
Builder to create a DI object.


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Every methods eventually ends up to a call to this builder.

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abstract val contextType: TypeToken<Any>

The context type that will be used by all bindings that are defined in this DSL context.

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abstract val explicitContext: Boolean
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The external source is repsonsible for fetching / creating a value when DI cannot find a matching binding.

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If true, NotFoundException thrown will contain the list of all the bindings available.

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If true, exceptions thrown will contain qualified names.

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abstract val scope: Scope<Any>

The scope that will be used by all bindings that are defined in this DSL context.


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abstract fun <T : Any> AddBindInSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, binding: DIBinding<*, *, T>)

Attaches multiple bindings in a Set binding of a given type with a given tag.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.addInBindSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, creator: () -> DIBinding<*, *, T>)

Defines that the binding will be saved in a set binding.

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abstract fun Bind(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null): DI.Builder.DirectBinder

Starts a direct binding with a given tag. A direct bind does not define the type to be bound, the type will be defined according to the bound factory.

abstract fun <T : Any> Bind(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, binding: DIBinding<*, *, T>)

Attaches the binding of a given type with a given tag.

abstract fun <T : Any> Bind(type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null): DI.Builder.TypeBinder<T>

Starts the binding of a given type with a given tag.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bind(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null): DI.Builder.TypeBinder<T>

Starts the binding of a given type with a given tag.

inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bind(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, noinline createBinding: () -> DIBinding<*, *, T>)

Attaches a binding to the DI container

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DI.Builder.bindArgSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)

Creates a set: multiple bindings can be added in this set.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DI.Builder.bindArgSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, noinline creator: DI.Builder.ArgSetBinder<A, T>.() -> Unit)

Creates a set and add multiple bindings to it.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindConstant(tag: Any, overrides: Boolean? = null, creator: () -> T)

Binds a constant provider: will always return the given instance.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindEagerSingleton(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, noinline creator: DirectDI.() -> T)

Binds an eager singleton: will create an instance as soon as kodein is ready (all bindings are set) and will always return this instance.

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DI.Builder.bindFactory(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, noinline creator: DirectDI.(A) -> T)

Binds a factory: each time an instance is needed, the function creator function will be called.

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abstract fun <A : Any, T : Any> BindInArgSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, creator: DI.Builder.ArgSetBinder<A, T>.() -> Unit)

Creates a Set binding of a given type with a given tag and attaches multiple bindings to it.

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abstract fun <T : Any> BindInSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, type: TypeToken<out T>, creator: DI.Builder.SetBinder<T>.() -> Unit)

Creates a Set binding of a given type with a given tag and attaches multiple bindings to it.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindInstance(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, creator: () -> T)

Binds an instance provider: will always return the given instance.

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> DI.Builder.bindMultiton(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true, noinline creator: DirectDI.(A) -> T)

Binds a multiton: will create an instance on first request and will subsequently always return the same instance.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindProvider(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, noinline creator: DirectDI.() -> T)

Creates a factory: each time an instance is needed, the function creator function will be called.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: () -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)

Creates a factory: each time an instance is needed, the function constructor function will be called.

inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9> DI.Builder.bindProviderOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)
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abstract fun <T : Any> BindSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, binding: DIBinding<*, *, T>)

Attaches the binding of a given type with a given tag.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null)

Creates a set: multiple bindings can be added in this set.

inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, noinline creator: DI.Builder.SetBinder<T>.() -> Unit)

Creates a set and add multiple bindings to it.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindSingleton(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true, noinline creator: DirectDI.() -> T)

Binds a singleton: will create an instance on first request and will subsequently always return the same instance.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: () -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)

Binds a singleton: will create an instance on first request and will subsequently always return the same instance.

inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
inline fun <T : Any, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9> DI.Builder.bindSingletonOf(noinline constructor: (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9) -> T, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, sync: Boolean = true)
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abstract fun constant(tag: Any, overrides: Boolean? = null): DI.Builder.ConstantBinder

Starts a constant binding.

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Used to define bindings with a context: bind<MyType>() with contexted<MyContext>().provider { /*...*/ }

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abstract fun <T : Any> Delegate(type: TypeToken<out T>, tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null): DI.Builder.DelegateBinder<T>

Create a delegate binding to a given bound type with a given tag.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.delegate(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null): DI.Builder.DelegateBinder<T>

Delegate the targeted type to a new binding type

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.eagerSingleton(noinline creator: NoArgBindingDI<Any>.() -> T): EagerSingleton<T>

Creates an eager singleton: will create an instance as soon as kodein is ready (all bindings are set) and will always return this instance.

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abstract fun extend(di: DI, allowOverride: Boolean = false, copy: Copy = Copy.NonCached)
abstract fun extend(directDI: DirectDI, allowOverride: Boolean = false, copy: Copy = Copy.NonCached)

Imports all bindings defined in the given DI into this builder.

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inline fun <C : Any, A : Any, T : Any> DI.BindBuilder<C>.factory(noinline creator: BindingDI<C>.(A) -> T): Factory<C, A, T>

Creates a factory: each time an instance is needed, the function creator function will be called.

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abstract fun import(module: DI.Module, allowOverride: Boolean = false)

Imports all bindings defined in the given DI.Module into this builder's definition.

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abstract fun importAll(vararg modules: DI.Module, allowOverride: Boolean = false)
abstract fun importAll(modules: Iterable<DI.Module>, allowOverride: Boolean = false)

Imports all bindings defined in the given DI.Modules into this builder's definition.

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abstract fun importOnce(module: DI.Module, allowOverride: Boolean = false)

Like import but checks that will only import each module once.

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abstract fun <A : Any, T : Any> InBindArgSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, creator: DI.Builder.ArgSetBinder<A, T>.() -> Unit)

Attaches multiple bindings in a Set binding of a given type with a given tag.

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abstract fun <T : Any> InBindSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, type: TypeToken<out T>, creator: DI.Builder.SetBinder<T>.() -> Unit)

Attaches multiple bindings in a Set binding of a given type with a given tag.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.inBindSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, noinline creator: DI.Builder.SetBinder<T>.() -> Unit)

Add multiple bindings in an existing set

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.inSet(tag: Any? = null, overrides: Boolean? = null, creator: () -> DIBinding<*, *, T>)

Defines that the binding will be saved in a set binding.

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inline fun <T : Any> DI.Builder.instance(instance: T): InstanceBinding<T>

Creates an instance provider: will always return the given instance.

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inline fun <C : Any, A : Any, T : Any> DI.BindBuilder.WithScope<C>.multiton(ref: RefMaker? = null, sync: Boolean = true, noinline creator: BindingDI<C>.(A) -> T): Multiton<C, A, T>

Creates a multiton: will create an instance on first request for each different argument and will subsequently always return the same instance for the same argument.

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abstract fun onReady(cb: DirectDI.() -> Unit)

Adds a callback that will be called once the DI object is configured and instantiated.

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inline fun <C : Any, T : Any> DI.BindBuilder<C>.provider(noinline creator: NoArgBindingDI<C>.() -> T): Provider<C, T>

Creates a factory: each time an instance is needed, the function creator function will be called.

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inline fun <S : Any> DI.Builder.registerContextFinder(noinline t: DirectDI.() -> S)
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abstract fun RegisterContextTranslator(translator: ContextTranslator<*, *>)
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inline fun <C : Any, S : Any> DI.Builder.registerContextTranslator(noinline t: DirectDI.(C) -> S?)
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Used to define bindings with a scope: bind<MyType>() with scoped(myScope).singleton { /*...*/ }

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inline fun <C : Any, T : Any> DI.BindBuilder.WithScope<C>.singleton(ref: RefMaker? = null, sync: Boolean = true, noinline creator: NoArgBindingDI<C>.() -> T): Singleton<C, T>

Creates a singleton: will create an instance on first request and will subsequently always return the same instance.