• All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.AutoCloseable, NativeResource, Pointer

    public class DEVMODE
    extends Struct
    implements NativeResource
    Contains information about the initialization and environment of a printer or a display device.

    Member documentation

    • dmDeviceName – A zero-terminated character array that specifies the "friendly" name of the printer or display; for example, "PCL/HP LaserJet" in the case of PCL/HP LaserJet. This string is unique among device drivers. Note that this name may be truncated to fit in the dmDeviceName array.
    • dmSpecVersion – the version number of the initialization data specification on which the structure is based. To ensure the correct version is used for any operating system, use GDI32.DM_SPECVERSION.
    • dmDriverVersion – the driver version number assigned by the driver developer
    • dmSize – specifies the size, in bytes, of the DEVMODE structure, not including any private driver-specific data that might follow the structure's public members. Set this member to SIZEOF to indicate the version of the DEVMODE structure being used.
    • dmDriverExtra – contains the number of bytes of private driver-data that follow this structure. If a device driver does not use device-specific information, set this member to zero.
    • dmFields – specifies whether certain members of the DEVMODE structure have been initialized. If a member is initialized, its corresponding bit is set otherwise the bit is clear. A driver supports only those DEVMODE members that are appropriate for the printer or display technology.
    • dmOrientation – for printer devices only
    • dmPaperSize – for printer devices only
    • dmPaperLength – for printer devices only
    • dmPaperWidth – for printer devices only
    • dmScale – for printer devices only
    • dmCopies – for printer devices only
    • dmDefaultSource – for printer devices only
    • dmPrintQuality – for printer devices only
    • dmPosition – for display devices only, a POINTL structure that indicates the positional coordinates of the display device in reference to the desktop area. The primary display device is always located at coordinates (0,0).
    • dmDisplayOrientation – for display devices only, the orientation at which images should be presented. If GDI32.DM_DISPLAYORIENTATION is not set, this member must be zero. If GDI32.DM_DISPLAYORIENTATION is set, this member must be one of the following values:
      GDI32.DMDO_DEFAULT, GDI32.DMDO_90, GDI32.DMDO_180, GDI32.DMDO_270

      To determine whether the display orientation is portrait or landscape orientation, check the ratio of dmPelsWidth to dmPelsHeight.

    • dmDisplayFixedOutput – for fixed-resolution display devices only, how the display presents a low-resolution mode on a higher-resolution display. For example, if a display device's resolution is fixed at 1024 x 768 pixels but its mode is set to 640 x 480 pixels, the device can either display a 640 x 480 image somewhere in the interior of the 1024 x 768 screen space or stretch the 640 x 480 image to fill the larger screen space. If GDI32.DM_DISPLAYFIXEDOUTPUT is not set, this member must be zero. If GDI32.DM_DISPLAYFIXEDOUTPUT is set, this member must be one of the following values:
    • dmColor – for printer devices only
    • dmDuplex – for printer devices only
    • dmYResolution – for printer devices only
    • dmTTOption – for printer devices only
    • dmCollate – for printer devices only
    • dmFormName – for printer devices only
    • dmLogPixels – the number of pixels per logical inch
    • dmBitsPerPel – specifies the color resolution, in bits per pixel, of the display device (for example: 4 bits for 16 colors, 8 bits for 256 colors, or 16 bits for 65,536 colors)
    • dmPelsWidth – specifies the width, in pixels, of the visible device surface
    • dmPelsHeight – specifies the height, in pixels, of the visible device surface
    • dmDisplayFlags – specifies the device's display mode, one or more of:
    • dmNup – for printer devices only
    • dmDisplayFrequency – specifies the frequency, in hertz (cycles per second), of the display device in a particular mode. This value is also known as the display device's vertical refresh rate.

      When you call the User32.EnumDisplaySettingsEx(java.nio.ByteBuffer, int,, int) function, the dmDisplayFrequency member may return with the value 0 or 1. These values represent the display hardware's default refresh rate. This default rate is typically set by switches on a display card or computer motherboard, or by a configuration program that does not use display functions such as ChangeDisplaySettingsEx.

    • dmICMMethod – for printer devices only
    • dmICMIntent – for printer devices only
    • dmMediaType – for printer devices only
    • dmDitherType – for printer devices only
    • dmReserved1 – not used; must be zero
    • dmReserved2 – not used; must be zero
    • dmPanningWidth – this member must be zero
    • dmPanningHeight – this member must be zero


     struct DEVMODE {
         TCHAR dmDeviceName[32];
         WORD dmSpecVersion;
         WORD dmDriverVersion;
         WORD dmSize;
         WORD dmDriverExtra;
         DWORD dmFields;
         union {
             struct {
                 short dmOrientation;
                 short dmPaperSize;
                 short dmPaperLength;
                 short dmPaperWidth;
                 short dmScale;
                 short dmCopies;
                 short dmDefaultSource;
                 short dmPrintQuality;
             struct {
                 POINTL dmPosition;
                 DWORD dmDisplayOrientation;
                 DWORD dmDisplayFixedOutput;
         short dmColor;
         short dmDuplex;
         short dmYResolution;
         short dmTTOption;
         short dmCollate;
         TCHAR dmFormName[32];
         WORD dmLogPixels;
         DWORD dmBitsPerPel;
         DWORD dmPelsWidth;
         DWORD dmPelsHeight;
         union {
             DWORD dmDisplayFlags;
             DWORD dmNup;
         DWORD dmDisplayFrequency;
         DWORD dmICMMethod;
         DWORD dmICMIntent;
         DWORD dmMediaType;
         DWORD dmDitherType;
         DWORD dmReserved1;
         DWORD dmReserved2;
         DWORD dmPanningWidth;
         DWORD dmPanningHeight;
    • Field Detail

      • SIZEOF

        The struct size in bytes.
      • ALIGNOF

        The struct alignment in bytes.

        The struct member offsets.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DEVMODE

        public DEVMODE​(java.nio.ByteBuffer container)
        Creates a DEVMODE instance at the current position of the specified ByteBuffer container. Changes to the buffer's content will be visible to the struct instance and vice versa.

        The created instance holds a strong reference to the container object.

    • Method Detail

      • sizeof

        public int sizeof()
        Description copied from class: Struct
        Returns sizeof(struct).
        Specified by:
        sizeof in class Struct
      • dmDeviceName

        public java.nio.ByteBuffer dmDeviceName()
        Returns a ByteBuffer view of the dmDeviceName field.
      • dmDeviceNameString

        public java.lang.String dmDeviceNameString()
        Decodes the null-terminated string stored in the dmDeviceName field.
      • dmSpecVersion

        public short dmSpecVersion()
        Returns the value of the dmSpecVersion field.
      • dmDriverVersion

        public short dmDriverVersion()
        Returns the value of the dmDriverVersion field.
      • dmSize

        public short dmSize()
        Returns the value of the dmSize field.
      • dmDriverExtra

        public short dmDriverExtra()
        Returns the value of the dmDriverExtra field.
      • dmFields

        public int dmFields()
        Returns the value of the dmFields field.
      • dmOrientation

        public short dmOrientation()
        Returns the value of the dmOrientation field.
      • dmPaperSize

        public short dmPaperSize()
        Returns the value of the dmPaperSize field.
      • dmPaperLength

        public short dmPaperLength()
        Returns the value of the dmPaperLength field.
      • dmPaperWidth

        public short dmPaperWidth()
        Returns the value of the dmPaperWidth field.
      • dmScale

        public short dmScale()
        Returns the value of the dmScale field.
      • dmCopies

        public short dmCopies()
        Returns the value of the dmCopies field.
      • dmDefaultSource

        public short dmDefaultSource()
        Returns the value of the dmDefaultSource field.
      • dmPrintQuality

        public short dmPrintQuality()
        Returns the value of the dmPrintQuality field.
      • dmPosition

        public POINTL dmPosition()
        Returns a POINTL view of the dmPosition field.
      • dmPosition

        public DEVMODE dmPosition​(java.util.function.Consumer<POINTL> consumer)
        Passes the dmPosition field to the specified Consumer.
      • dmDisplayOrientation

        public int dmDisplayOrientation()
        Returns the value of the dmDisplayOrientation field.
      • dmDisplayFixedOutput

        public int dmDisplayFixedOutput()
        Returns the value of the dmDisplayFixedOutput field.
      • dmColor

        public short dmColor()
        Returns the value of the dmColor field.
      • dmDuplex

        public short dmDuplex()
        Returns the value of the dmDuplex field.
      • dmYResolution

        public short dmYResolution()
        Returns the value of the dmYResolution field.
      • dmTTOption

        public short dmTTOption()
        Returns the value of the dmTTOption field.
      • dmCollate

        public short dmCollate()
        Returns the value of the dmCollate field.
      • dmFormName

        public java.nio.ByteBuffer dmFormName()
        Returns a ByteBuffer view of the dmFormName field.
      • dmFormNameString

        public java.lang.String dmFormNameString()
        Decodes the null-terminated string stored in the dmFormName field.
      • dmLogPixels

        public short dmLogPixels()
        Returns the value of the dmLogPixels field.
      • dmBitsPerPel

        public int dmBitsPerPel()
        Returns the value of the dmBitsPerPel field.
      • dmPelsWidth

        public int dmPelsWidth()
        Returns the value of the dmPelsWidth field.
      • dmPelsHeight

        public int dmPelsHeight()
        Returns the value of the dmPelsHeight field.
      • dmDisplayFlags

        public int dmDisplayFlags()
        Returns the value of the dmDisplayFlags field.
      • dmNup

        public int dmNup()
        Returns the value of the dmNup field.
      • dmDisplayFrequency

        public int dmDisplayFrequency()
        Returns the value of the dmDisplayFrequency field.
      • dmICMMethod

        public int dmICMMethod()
        Returns the value of the dmICMMethod field.
      • dmICMIntent

        public int dmICMIntent()
        Returns the value of the dmICMIntent field.
      • dmMediaType

        public int dmMediaType()
        Returns the value of the dmMediaType field.
      • dmDitherType

        public int dmDitherType()
        Returns the value of the dmDitherType field.
      • dmReserved1

        public int dmReserved1()
        Returns the value of the dmReserved1 field.
      • dmReserved2

        public int dmReserved2()
        Returns the value of the dmReserved2 field.
      • dmPanningWidth

        public int dmPanningWidth()
        Returns the value of the dmPanningWidth field.
      • dmPanningHeight

        public int dmPanningHeight()
        Returns the value of the dmPanningHeight field.
      • dmSpecVersion

        public DEVMODE dmSpecVersion​(short value)
        Sets the specified value to the dmSpecVersion field.
      • dmSize

        public DEVMODE dmSize​(short value)
        Sets the specified value to the dmSize field.
      • dmDriverExtra

        public DEVMODE dmDriverExtra​(short value)
        Sets the specified value to the dmDriverExtra field.
      • set

        public DEVMODE set​(DEVMODE src)
        Copies the specified struct data to this struct.
        src - the source struct
        this struct
      • malloc

        public static DEVMODE malloc()
        Returns a new DEVMODE instance allocated with memAlloc. The instance must be explicitly freed.
      • calloc

        public static DEVMODE calloc()
        Returns a new DEVMODE instance allocated with memCalloc. The instance must be explicitly freed.
      • create

        public static DEVMODE create()
        Returns a new DEVMODE instance allocated with BufferUtils.
      • create

        public static DEVMODE create​(long address)
        Returns a new DEVMODE instance for the specified memory address.
      • createSafe

        public static DEVMODE createSafe​(long address)
        Like create, but returns null if address is NULL.
      • malloc

        public static DEVMODE.Buffer malloc​(int capacity)
        Returns a new DEVMODE.Buffer instance allocated with memAlloc. The instance must be explicitly freed.
        capacity - the buffer capacity
      • calloc

        public static DEVMODE.Buffer calloc​(int capacity)
        Returns a new DEVMODE.Buffer instance allocated with memCalloc. The instance must be explicitly freed.
        capacity - the buffer capacity
      • create

        public static DEVMODE.Buffer create​(long address,
                                            int capacity)
        Create a DEVMODE.Buffer instance at the specified memory.
        address - the memory address
        capacity - the buffer capacity
      • createSafe

        public static DEVMODE.Buffer createSafe​(long address,
                                                int capacity)
        Like create, but returns null if address is NULL.
      • mallocStack

        public static DEVMODE mallocStack()
        Returns a new DEVMODE instance allocated on the thread-local MemoryStack.
      • callocStack

        public static DEVMODE callocStack()
        Returns a new DEVMODE instance allocated on the thread-local MemoryStack and initializes all its bits to zero.
      • mallocStack

        public static DEVMODE mallocStack​(MemoryStack stack)
        Returns a new DEVMODE instance allocated on the specified MemoryStack.
        stack - the stack from which to allocate
      • callocStack

        public static DEVMODE callocStack​(MemoryStack stack)
        Returns a new DEVMODE instance allocated on the specified MemoryStack and initializes all its bits to zero.
        stack - the stack from which to allocate
      • mallocStack

        public static DEVMODE.Buffer mallocStack​(int capacity)
        Returns a new DEVMODE.Buffer instance allocated on the thread-local MemoryStack.
        capacity - the buffer capacity
      • callocStack

        public static DEVMODE.Buffer callocStack​(int capacity)
        Returns a new DEVMODE.Buffer instance allocated on the thread-local MemoryStack and initializes all its bits to zero.
        capacity - the buffer capacity
      • mallocStack

        public static DEVMODE.Buffer mallocStack​(int capacity,
                                                 MemoryStack stack)
        Returns a new DEVMODE.Buffer instance allocated on the specified MemoryStack.
        stack - the stack from which to allocate
        capacity - the buffer capacity
      • callocStack

        public static DEVMODE.Buffer callocStack​(int capacity,
                                                 MemoryStack stack)
        Returns a new DEVMODE.Buffer instance allocated on the specified MemoryStack and initializes all its bits to zero.
        stack - the stack from which to allocate
        capacity - the buffer capacity
      • ndmDeviceName

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer ndmDeviceName​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmDeviceName().
      • ndmDeviceNameString

        public static java.lang.String ndmDeviceNameString​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmDeviceNameString().
      • ndmSpecVersion

        public static short ndmSpecVersion​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmSpecVersion().
      • ndmDriverVersion

        public static short ndmDriverVersion​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmDriverVersion().
      • ndmSize

        public static short ndmSize​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmSize().
      • ndmDriverExtra

        public static short ndmDriverExtra​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmDriverExtra().
      • ndmFields

        public static int ndmFields​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmFields().
      • ndmOrientation

        public static short ndmOrientation​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmOrientation().
      • ndmPaperSize

        public static short ndmPaperSize​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmPaperSize().
      • ndmPaperLength

        public static short ndmPaperLength​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmPaperLength().
      • ndmPaperWidth

        public static short ndmPaperWidth​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmPaperWidth().
      • ndmScale

        public static short ndmScale​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmScale().
      • ndmCopies

        public static short ndmCopies​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmCopies().
      • ndmDefaultSource

        public static short ndmDefaultSource​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmDefaultSource().
      • ndmPrintQuality

        public static short ndmPrintQuality​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmPrintQuality().
      • ndmPosition

        public static POINTL ndmPosition​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmPosition().
      • ndmDisplayOrientation

        public static int ndmDisplayOrientation​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmDisplayOrientation().
      • ndmDisplayFixedOutput

        public static int ndmDisplayFixedOutput​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmDisplayFixedOutput().
      • ndmColor

        public static short ndmColor​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmColor().
      • ndmDuplex

        public static short ndmDuplex​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmDuplex().
      • ndmYResolution

        public static short ndmYResolution​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmYResolution().
      • ndmTTOption

        public static short ndmTTOption​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmTTOption().
      • ndmCollate

        public static short ndmCollate​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmCollate().
      • ndmFormName

        public static java.nio.ByteBuffer ndmFormName​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmFormName().
      • ndmFormNameString

        public static java.lang.String ndmFormNameString​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmFormNameString().
      • ndmLogPixels

        public static short ndmLogPixels​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmLogPixels().
      • ndmBitsPerPel

        public static int ndmBitsPerPel​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmBitsPerPel().
      • ndmPelsWidth

        public static int ndmPelsWidth​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmPelsWidth().
      • ndmPelsHeight

        public static int ndmPelsHeight​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmPelsHeight().
      • ndmDisplayFlags

        public static int ndmDisplayFlags​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmDisplayFlags().
      • ndmNup

        public static int ndmNup​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmNup().
      • ndmDisplayFrequency

        public static int ndmDisplayFrequency​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmDisplayFrequency().
      • ndmICMMethod

        public static int ndmICMMethod​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmICMMethod().
      • ndmICMIntent

        public static int ndmICMIntent​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmICMIntent().
      • ndmMediaType

        public static int ndmMediaType​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmMediaType().
      • ndmDitherType

        public static int ndmDitherType​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmDitherType().
      • ndmReserved1

        public static int ndmReserved1​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmReserved1().
      • ndmReserved2

        public static int ndmReserved2​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmReserved2().
      • ndmPanningWidth

        public static int ndmPanningWidth​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmPanningWidth().
      • ndmPanningHeight

        public static int ndmPanningHeight​(long struct)
        Unsafe version of dmPanningHeight().
      • ndmSpecVersion

        public static void ndmSpecVersion​(long struct,
                                          short value)
        Unsafe version of dmSpecVersion.
      • ndmSize

        public static void ndmSize​(long struct,
                                   short value)
        Unsafe version of dmSize.
      • ndmDriverExtra

        public static void ndmDriverExtra​(long struct,
                                          short value)
        Unsafe version of dmDriverExtra.