
value class Named(val di: DIAware)


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constructor(di: DIAware)


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val di: DIAware


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fun <A, T : Any> Factory(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>): DIProperty<(A) -> T>

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type and return type. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.factory(): LazyDelegate<(A) -> T>

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type and return type. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

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fun <A, T : Any> FactoryOrNull(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>): DIProperty<(A) -> T?>

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type and return type, or null if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

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inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.factoryOrNull(): LazyDelegate<(A) -> T?>

Gets a factory of T for the given argument type and return type, or nul if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

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fun <T : Any> Instance(type: TypeToken<out T>): DIProperty<T>

Gets an instance of T for the given type. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

fun <A, T : Any> Instance(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<T>, arg: () -> A): DIProperty<T>

Gets an instance of T for the given type, curried from a factory that takes an argument A. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

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inline fun <T : Any> Named.instance(): LazyDelegate<T>

Gets an instance of T for the given type. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.instance(arg: A): LazyDelegate<T>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.instance(noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<T>
inline fun <A, T : Any> Named.instance(arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<T>

Gets an instance of T for the given type, curried from a factory that takes an argument A. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

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fun <T : Any> InstanceOrNull(type: TypeToken<out T>): DIProperty<T?>

Gets an instance of T for the given type, or null if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

fun <A, T : Any> InstanceOrNull(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, arg: () -> A): DIProperty<T?>

Gets an instance of T for the given type, curried from a factory that takes an argument A, or null if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

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inline fun <T : Any> Named.instanceOrNull(): LazyDelegate<T?>

Gets an instance of T for the given type, or null if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.instanceOrNull(arg: A): LazyDelegate<T?>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.instanceOrNull(noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<T?>
inline fun <A, T : Any> Named.instanceOrNull(arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<T?>

Gets an instance of T for the given type, curried from a factory that takes an argument A, or null if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

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fun <T : Any> Provider(type: TypeToken<out T>): DIProperty<() -> T>

Gets a provider of T for the given type. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

fun <A, T : Any> Provider(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, arg: () -> A): DIProperty<() -> T>

Gets a provider of T for the given type, curried from a factory that takes an argument A. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

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inline fun <T : Any> Named.provider(): LazyDelegate<() -> T>

Gets a provider of T for the given type. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.provider(arg: A): LazyDelegate<() -> T>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.provider(noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<() -> T>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.provider(arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<() -> T>

Gets a provider of T for the given type, curried from a factory that takes an argument A. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

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fun <T : Any> ProviderOrNull(type: TypeToken<out T>): DIProperty<() -> T?>

Gets a provider of T for the given type, or null if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

fun <A, T : Any> ProviderOrNull(argType: TypeToken<in A>, type: TypeToken<out T>, arg: () -> A): DIProperty<() -> T?>

Gets a provider of T for the given type, curried from a factory that takes an argument A, or null if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

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inline fun <T : Any> Named.providerOrNull(): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>

Gets a provider of T for the given type, or null if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.

inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.providerOrNull(arg: A): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>
inline fun <A : Any, T : Any> Named.providerOrNull(noinline fArg: () -> A): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>
inline fun <A, T : Any> Named.providerOrNull(arg: Typed<A>): LazyDelegate<() -> T?>

Gets a provider of T for the given type, curried from a factory that takes an argument A, or null if none is found. The name of the receiving property is used as tag.