Class HugeArray<Array,​Box,​Self extends HugeArray<Array,​Box,​Self>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • HugeArray

        public HugeArray()
    • Method Detail

      • copyTo

        public abstract void copyTo​(Self dest,
                                    long length)
        Copies the content of this array into the target array.

        The behavior is identical to System.arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int, int).

      • copyOf

        public abstract Self copyOf​(long newLength,
                                    AllocationTracker allocationTracker)
        Creates a copy of the given array. The behavior is identical to Arrays.copyOf(int[], int).
      • size

        public abstract long size()
        Returns the length of this array.

        If the size is greater than zero, the highest supported index is size() - 1

        The behavior is identical to calling array.length on primitive arrays.

        Specified by:
        size in interface HugeCursorSupport<Array>
      • sizeOf

        public abstract long sizeOf()
        the amount of memory used by the instance of this array, in bytes. This should be the same as returned from release() without actually releasing the array.
      • release

        public abstract long release()
        Destroys the data, allowing the underlying storage arrays to be collected as garbage. The array is unusable after calling this method and will throw NullPointerExceptions on virtually every method invocation.

        Note that the data might not immediately collectible if there are still cursors alive that reference this array. You have to HugeCursor.close() every cursor instance as well.

        The amount is not removed from the AllocationTracker that had been provided in the constructor.

        the amount of memory freed, in bytes.
      • toArray

        public abstract Array toArray()
        the contents of this array as a flat java primitive array. The returned array might be shared and changes would then be reflected and visible in this array.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if the array is too large
      • asNodeProperties

        public abstract NodeProperties asNodeProperties()
      • copyFromArrayIntoSlice

        public final int copyFromArrayIntoSlice​(Array source,
                                                long sliceStart,
                                                long sliceEnd)
        Copies data from source into this array, starting from sliceStart up until sliceEnd.
        the number of entries copied
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object