Interface FilesService.ListRequest

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface FilesService.ListRequest
    extends Request<FilesService.ListRequest,​FilesService.ListResponse>
    Returns the list of ISO images and virtual floppy disks available in the storage domain. The order of the returned list is not guaranteed. If the `refresh` parameter is `false`, the returned list may not reflect recent changes to the storage domain; for example, it may not contain a new ISO file that was recently added. This is because the server caches the list of files to improve performance. To get the very latest results, set the `refresh` parameter to `true`. The default value of the `refresh` parameter is `true`, but it can be changed using the configuration value `ForceRefreshDomainFilesByDefault`: [source] ---- # engine-config -s ForceRefreshDomainFilesByDefault=false ---- IMPORTANT: Setting the value of the `refresh` parameter to `true` has an impact on the performance of the server. Use it only if necessary.
    • Method Detail

      • caseSensitive

        FilesService.ListRequest caseSensitive​(Boolean caseSensitive)
        Indicates if the search performed using the `search` parameter should take case into account. The default value is `true`.
      • follow

        FilesService.ListRequest follow​(String follow)
        Indicates which inner links should be _followed_. The objects referenced by these links will be fetched as part of the current request. See <> for details.
      • refresh

        FilesService.ListRequest refresh​(Boolean refresh)
        Indicates whether the list of files should be refreshed from the storage domain, rather than showing cached results that are updated at certain intervals.