
interface DIContainer

The Container is the entry point for retrieval without DI's inline & reified shenanigans.

In DI, every binding is stored as a factory. Providers are special classes of factories that take Unit as parameter.


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interface Builder

This is where you configure the bindings.


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abstract val tree: DITree

The tree that contains all bindings.


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abstract fun <C : Any, A, T : Any> allFactories(key: DI.Key<C, A, T>, context: C, overrideLevel: Int = 0): List<(A) -> T>

Retrieve all factories that match the given key.

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open fun <C : Any, T : Any> allProviders(key: DI.Key<C, Unit, T>, context: C, overrideLevel: Int = 0): List<() -> T>

Retrieve all providers that match the given key.

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abstract fun <C : Any, A, T : Any> factory(key: DI.Key<C, A, T>, context: C, overrideLevel: Int = 0): (A) -> T

Retrieve a factory for the given key.

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abstract fun <C : Any, A, T : Any> factoryOrNull(key: DI.Key<C, A, T>, context: C, overrideLevel: Int = 0): (A) -> T?

Retrieve a factory for the given key, or null if none is found.

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open fun <C : Any, T : Any> provider(key: DI.Key<C, Unit, T>, context: C, overrideLevel: Int = 0): () -> T

Retrieve a provider for the given key.

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open fun <C : Any, T : Any> providerOrNull(key: DI.Key<C, Unit, T>, context: C, overrideLevel: Int = 0): () -> T?

Retrieve a provider for the given key, or null if none is found.