Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractXMLObjectUnmarshaller
org.opensaml.xml Base classes for working with XML as Java objects and configuring the library. 
org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl Implementations of the interfaces for XMLObjects that represent XML encryption types. Interfaces and abstract implementations of marshallers and unmarshallers. 
org.opensaml.xml.schema.impl Implementations of the interfaces for XMLObjects that represent XML schema types. 
org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl Implementations of the interfaces for XMLObjects that represent XML signature types. 

Uses of AbstractXMLObjectUnmarshaller in org.opensaml.xml

Subclasses of AbstractXMLObjectUnmarshaller in org.opensaml.xml
 class AbstractElementExtensibleXMLObjectUnmarshaller
          AbstractElementExtensibleUnmarshaller unmarshalls element of type xs:any, but without xs:anyAttribute attributes or text content.
 class AbstractExtensibleXMLObjectUnmarshaller
          AbstractExtensibleXMLObjectUnmarshaller unmarshalls element of type xs:any and with xs:anyAttribute attributes.

Uses of AbstractXMLObjectUnmarshaller in org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl

Subclasses of AbstractXMLObjectUnmarshaller in org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl
 class AbstractXMLEncryptionUnmarshaller
          An abstract unmarshaller implementation for XMLObjects from org.opensaml.xml.encryption.
 class AgreementMethodUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for AgreementMethod objects.
 class CipherDataUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for CipherData objects.
 class CipherReferenceUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for CipherReference objects.
 class DataReferenceUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for DataReference objects.
 class DHKeyValueUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for DHKeyValue objects.
 class EncryptedDataUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for EncryptedData objects.
 class EncryptedKeyUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for EncryptedKey objects.
 class EncryptedTypeUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for EncryptedType objects.
 class EncryptionMethodUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for EncryptionMethod objects.
 class EncryptionPropertiesUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for EncryptionProperties objects.
 class EncryptionPropertyUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for EncryptionProperty objects.
 class KeyReferenceUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for KeyReference objects.
 class OriginatorKeyInfoUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for OriginatorKeyInfo objects.
 class RecipientKeyInfoUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for RecipientKeyInfo objects.
 class ReferenceListUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for ReferenceList objects.
 class ReferenceTypeUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for ReferenceType objects.
 class TransformsUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Transforms objects.

Uses of AbstractXMLObjectUnmarshaller in

Subclasses of AbstractXMLObjectUnmarshaller in
 class BaseXMLObjectUnmarshaller
          Base class for Unmarshaller classes.

Uses of AbstractXMLObjectUnmarshaller in org.opensaml.xml.schema.impl

Subclasses of AbstractXMLObjectUnmarshaller in org.opensaml.xml.schema.impl
 class XSAnyUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe unmarshaller for XSAnys.
 class XSBase64BinaryUnmarshaller
          Thread-safe unmarshaller for XSBase64Binary objects.
 class XSBooleanUnmarshaller
          Thread-safe unmarshaller for XSBoolean objects.
 class XSDateTimeUnmarshaller
          Thread-safe unmarshaller for XSDateTime objects.
 class XSIntegerUnmarshaller
          Thread-safe unmarshaller for XSInteger objects.
 class XSQNameUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe unmarshaller for XSQNames.
 class XSStringUnmarshaller
          Thread-safe unmarshaller for XSString objects.
 class XSURIUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe unmarshaller for XSURIs.

Uses of AbstractXMLObjectUnmarshaller in org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl

Subclasses of AbstractXMLObjectUnmarshaller in org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl
 class AbstractXMLSignatureUnmarshaller
          An abstract unmarshaller implementation for XMLObjects from org.opensaml.xml.signature.
 class CryptoBinaryUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for CryptoBinary objects.
 class DEREncodedKeyValueUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for DEREncodedKeyValue objects.
 class DigestMethodUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for DigestMethod objects.
 class DSAKeyValueUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for DSAKeyValue objects.
 class ECKeyValueUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for ECKeyValue objects.
 class KeyInfoReferenceUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for KeyInfoReference objects.
 class KeyInfoTypeUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for KeyInfoType objects.
 class KeyInfoUnmarshaller
          Unmarshaller of KeyInfo objects.
 class KeyValueUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for KeyValue objects.
 class NamedCurveUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for NamedCurve objects.
 class PGPDataUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for PGPData objects.
 class RetrievalMethodUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for RetrievalMethod objects.
 class RSAKeyValueUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for RSAKeyValue objects.
 class SPKIDataUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for SPKIData objects.
 class TransformUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for Transform objects.
 class X509DataUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for X509Data objects.
 class X509DigestUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for X509Digest objects.
 class X509IssuerSerialUnmarshaller
          A thread-safe Unmarshaller for X509IssuerSerial objects.
 class X509SerialNumberUnmarshaller
          Thread-safe unmarshaller for X509SerialNumber objects.

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