



package rewrite

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class OutputContext(fileSuffix: String, formatSelector: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Describes the output for a render operation.

    Describes the output for a render operation.

    The format selector is used by any configuration elements that allows to restrict the output of documents to certain target formats. It is not always identical to the fileSuffix used for the specific format.

  2. case class ReferenceResolver(config: Config) extends Product with Serializable

    A resolver for context references in templates or markup documents.

  3. case class Version(displayValue: String, pathSegment: String, fallbackLink: String = "index.html", label: Option[String] = None, canonical: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for a single version of the documentation.

    Configuration for a single version of the documentation.


    the description of the version to use in any UI (e.g. version dropdowns)


    the string to use as a path segments in URLs pointing to this version


    the link target to use when switching to this version from a page that does not exist in this version


    an optional label that will be used in the UI (e.g. Dev or Stable)


    indicates whether this is the canonical version

  4. case class VersionScannerConfig(rootDirectory: String, exclude: Seq[Path] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable

    Optional configuration for scanning existing versions that had been generated by a different tool.

    Optional configuration for scanning existing versions that had been generated by a different tool. This setting is optional and serves two purposes:

    - If older versions of the documentation had been generated by different tools, Laika can use this configuration for indexing the available paths for "smart linking", which is a feature of the Helium version switcher drop down. The result of the scanning operation will be used to populate the file /laika/versionInfo.json in the output directory.

    - If you are using the preview server (either the laikaPreview task in the sbt plugin, or the laika.preview.ServerBuilder from the API) and you want to also test the version switcher drop down menu, then Laika needs to know where older versions are located so that it can serve them, too.

    The specified root directory is expected to match the structure of versioned documentation as rendered by Laika. This means that the root directory is expected to have immediate sub-directories with names that correspond to the pathSegment property of the configuration for that version.


    file system path that represents the root of existing versions.


    paths to be skipped when scanning the output directory for existing versions (e.g. for API docs), interpreted from the root directory of each version.

  5. case class Versions(currentVersion: Version, olderVersions: Seq[Version], newerVersions: Seq[Version] = Nil, renderUnversioned: Boolean = true, scannerConfig: Option[VersionScannerConfig] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Global configuration for versioned documentation.

    Global configuration for versioned documentation.

    The order in the Seq properties will be used for any list views in the UI (e.g. for the version chooser dropdown).


    the version that the sources of a transformation produce


    list of older versions that have previously been rendered (may be empty)


    list of newer versions that have previously been rendered (may be empty)


    indicates whether unversioned documents should be rendered (setting this to false may be useful when re-rendering older versions)


    optional configuration for scanning and indexing existing versions, used by the Helium version switcher dropdown and by the preview server.

Value Members

  1. object DefaultTemplatePath

    Provides the paths for default templates for all formats.

  2. object OutputContext extends Serializable
  3. object ReferenceResolver extends Serializable

    Companion for constructing ReferenceResolvers for a particular target Document.

  4. object Version extends Serializable
  5. object VersionScannerConfig extends Serializable
  6. object Versions extends Serializable
