interface DI : DIAware

KOtlin DEpendency INjection.

To construct a DI instance, simply use it's block constructor and define your bindings in it :

val di = DI {
bind<Dice>() with factory { sides: Int -> RandomDice(sides) }
bind<DataSource>() with singleton { SqliteDS.open("path/to/file") }
bind<Random>() with provider { SecureRandom() }
constant("answer") with "forty-two"



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interface BindBuilder<C : Any>

Base builder DSL interface that allows to define scoped and context bindings.

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Allows for the DSL inside the block argument of the constructor of DI and DI.Module.

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object Companion
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Exception thrown when there is a dependency loop.

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annotation class DIDsl

Defines a di DSL function

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data class Key<in C : Any, in A, out T : Any>(val contextType: TypeToken<in C>, val argType: TypeToken<in A>, val type: TypeToken<out T>, val tag: Any?)

In DI, each DIBinding is bound to a Key. A Key holds all information necessary to retrieve a factory (and therefore an instance).

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Builder to create a DI object.

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data class Module(val allowSilentOverride: Boolean = false, val prefix: String = "", val init: DI.Builder.() -> Unit)

A module is constructed the same way as in DI is:

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class NoResultException(val search: SearchSpecs, message: String) : RuntimeException

Exception thrown when searching for bindings and none could be found.

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class NotFoundException(val key: DI.Key<*, *, *>, message: String) : RuntimeException

Exception thrown when asked for a dependency that cannot be found.

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Exception thrown when there is an overriding error.


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abstract val container: DIContainer

Every methods eventually ends up to a call to this container.

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open override val di: DI

A DI Aware class must be within reach of a DI object.

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open val diContext: DIContext<*>

A DI Aware class can define a context that is for all retrieval by overriding this property.

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Return a direct DirectDI instance, with its receiver and context set to this DIAware receiver and context.

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open val diTrigger: DITrigger?

Trigger to use that define when the retrieval will be done.

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Allows to get factories / providers / instances with a tag set to the name of the receiving property.


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fun <T : Any> DIAware.Constant(type: TypeToken<out T>): DIProperty<T>

Gets a constant of type T and tag whose tag is the name of the receiving property.

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inline fun <T : Any> DIAware.constant(): LazyDelegate<T>

Gets a constant of type T and tag whose tag is the name of the receiving property.

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fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.Factory(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<(A) -> T>

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type, return type and tag.

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.factory(tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<(A) -> T>

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type, return type and tag.

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fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.FactoryOrNull(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<(A) -> T?>

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type, return type and tag, or null if none is found.

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.factoryOrNull(tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<(A) -> T?>

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type, return type and tag, or nul if none is found.

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DI.hasFactory(tag: Any? = null): Boolean

Define whether a factory binding exists in the given DI container

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.hasProvider(tag: Any? = null): Boolean

Define whether a provider binding exists in the given DI container

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fun <T : Any> DIAware.Instance(type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<T>

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag.

fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.Instance(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<T>, tag: Any? = null, arg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<T>

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A.

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inline fun <T : Any> DIAware.instance(tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<T>

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.instance(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): LazyDelegate<T>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.instance(tag: Any? = null, noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<T>
inline fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.instance(tag: Any? = null, arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<T>

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A.

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fun <T : Any> DIAware.InstanceOrNull(type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<T?>

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag, or null if none is found.

fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.InstanceOrNull(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null, arg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<T?>

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A, or null if none is found.

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inline fun <T : Any> DIAware.instanceOrNull(tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<T?>

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag, or null if none is found.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.instanceOrNull(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): LazyDelegate<T?>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.instanceOrNull(tag: Any? = null, noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<T?>
inline fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.instanceOrNull(tag: Any? = null, arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<T?>

Gets an instance of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A, or null if none is found.

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fun <T> DIAware.newInstance(creator: DirectDI.() -> T): LazyDelegate<T>

Allows to create a new instance of an unbound object with the same API as when bounding one.

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fun DIAware.On(context: DIContext<*> = this.diContext, trigger: DITrigger? = this.diTrigger): DI

Allows to create a new DI object with a context and/or a trigger set.

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fun DIAware.on(trigger: DITrigger?): DI

Allows to create a new DI object with a trigger set.

inline fun <C : Any> DIAware.on(context: C, trigger: DITrigger? = this.diTrigger): DI
inline fun <C : Any> DIAware.on(trigger: DITrigger? = this.diTrigger, crossinline getContext: () -> C): DI

Allows to create a new DI object with a context and/or a trigger set.

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fun <T : Any> DIAware.Provider(type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<() -> T>

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag.

fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.Provider(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null, arg: () -> A): DIProperty<() -> T>

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A.

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inline fun <T : Any> DIAware.provider(tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<() -> T>

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.provider(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): LazyDelegate<() -> T>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.provider(tag: Any? = null, noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<() -> T>
inline fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.provider(tag: Any? = null, arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<() -> T>

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A.

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fun <T : Any> DIAware.ProviderOrNull(type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag, or null if none is found.

fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.ProviderOrNull(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null, arg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A, or null if none is found.

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inline fun <T : Any> DIAware.providerOrNull(tag: Any? = null): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag, or null if none is found.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.providerOrNull(tag: Any? = null, arg: A): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DIAware.providerOrNull(tag: Any? = null, noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>
inline fun <A, T : Any> DIAware.providerOrNull(tag: Any? = null, arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>

Gets a provider of T for the given type and tag, curried from a factory that takes an argument A, or null if none is found.