Interface DecisionRequestPreprocessor<INPUT_DECISION_REQUEST,​OUTPUT_INDIVIDUAL_DECISION_REQUEST extends DecisionRequest>

  • Type Parameters:
    OUTPUT_INDIVIDUAL_DECISION_REQUEST - type of output individual decision request.
    INPUT_DECISION_REQUEST - type of original input decision request that may correspond to multiple individual decision requests (e.g. using XACML Multiple Decision Profile). Usually serializable, e.g. XACML-schema-derived JAXB Request for XML.
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DecisionRequestPreprocessor<INPUT_DECISION_REQUEST,​OUTPUT_INDIVIDUAL_DECISION_REQUEST extends DecisionRequest>
    XACML Decision Request pre-processor; applies some validation and processing of the input request prior to the policy evaluation. For example, a request preprocessor may transform an XACML Request using the Multiple Decision Profile (section 2) into multiple Individual Decision Requests; and so that the policy evaluation engine is called for each Individual Decision Request. At the end, the results (one per Individual Decision Request) may be combined by a DecisionResultPostprocessor.

    PDP extensions of this type (to support new ways of pre-processing XACML decision requests) must implement the DecisionRequestPreprocessor.Factory class

    Note: this interface is meant to be generic enough to be independent of the actual original input data format (XML, JSON...).

    • Method Detail

      • getInputRequestType

        Class<INPUT_DECISION_REQUEST> getInputRequestType()
        Returns the type of input requests
      • getOutputRequestType

        Class<OUTPUT_INDIVIDUAL_DECISION_REQUEST> getOutputRequestType()
        Returns the type of output individual decision requests
      • process

                                                         Map<String,​String> namespaceURIsByPrefix)
                                                  throws IndeterminateEvaluationException
        Pre-processes a decision request, may result in multiple individual decision requests, e.g. if implementing the Multiple Decision Profile
        req - input Request
        namespaceURIsByPrefix - namespace prefix-URI mappings (e.g. "... xmlns:prefix=uri") in the original XACML Request bound to req, used as part of the context for XPath evaluation; may be null if such mapping defined
        individual decision requests, as defined in Multiple Decision Profile, e.g. a singleton list if no multiple decision requested or supported by this

        Return a Collection and not array to make it easy for the implementer to create a defensive copy with Collections#unmodifiableList() and alike.

        IndeterminateEvaluationException - if some feature requested in the Request is not supported by this