Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractXMLObject
org.opensaml.xml Base classes for working with XML as Java objects and configuring the library. 
org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl Implementations of the interfaces for XMLObjects that represent XML encryption types. 
org.opensaml.xml.schema.impl Implementations of the interfaces for XMLObjects that represent XML schema types. 
org.opensaml.xml.signature XMLObject interfaces and helper classes for representing digitally signed content and signing/validating content. 
org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl Implementations of the interfaces for XMLObjects that represent XML signature types. 
org.opensaml.xml.validation Interfaces for classes that may be used to validate trees of XMLObjects. 

Uses of AbstractXMLObject in org.opensaml.xml

Subclasses of AbstractXMLObject in org.opensaml.xml
 class AbstractElementExtensibleXMLObject
          AbstractElementExtensible is an element of type xs:any, but without xs:anyAttribute attribute or text content.
 class AbstractExtensibleXMLObject
          AbstractExtensibleXMLObject is an element of type xs:any, and with xs:anyAttribute attributes.
 class AbstractValidatingSignableXMLObject
          Extension of AbstractSignableXMLObject that implements ValidatingXMLObject.

Uses of AbstractXMLObject in org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl

Subclasses of AbstractXMLObject in org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl
 class AgreementMethodImpl
          Concrete implementation of AgreementMethod.
 class CarriedKeyNameImpl
          Concrete implementation of CarriedKeyName.
 class CipherDataImpl
          Concrete implementation of CipherData.
 class CipherReferenceImpl
          Concrete implementation of CipherReference.
 class CipherValueImpl
          Concrete implementation of CipherValue.
 class DataReferenceImpl
          Concrete implementation of DataReference.
 class DHKeyValueImpl
          Concrete implementation of DHKeyValue.
 class EncryptedDataImpl
          Concrete implementation of EncryptedData.
 class EncryptedKeyImpl
          Concrete implementation of EncryptedKey.
 class EncryptedTypeImpl
          Abstract implementation of EncryptedType.
 class EncryptionMethodImpl
          Concrete implementation of EncryptionMethod.
 class EncryptionPropertiesImpl
          Concrete implementation of EncryptionProperties.
 class EncryptionPropertyImpl
          Concrete implementation of EncryptionProperty
 class GeneratorImpl
          Concrete implementation of Generator
 class KANonceImpl
          Concrete implementation of KANonce
 class KeyReferenceImpl
 class KeySizeImpl
          Concrete implementation of KeySize
 class OAEPparamsImpl
          Concrete implementation of OAEPparams
 class OriginatorKeyInfoImpl
          Concrete implementation of OriginatorKeyInfo
 class PublicImpl
          Concrete implementation of Public
 class RecipientKeyInfoImpl
          Concrete implementation of RecipientKeyInfo
 class ReferenceListImpl
          Concrete implementation of ReferenceList
 class ReferenceTypeImpl
          Concrete implementation of ReferenceType

Uses of AbstractXMLObject in org.opensaml.xml.schema.impl

Subclasses of AbstractXMLObject in org.opensaml.xml.schema.impl
 class XSAnyImpl
          Concrete implementation of XSAny.
 class XSBase64BinaryImpl
          Concrete implementation of XSBase64Binary.
 class XSBooleanImpl
          Concrete implementation of XSBoolean.
 class XSDateTimeImpl
          Concrete implementation of XSDateTime.
 class XSIntegerImpl
          Concrete implementation of XSInteger.
 class XSQNameImpl
          Concrete implementation of XSQName.
 class XSStringImpl
          Concrete implementation of XSString.
 class XSURIImpl
          Conrete implementation of XSURI.

Uses of AbstractXMLObject in org.opensaml.xml.signature

Subclasses of AbstractXMLObject in org.opensaml.xml.signature
 class AbstractSignableXMLObject
          Base for signable XMLObjects.

Uses of AbstractXMLObject in org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl

Subclasses of AbstractXMLObject in org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl
 class CryptoBinaryImpl
          Concrete implementation of CryptoBinary.
 class DEREncodedKeyValueImpl
          Concrete implementation of DEREncodedKeyValue.
 class DigestMethodImpl
          Concrete implementation of DigestMethod.
 class DSAKeyValueImpl
          Concrete implementation of DSAKeyValue
 class ECKeyValueImpl
          Concrete implementation of ECKeyValue.
 class ECPointTypeImpl
          Concrete implementation of ECPointType.
 class ExponentImpl
          Concrete implementation of Exponent
 class GImpl
          Concrete implementation of G
 class JImpl
          Concrete implementation of J
 class KeyInfoImpl
          Concrete implementation of KeyInfo
 class KeyInfoReferenceImpl
          Concrete implementation of KeyInfoReference.
 class KeyInfoTypeImpl
          Concrete implementation of KeyInfoType
 class KeyNameImpl
          Concrete implementation of KeyName
 class KeyValueImpl
          Concrete implementation of KeyValue
 class MgmtDataImpl
          Concrete implementation of MgmtData
 class ModulusImpl
          Concrete implementation of Exponent
 class NamedCurveImpl
          Concrete implementation of NamedCurve.
 class PgenCounterImpl
          Concrete implementation of PgenCounter
 class PGPDataImpl
          Concrete implementation of PGPData
 class PGPKeyIDImpl
          Concrete implementation of PGPKeyID
 class PGPKeyPacketImpl
          Concrete implementation of PGPKeyPacket
 class PImpl
          Concrete implementation of P
 class PublicKeyImpl
          Concrete implementation of PublicKey.
 class QImpl
          Concrete implementation of Q
 class RetrievalMethodImpl
          Concrete implementation of RetrievalMethod
 class RSAKeyValueImpl
          Concrete implementation of RSAKeyValue
 class SeedImpl
          Concrete implementation of Seed
 class SignatureImpl
          XMLObject representing an enveloped or detached XML Digital Signature, version 20020212, Signature element.
 class SPKIDataImpl
          Concrete implementation of SPKIData
 class SPKISexpImpl
          Concrete implementation of SPKISexp
 class TransformImpl
          Concrete implementation of Transform
 class TransformsImpl
          Concrete implementation of Transforms
 class X509CertificateImpl
          Concrete implementation of X509Certificate.
 class X509CRLImpl
          Concrete implementation of X509CRL.
 class X509DataImpl
          Concrete implementation of X509Data.
 class X509DigestImpl
          Concrete implementation of X509Digest.
 class X509IssuerNameImpl
          Concrete implementation of X509IssuerName
 class X509IssuerSerialImpl
          Concrete implementation of X509IssuerSerial
 class X509SerialNumberImpl
          Concrete implementation of X509SerialNumber.
 class X509SKIImpl
          Concrete implementation of X509SKI
 class X509SubjectNameImpl
          Concrete implementation of X509SubjectName
 class XPathImpl
          Concrete implementation of XPath
 class YImpl
          Concrete implementation of Y

Uses of AbstractXMLObject in org.opensaml.xml.validation

Subclasses of AbstractXMLObject in org.opensaml.xml.validation
 class AbstractValidatingXMLObject
          Extension of AbstractXMLObject that implements ValidatingXMLObject.

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