Uses of Package

Packages that use org.mockito
org.mockito Mockito is a mock library for java - see Mockito class for for usage. 
org.mockito.configuration Mockito configuration utilities 
org.mockito.exceptions.stacktrace Stack trace filtering / cleaning public APIs. 
org.mockito.internal Internal classes, not to be used by clients. 
org.mockito.internal.configuration Mockito configuration 
org.mockito.internal.creation Mock object creation. 
org.mockito.internal.debugging Whatever helps in debugging failed tests 
org.mockito.internal.matchers Argument matchers for verification and stubbing. 
org.mockito.internal.matchers.apachecommons Argument matchers that use Apache Commons Lang reflection-equality. 
org.mockito.internal.stubbing.answers Answers for stubbed calls 
org.mockito.internal.util Static utils 
org.mockito.internal.util.reflection reflection utilities 
org.mockito.invocation Public API related to invocation 

Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito
          Enumeration of pre-configured mock answers
          Use it to capture argument values for further assertions.
          See original OngoingStubbing
          See original Stubber
          The annotation conveys following information: The API is fairly new and we would appreciate your feedback.
          Allows verification in order.
          Allow flexible verification or stubbing.
          Provides mocking information.

          Allows mock creation with additional mock settings.
          Deprecated. Instead, please use Answer interface

In rare cases your code might not compile with recent deprecation & changes. Very sorry for inconvenience but it had to be done in order to keep framework consistent.

Why it is deprecated? ReturnValues is being replaced by Answer for better consistency & interoperability of the framework. Answer interface has been in Mockito for a while and it has the same responsibility as ReturnValues. There's no point in mainting exactly the same interfaces.

Configures return values for an unstubbed invocation

Can be used in Mockito.mock(Class, ReturnValues)


Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito.configuration
          Deprecated. Instead, please use Answer interface

In rare cases your code might not compile with recent deprecation & changes. Very sorry for inconvenience but it had to be done in order to keep framework consistent.

Why it is deprecated? ReturnValues is being replaced by Answer for better consistency & interoperability of the framework. Answer interface has been in Mockito for a while and it has the same responsibility as ReturnValues. There's no point in mainting exactly the same interfaces.

Configures return values for an unstubbed invocation

Can be used in Mockito.mock(Class, ReturnValues)


Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito.exceptions.stacktrace
          The annotation conveys following information: The API is fairly new and we would appreciate your feedback.

Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito.internal
          Allows verification in order.
          Provides mocking information.
          Allows mock creation with additional mock settings.

Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito.internal.configuration
          Allows shorthand ArgumentCaptor creation on fields.
          Mark a field as a mock.
          Deprecated. Instead, please use Answer interface

In rare cases your code might not compile with recent deprecation & changes. Very sorry for inconvenience but it had to be done in order to keep framework consistent.

Why it is deprecated? ReturnValues is being replaced by Answer for better consistency & interoperability of the framework. Answer interface has been in Mockito for a while and it has the same responsibility as ReturnValues. There's no point in mainting exactly the same interfaces.

Configures return values for an unstubbed invocation

Can be used in Mockito.mock(Class, ReturnValues)


Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito.internal.creation
          Allows mock creation with additional mock settings.

Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito.internal.debugging

Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito.internal.matchers
          Allows creating customized argument matchers.

Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito.internal.matchers.apachecommons
          Allows creating customized argument matchers.

Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito.internal.stubbing.answers
          Deprecated. Instead, please use Answer interface

In rare cases your code might not compile with recent deprecation & changes. Very sorry for inconvenience but it had to be done in order to keep framework consistent.

Why it is deprecated? ReturnValues is being replaced by Answer for better consistency & interoperability of the framework. Answer interface has been in Mockito for a while and it has the same responsibility as ReturnValues. There's no point in mainting exactly the same interfaces.

Configures return values for an unstubbed invocation

Can be used in Mockito.mock(Class, ReturnValues)


Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito.internal.util
          Provides mocking information.

Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito.internal.util.reflection
          The annotation conveys following information: The API is fairly new and we would appreciate your feedback.

Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito.invocation
          The annotation conveys following information: The API is fairly new and we would appreciate your feedback.

Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito.mock
          The annotation conveys following information: The API is fairly new and we would appreciate your feedback.

Classes in org.mockito used by org.mockito.plugins
          The annotation conveys following information: The API is fairly new and we would appreciate your feedback.