Uses of Class

Packages that use ConfigurationException
org.opensaml.xml Base classes for working with XML as Java objects and configuring the library. 

Uses of ConfigurationException in org.opensaml.xml

Methods in org.opensaml.xml that throw ConfigurationException
protected  Object XMLConfigurator.createClassInstance(Element configuration)
          Constructs an instance of the given class.
protected  void XMLConfigurator.initializeIDAttributes(Element idAttributesElement)
          Registers the global ID attributes specified in the configuration file.
protected  void XMLConfigurator.initializeObjectProviders(Element objectProviders)
          Intializes the object providers defined in the configuration file.
protected  void XMLConfigurator.initializeValidatorSuites(Element validatorSuitesElement)
          Initializes the validator suites specified in the configuration file.
 void XMLConfigurator.load(Document configuration)
          Loads the configuration docuement.
protected  void XMLConfigurator.load(Element configurationRoot)
          Loads a configuration after it's been schema validated.
 void XMLConfigurator.load(File configurationFile)
          Loads the configuration file(s) from the given file.
 void XMLConfigurator.load(InputStream configurationStream)
          Loads a configuration file from an input stream.
protected  void XMLConfigurator.validateConfiguration(Document configuration)
          Schema validates the given configuration.

Constructors in org.opensaml.xml that throw ConfigurationException
XMLConfigurator(boolean retainXML)
          Deprecated. this method will be removed once Configuration no longer has the option to store the XML configuration fragements

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