Interface HugeCursorSupport<Array>

    • Method Detail

      • size

        long size()
        Returns the length of this array.

        If the size is greater than zero, the highest supported index is size() - 1

        The behavior is identical to calling array.length on primitive arrays.

      • initCursor

        default HugeCursor<Array> initCursor​(HugeCursor<Array> cursor)
        Resets the HugeCursor to range from index 0 until size(). The returned cursor is not positioned and in an invalid state. You must call first to position the cursor to a valid state. The returned cursor is the reference-same (==) one as the provided one. Resetting the HugeCursor of an empty array (where size() returns 0) is undefined and might result in a NullPointerException or another RuntimeException.
      • initCursor

        default HugeCursor<Array> initCursor​(HugeCursor<Array> cursor,
                                             long start,
                                             long end)
        Resets the HugeCursor to range from index start (inclusive, the first index to be contained) until end (exclusive, the first index not to be contained). The returned cursor is not positioned and in an invalid state. You must call first to position the cursor to a valid state. The returned cursor is the reference-same (==) one as the provided one. Resetting the HugeCursor of an empty array (where size() returns 0) is undefined and might result in a NullPointerException or another RuntimeException.
        See Also: