namespace definition to the list of namespaces known of this XPath expression.
<T> XPathExpression<T>
JaxenXPathFactory.compile(java.lang.String expression, Filter<T> filter, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> variables, Namespace... namespaces)

Uses of Namespace in org.jdom2.xpath.util

Constructors in org.jdom2.xpath.util with parameters of type Namespace
AbstractXPathCompiled(java.lang.String query, Filter<T> filter, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> variables, Namespace[] namespaces)
          Construct an XPathExpression.


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