Package-level declarations


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typealias BindingsMap = Map<DI.Key<*, *, *>, List<DIDefinition<*, *, *>>>

A Map containing all bindings associated to their keys

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interface Copy

Simple interface that returns a the keys to copy from a container.

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class CopySpecs(val all: Boolean) : SearchSpecs

Defines which bindings are to be copied from a parent DI to a child DI.

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interface DI : DIAware

KOtlin DEpendency INjection.

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interface DIAware

Any class that extends this interface can use DI "seamlessly".

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interface DIContainer

The Container is the entry point for retrieval without DI's inline & reified shenanigans.

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interface DIContext<C : Any>

Defines a context and its type to be used by Di

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open class DIDefining<C : Any, A, T : Any>(val binding: DIBinding<C, A, T>, val fromModule: String?)

A binding that is being defined inside a DI.Builder bloc.

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class DIDefinition<C : Any, A, T : Any>(binding: DIBinding<C, A, T>, fromModule: String?, val tree: DITree) : DIDefining<C, A, T>

A definition is a binding that is associated to a DITree.

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class DIProperty<out V>(trigger: DITrigger?, val originalContext: DIContext<*>, get: (DIContext<*>, String) -> V) : LazyDelegate<V>

A property delegate provider for DI retrieval. Provides a Lazy value that, when accessed, retrieve the value from DI.

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class DIPropertyMap<in I, out O>(base: DIProperty<I>, map: (I) -> O) : LazyDelegate<O>
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actual interface DirectDI
expect interface DirectDI : DirectDIBase
actual interface DirectDI : DirectDIBase
actual interface DirectDI : DirectDIBase

D stands for Direct. Direct DI!

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interface DirectDIAware

Any class that extends this interface can use direct DI "seamlessly".

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interface DITree

Tree where the bindings and their factories are sorted & stored.

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class DITrigger

A trigger is used to force retrieval at a given time rather than at first property access.

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DSL to find bindings.

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class LateInitDI : DI

DI object that defers all method to a base DI object that can be set later.

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interface LazyDelegate<out V>
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class LazyDI(f: () -> DI) : DI

DI object that defers all method to a DI object that will be created only upon first retrieval.

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value class Named(val di: DIAware)
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open class SearchDSL

DSL that facilitates the creation of a SearchSpecs object.

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open class SearchSpecs(var contextType: TypeToken<*>? = null, var argType: TypeToken<*>? = null, var type: TypeToken<*>? = null, var tag: Any? = NoDefinedTag)

Defines the specs to search bindings from (in)complete data with CopySpecs or DITree.find.

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Soft Reference Maker.

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Thread Local Reference Maker.

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interface Typed<A>

Used as an argument for currying functions, allows to define a value and its type.

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Weak Reference Maker.


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Return a direct DirectDI instance, with its receiver and context set to this DIAware receiver and context.

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Returns a regular DI instance (DI is lazy by default).

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Allows to get factories / providers / instances with a tag set to the name of the receiving property.


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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.addInBindSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, creator: () -> DIBinding<*, *, T>)

Defines that the binding will be saved in a set binding.

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fun <A, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.AllFactories(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): <Error class: unknown class><List<(A) -> T>>

Gets all factories that match the the given argument type, return type and tag.

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allFactories(tag: Any? = null): <Error class: unknown class><List<(A) -> T>>

Gets all factories that match the the given argument type, return type and tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allFactories(tag: Any? = null): List<(A) -> T>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DirectDI.allFactories(tag: Any? = null): List<(A) -> T>

Gets all factories that can return a T for the given argument type, return type and tag.

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fun <T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.AllInstances(type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): <Error class: unknown class><List<T>>

Gets all instances from providers that match the the given return type and tag.

fun <A, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.AllInstances(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<T>, tag: Any? = null, arg: () -> A): <Error class: unknown class><List<T>>

Gets all instances from providers that match the the given return type and tag, curried from factories that take an argument A.

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inline fun <T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allInstances(tag: Any? = null): <Error class: unknown class><List<T>>

Gets all instances from providers that match the the given return type and tag.

inline fun <T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allInstances(tag: Any? = null): List<T>

Gets all instances that can return a T for the given type and tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allInstances(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): <Error class: unknown class><List<T>>
inline fun <A, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allInstances(tag: Any? = null, arg: <Error class: unknown class><A>): <Error class: unknown class><List<T>>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allInstances(tag: Any? = null, noinline fArg: () -> A): <Error class: unknown class><List<T>>

Gets all instances from providers that match the the given return type and tag, curried from factories that take an argument A.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allInstances(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): List<T>
inline fun <A, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allInstances(tag: Any? = null, arg: <Error class: unknown class><A>): List<T>

Gets all instances that can return a T for the given type and tag, curried from factories for the given argument.

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fun <T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.AllProviders(type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): <Error class: unknown class><List<() -> T>>

Gets all providers that match the the given return type and tag.

fun <A, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.AllProviders(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null, arg: () -> A): <Error class: unknown class><List<() -> T>>

Gets all providers that match the the given return type and tag, curried from factories that take an argument A.

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inline fun <T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allProviders(tag: Any? = null): <Error class: unknown class><List<() -> T>>

Gets all providers that match the the given return type and tag.

inline fun <T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allProviders(tag: Any? = null): List<() -> T>

Gets all providers that can return a T for the given type and tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allProviders(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): <Error class: unknown class><List<() -> T>>
inline fun <A, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allProviders(tag: Any? = null, arg: <Error class: unknown class><A>): <Error class: unknown class><List<() -> T>>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allProviders(tag: Any? = null, noinline fArg: () -> A): <Error class: unknown class><List<() -> T>>

Gets all providers that match the the given return type and tag, curried from factories that take an argument A.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allProviders(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): List<() -> T>
inline fun <A, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allProviders(tag: Any? = null, arg: <Error class: unknown class><A>): List<() -> T>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> <Error class: unknown class>.allProviders(tag: Any? = null, noinline fArg: () -> A): List<() -> T>

Gets all providers that can return a T for the given type and tag, curried from factories for the given argument.

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Creates an argument constrained spec.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bind(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null): DI.Builder.TypeBinder<T>

Starts the binding of a given type with a given tag.

inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bind(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, noinline createBinding: () -> DIBinding<*, *, T>)

Attaches a binding to the DI container

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DI.Builder.bindArgSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)

Creates a set: multiple bindings can be added in this set.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DI.Builder.bindArgSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, noinline creator: DI.Builder.ArgSetBinder<A, T>.() -> Unit)

Creates a set and add multiple bindings to it.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindConstant(tag: Any, overrides: Boolean? = null, creator: () -> T)

Binds a constant provider: will always return the given instance.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindEagerSingleton(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, noinline creator: DirectDI.() -> T)

Binds an eager singleton: will create an instance as soon as kodein is ready (all bindings are set) and will always return this instance.

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DI.Builder.bindFactory(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, noinline creator: DirectDI.(A) -> T)

Binds a factory: each time an instance is needed, the function creator function will be called.

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inline fun <T : Any> SearchDSL.binding(tag: Any? = null): SearchDSL.Binding

Creates a return type constrained spec.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindInstance(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, creator: () -> T)

Binds an instance provider: will always return the given instance.

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DI.Builder.bindMultiton(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true, noinline creator: DirectDI.(A) -> T)

Binds a multiton: will create an instance on first request and will subsequently always return the same instance.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindProvider(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, noinline creator: DirectDI.() -> T)

Creates a factory: each time an instance is needed, the function creator function will be called.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: () -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)

Creates a factory: each time an instance is needed, the function constructor function will be called.

inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)

Creates a set: multiple bindings can be added in this set.

inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, noinline creator: DI.Builder.SetBinder<T>.() -> Unit)

Creates a set and add multiple bindings to it.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindSingleton(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true, noinline creator: DirectDI.() -> T)

Binds a singleton: will create an instance on first request and will subsequently always return the same instance.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: () -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)

Binds a singleton: will create an instance on first request and will subsequently always return the same instance.

inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
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fun <T : Any> DIAware.Constant(type: TypeToken<out T>): DIProperty<T>

Gets a constant of type T and tag whose tag is the name of the receiving property.

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inline fun <T : Any> DIAware.constant(): LazyDelegate<T>

Gets a constant of type T and tag whose tag is the name of the receiving property.

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Creates a context constrained spec.

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Used to define bindings with a context: bind<MyType>() with contexted<MyContext>().provider { /*...*/ }

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inline fun <S : Any> contextFinder(noinline t: DirectDI.() -> S): ContextTranslator<Any, S>
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inline fun <C : Any, S : Any> contextTranslator(noinline t: DirectDI.(C) -> S?): ContextTranslator<C, S>
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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.delegate(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null): DI.Builder.DelegateBinder<T>

Delegate the targeted type to a new binding type

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fun BindingsMap.description(withOverrides: Boolean = false, ident: Int = 8): String

The description of all bindings in this map, using type simple display names.

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inline fun <C : Any> diContext(context: C): DIContext<C>
inline fun <C : Any> diContext(crossinline getContext: () -> C): DIContext<C>

Defines a context and its type to be used by DI.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.eagerSingleton(noinline creator: NoArgBindingDI<Any>.() -> T): EagerSingleton<T>

Creates an eager singleton: will create an instance as soon as kodein is ready (all bindings are set) and will always return this instance.

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inline fun <T : Any> erasedList(): TypeToken<List<T>>

Creates a CompositeTypeToken that defines a List<T>.

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inline fun <K : Any, V : Any> erasedMap(): TypeToken<Map<K, V>>

Creates a CompositeTypeToken that defines a Map<K, V>.

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inline fun <T : Any> erasedSet(): TypeToken<Set<T>>

Creates a CompositeTypeToken that defines a Set<T>.

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fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.Factory(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<(A) -> T>

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type, return type and tag.

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DirectDI.factory(tag: Any? = null): (A) -> T

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type, return type and tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.factory(): LazyDelegate<(A) -> T>

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type and return type. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

inline fun <C : Any, A : Any, T : Any> DI.BindBuilder<C>.factory(noinline creator: BindingDI<C>.(A) -> T): Factory<C, A, T>

Creates a factory: each time an instance is needed, the function creator function will be called.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.factory(tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<(A) -> T>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DirectDIAware.factory(tag: Any? = null): (A) -> T

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type, return type and tag.

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fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.FactoryOrNull(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<(A) -> T?>

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type, return type and tag, or null if none is found.

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.factoryOrNull(): LazyDelegate<(A) -> T?>

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type and return type, or nul if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.factoryOrNull(tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<(A) -> T?>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DirectDIAware.factoryOrNull(tag: Any? = null): (A) -> T?

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type, return type and tag, or nul if none is found.

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fun DITree.findAllBindings(f: FindDSL.() -> Unit): List<Triple<DI.Key<*, *, *>, List<DIDefinition<*, *, *>>, ContextTranslator<*, *>?>>

Used to find bindings that match a particular SearchSpecs.

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fun BindingsMap.fullDescription(withOverrides: Boolean = false, ident: Int = 8): String

The description of all bindings in this map, using type full display names.

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DI.hasFactory(tag: Any? = null): Boolean

Define whether a factory binding exists in the given DI container

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.hasProvider(tag: Any? = null): Boolean

Define whether a provider binding exists in the given DI container

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.inBindSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, noinline creator: DI.Builder.SetBinder<T>.() -> Unit)

Add multiple bindings in an existing set

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.inSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, creator: () -> DIBinding<*, *, T>)

Defines that the binding will be saved in a set binding.

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fun <T : Any> DIAware.Instance(type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<T>

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag.

fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.Instance(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<T>, tag: Any? = null, arg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<T>

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A.

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inline fun <T : Any> Named.instance(): LazyDelegate<T>

Gets an instance of T for the given type. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.instance(instance: T): InstanceBinding<T>

Creates an instance provider: will always return the given instance.

inline fun <T : Any> DIAware.instance(tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<T>
inline fun <T : Any> DirectDIAware.instance(tag: Any? = null): T

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.instance(arg: A): LazyDelegate<T>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.instance(noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<T>
inline fun <A, T : Any> Named.instance(arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<T>

Gets an instance of T for the given type, curried from a factory that takes an argument A. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.instance(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): LazyDelegate<T>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.instance(tag: Any? = null, noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<T>
inline fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.instance(tag: Any? = null, arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<T>

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DirectDIAware.instance(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): T
inline fun <A, T : Any> DirectDIAware.instance(tag: Any? = null, arg: Typed<A>): T

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory for the given argument.

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fun <T : Any> DIAware.InstanceOrNull(type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<T?>

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag, or null if none is found.

fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.InstanceOrNull(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null, arg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<T?>

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A, or null if none is found.

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inline fun <T : Any> Named.instanceOrNull(): LazyDelegate<T?>

Gets an instance of T for the given type, or null if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

inline fun <T : Any> DIAware.instanceOrNull(tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<T?>
inline fun <T : Any> DirectDIAware.instanceOrNull(tag: Any? = null): T?

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag, or null if none is found.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.instanceOrNull(arg: A): LazyDelegate<T?>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.instanceOrNull(noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<T?>
inline fun <A, T : Any> Named.instanceOrNull(arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<T?>

Gets an instance of T for the given type, curried from a factory that takes an argument A, or null if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.instanceOrNull(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): LazyDelegate<T?>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.instanceOrNull(tag: Any? = null, noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<T?>
inline fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.instanceOrNull(tag: Any? = null, arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<T?>

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A, or null if none is found.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DirectDIAware.instanceOrNull(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): T?
inline fun <A, T : Any> DirectDIAware.instanceOrNull(tag: Any? = null, arg: Typed<A>): T?

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory for the given argument, or null if none is found.

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inline fun <C : Any, A : Any, T : Any> DI.BindBuilder.WithScope<C>.multiton(ref: RefMaker? = null, sync: Boolean = true, noinline creator: BindingDI<C>.(A) -> T): Multiton<C, A, T>

Creates a multiton: will create an instance on first request for each different argument and will subsequently always return the same instance for the same argument.

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inline fun <T> () -> T): T

Auto resolve a class dependencies by using its constructor reference. The resolution is done at compile time by leveraging inline functions, no reflection is required.

inline fun <T, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10> (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10) -> T): T
inline fun <T, P1> (P1) -> T): T
inline fun <T, P1, P2> (P1, P2) -> T): T
inline fun <T, P1, P2, P3> (P1, P2, P3) -> T): T
inline fun <T, P1, P2, P3, P4> (P1, P2, P3, P4) -> T): T
inline fun <T, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5> (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) -> T): T
inline fun <T, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6> (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) -> T): T
inline fun <T, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7> (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7) -> T): T
inline fun <T, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8> (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8) -> T): T
inline fun <T, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9> (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9) -> T): T
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fun <T> DIAware.newInstance(creator: DirectDI.() -> T): LazyDelegate<T>

Allows to create a new instance of an unbound object with the same API as when bounding one.

inline fun <T> DirectDIAware.newInstance(creator: DirectDI.() -> T): T

Allows the creation of a new instance with DI injection.

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fun DIAware.On(context: DIContext<*> = this.diContext, trigger: DITrigger? = this.diTrigger): DI

Allows to create a new DI object with a context and/or a trigger set.

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fun DIAware.on(trigger: DITrigger?): DI

Allows to create a new DI object with a trigger set.

inline fun <C : Any> DirectDIAware.on(context: C): DirectDI

Returns a DirectDI with its context and/or receiver changed.

inline fun <C : Any> DIAware.on(context: C, trigger: DITrigger? = this.diTrigger): DI
inline fun <C : Any> DIAware.on(trigger: DITrigger? = this.diTrigger, crossinline getContext: () -> C): DI

Allows to create a new DI object with a context and/or a trigger set.

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fun <T : Any> DIAware.Provider(type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<() -> T>

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag.

fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.Provider(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null, arg: () -> A): DIProperty<() -> T>

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A.

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inline fun <T : Any> Named.provider(): LazyDelegate<() -> T>

Gets a provider of T for the given type. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

inline fun <C : Any, T : Any> DI.BindBuilder<C>.provider(noinline creator: NoArgBindingDI<C>.() -> T): Provider<C, T>

Creates a factory: each time an instance is needed, the function creator function will be called.

inline fun <T : Any> DIAware.provider(tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<() -> T>
inline fun <T : Any> DirectDIAware.provider(tag: Any? = null): () -> T

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.provider(arg: A): LazyDelegate<() -> T>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.provider(noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<() -> T>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.provider(arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<() -> T>

Gets a provider of T for the given type, curried from a factory that takes an argument A. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.provider(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): LazyDelegate<() -> T>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.provider(tag: Any? = null, noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<() -> T>
inline fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.provider(tag: Any? = null, arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<() -> T>

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DirectDIAware.provider(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): () -> T
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DirectDIAware.provider(tag: Any? = null, noinline fArg: () -> A): () -> T
inline fun <A, T : Any> DirectDIAware.provider(tag: Any? = null, arg: Typed<A>): () -> T

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory for the given argument.

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fun <T : Any> DIAware.ProviderOrNull(type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag, or null if none is found.

fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.ProviderOrNull(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null, arg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A, or null if none is found.

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inline fun <T : Any> Named.providerOrNull(): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>

Gets a provider of T for the given type, or null if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

inline fun <T : Any> DIAware.providerOrNull(tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>
inline fun <T : Any> DirectDIAware.providerOrNull(tag: Any? = null): () -> T?

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag, or null if none is found.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.providerOrNull(arg: A): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.providerOrNull(noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>
inline fun <A, T : Any> Named.providerOrNull(arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>

Gets a provider of T for the given type, curried from a factory that takes an argument A, or null if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.providerOrNull(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.providerOrNull(tag: Any? = null, noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>
inline fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.providerOrNull(tag: Any? = null, arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A, or null if none is found.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DirectDIAware.providerOrNull(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): () -> T?
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DirectDIAware.providerOrNull(tag: Any? = null, noinline fArg: () -> A): () -> T?
inline fun <A, T : Any> DirectDIAware.providerOrNull(tag: Any? = null, arg: Typed<A>): () -> T?

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory for the given argument, or null if none is found.

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inline fun <S : Any> DI.Builder.registerContextFinder(noinline t: DirectDI.() -> S)
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inline fun <C : Any, S : Any> DI.Builder.registerContextTranslator(noinline t: DirectDI.(C) -> S?)
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Used to define bindings with a scope: bind<MyType>() with scoped(myScope).singleton { /*...*/ }

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inline fun <C : Any, T : Any> DI.BindBuilder.WithScope<C>.singleton(ref: RefMaker? = null, sync: Boolean = true, noinline creator: NoArgBindingDI<C>.() -> T): Singleton<C, T>

Creates a singleton: will create an instance on first request and will subsequently always return the same instance.

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inline fun subDI(parentDI: DI, allowSilentOverride: Boolean = false, copy: Copy = Copy.NonCached, crossinline init: DI.MainBuilder.() -> Unit): LazyDI

Allow to create an extended version of a given DI container

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inline fun <A, T : Any> (A) -> T.toProvider(crossinline arg: () -> A): () -> T

Transforms a factory function into a provider function by currying the factory with the given argument.

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infix inline fun <C : Any, A : Any, T : Any> TypeBinderSubTypes<T>.with(noinline block: (TypeToken<out T>) -> <Error class: unknown class><in C, in A, out T>)

Allows to define a binding that will be called for any subtype of this type.

infix inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.ConstantBinder.with(value: T)

Binds the previously given tag to the given instance.