Interface UnmodifiableMapPhase<K,V>

Type Parameters:
K - the type of keys maintained by this map
V - the type of mapped values
All Superinterfaces:
Immutable, Map<K,V>
All Known Implementing Classes:
ImmutableOffsetMap, SharedSingletonMap

public interface UnmodifiableMapPhase<K,V> extends Map<K,V>, Immutable
A Map which cannot be modified and supports efficient conversion to a ModifiableMapPhase.
  • Method Details

    • toModifiableMap

      @NonNull ModifiableMapPhase<K,V> toModifiableMap()
      Return an isolated modifiable version of this map. Its mappings must match the mappings present in this map. Any modification of the returned map must not be affect the contents of this map.
      An modifiable version of this map.