Uses of Class

Packages that use MarshallingException
org.opensaml.xml Base classes for working with XML as Java objects and configuring the library. 
org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl Implementations of the interfaces for XMLObjects that represent XML encryption types. Interfaces and abstract implementations of marshallers and unmarshallers. 
org.opensaml.xml.schema.impl Implementations of the interfaces for XMLObjects that represent XML schema types. 
org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl Implementations of the interfaces for XMLObjects that represent XML signature types. 
org.opensaml.xml.util Utility classes for working with XML, XMLObjects, and various data types. 

Uses of MarshallingException in org.opensaml.xml

Methods in org.opensaml.xml that throw MarshallingException
protected  void AbstractExtensibleXMLObjectMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls the xs:anyAttribute attributes.
protected  void AbstractElementExtensibleXMLObjectMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No xs:anyAttribute attributes.
protected  void AbstractElementExtensibleXMLObjectMarshaller.marshallElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No text content.

Uses of MarshallingException in org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.encryption.impl that throw MarshallingException
protected  void ReferenceTypeMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void EncryptedTypeMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void CipherReferenceMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void EncryptedKeyMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void AgreementMethodMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void AbstractXMLEncryptionMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void EncryptionMethodMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void EncryptionPropertiesMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void EncryptionPropertyMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void AbstractXMLEncryptionMarshaller.marshallElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.

Uses of MarshallingException in

Methods in that throw MarshallingException
protected  void AbstractXMLObjectMarshaller.checkXMLObjectIsTarget(XMLObject xmlObject)
          Checks to make sure the given XMLObject's schema type or element QName matches the target parameters given at marshaller construction time.
 Element Marshaller.marshall(XMLObject xmlObject)
          Marshall this element, and its children, and root them in a newly created Document.
 Element AbstractXMLObjectMarshaller.marshall(XMLObject xmlObject)
          Marshall this element, and its children, and root them in a newly created Document.
 Element Marshaller.marshall(XMLObject xmlObject, Document document)
          Marshall this element, and its children, into a W3C DOM element.
 Element AbstractXMLObjectMarshaller.marshall(XMLObject xmlObject, Document document)
          Marshall this element, and its children, into a W3C DOM element.
 Element Marshaller.marshall(XMLObject xmlObject, Element parentElement)
          Marshall the given XMLObject and append it as a child to the given parent element.
 Element AbstractXMLObjectMarshaller.marshall(XMLObject xmlObject, Element parentElement)
          Marshall the given XMLObject and append it as a child to the given parent element.
protected abstract  void AbstractXMLObjectMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls a given XMLObject into a W3C Element.
protected  void BaseXMLObjectMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls a given XMLObject into a W3C Element.
protected  void AbstractXMLObjectMarshaller.marshallChildElements(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls the child elements of the given XMLObject.
protected abstract  void AbstractXMLObjectMarshaller.marshallElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls data from the XMLObject into content of the DOM Element.
protected  void BaseXMLObjectMarshaller.marshallElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls data from the XMLObject into content of the DOM Element.
protected  Element AbstractXMLObjectMarshaller.marshallInto(XMLObject xmlObject, Element targetElement)
          Marshalls the given XMLObject into the given DOM Element.
protected  void AbstractXMLObjectMarshaller.marshallSchemaInstanceAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Creates the XSI type, schemaLocation, and noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes for an XMLObject.
private  void AbstractXMLObjectMarshaller.prepareForAdoption(XMLObject domCachingObject)
          Prepares the given DOM caching XMLObject for adoption into another document.

Uses of MarshallingException in org.opensaml.xml.schema.impl

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.schema.impl that throw MarshallingException
protected  void XSQNameMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls a given XMLObject into a W3C Element.
protected  void XSURIMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls a given XMLObject into a W3C Element.
protected  void XSStringMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls a given XMLObject into a W3C Element.
protected  void XSAnyMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls a given XMLObject into a W3C Element.
protected  void XSBase64BinaryMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls a given XMLObject into a W3C Element.
protected  void XSBooleanMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls a given XMLObject into a W3C Element.
protected  void XSIntegerMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls a given XMLObject into a W3C Element.
protected  void XSQNameMarshaller.marshallElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls data from the XMLObject into content of the DOM Element.
protected  void XSURIMarshaller.marshallElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls data from the XMLObject into content of the DOM Element.
protected  void XSStringMarshaller.marshallElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls data from the XMLObject into content of the DOM Element.
protected  void XSAnyMarshaller.marshallElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls data from the XMLObject into content of the DOM Element.
protected  void XSBase64BinaryMarshaller.marshallElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls data from the XMLObject into content of the DOM Element.
protected  void XSBooleanMarshaller.marshallElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls data from the XMLObject into content of the DOM Element.
protected  void XSDateTimeMarshaller.marshallElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls data from the XMLObject into content of the DOM Element.
protected  void XSIntegerMarshaller.marshallElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls data from the XMLObject into content of the DOM Element.

Uses of MarshallingException in org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.signature.impl that throw MarshallingException
private  Element SignatureMarshaller.createSignatureElement(Signature signature, Document document)
          Creates the signature elements but does not compute the signatuer.
 Element SignatureMarshaller.marshall(XMLObject xmlObject)
          Marshall this element, and its children, and root them in a newly created Document.
 Element SignatureMarshaller.marshall(XMLObject xmlObject, Document document)
          Marshall this element, and its children, into a W3C DOM element.
 Element SignatureMarshaller.marshall(XMLObject xmlObject, Element parentElement)
          Marshall the given XMLObject and append it as a child to the given parent element.
protected  void ECKeyValueMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void KeyInfoReferenceMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void AbstractXMLSignatureMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void X509SerialNumberMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls a given XMLObject into a W3C Element.
protected  void X509DigestMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls a given XMLObject into a W3C Element.
protected  void RetrievalMethodMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void NamedCurveMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void DEREncodedKeyValueMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls a given XMLObject into a W3C Element.
protected  void DigestMethodMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void TransformMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void KeyInfoTypeMarshaller.marshallAttributes(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void AbstractXMLSignatureMarshaller.marshallElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          No-op method.
protected  void X509SerialNumberMarshaller.marshallElementContent(XMLObject xmlObject, Element domElement)
          Marshalls data from the XMLObject into content of the DOM Element.

Uses of MarshallingException in org.opensaml.xml.util

Methods in org.opensaml.xml.util that throw MarshallingException
<T extends XMLObject>
XMLObjectHelper.cloneXMLObject(T originalXMLObject)
          Clone an XMLObject by brute force:
<T extends XMLObject>
XMLObjectHelper.cloneXMLObject(T originalXMLObject, boolean rootInNewDocument)
          Clone an XMLObject by brute force:
static Element XMLObjectHelper.marshall(XMLObject xmlObject)
          Marshall an XMLObject.
static void XMLObjectHelper.marshallToOutputStream(XMLObject xmlObject, OutputStream outputStream)
          Marshall an XMLObject to an OutputStream.
static void XMLObjectHelper.marshallToWriter(XMLObject xmlObject, Writer writer)
          Marshall an XMLObject to a Writer.

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