package nav

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AutonumberConfig(documents: Boolean = true, sections: Boolean = true, maxDepth: Int = Int.MaxValue) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for autonumbering of documents and sections.

  2. case class ChoiceConfig(name: String, label: String, selected: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for a single choice within a selection.

    Configuration for a single choice within a selection.


    the name of the selection as used in text markup, e.g. @:choice(name).


    the label to be used on tabs or on download pages describing this choice


    indicates whether this choice is one of the selected choices in the current render operation

  3. case class Classifiers(value: Seq[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class ConfigurationException(msg: String) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable
  5. case class CoverImage(path: Path, classifier: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for a cover image for e-books (EPUB or PDF).

    Configuration for a cover image for e-books (EPUB or PDF).

    The optional classifier can be used if the @:select directive is used to produce multiple e-books with slightly different content. The classifier would refer to the name of the configured choice, or in case of multiple choices, to the combination of their names concatenated with -.

  6. case class CoverImages(default: Option[Path], classified: Map[String, Path]) extends Product with Serializable
  7. case class PathAttributes(isStatic: Boolean, isVersioned: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  8. trait PathTranslator extends AnyRef

    Translates paths of input documents to the corresponding output path.

    Translates paths of input documents to the corresponding output path. The minimum translation that usually has to happen is to replace the suffix from the input document the path has been obtained from to the suffix of the output format. Further translations are allowed to happen based on user configuration.

  9. sealed trait Scope extends AnyRef
  10. case class SelectionConfig(name: String, choices: NonEmptyChain[ChoiceConfig], separateEbooks: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration for a single kind of selection and its choices available for the user.

    Configuration for a single kind of selection and its choices available for the user.


    the name of the selection as used in text markup, e.g. @:select(name).


    the configuration for one or more choices that are available in each of the directives


    whether the selection should render all its choices in the same output or produce separate e-books where in each of them only one of the choice is displayed. This way separate e-books for Scala vs. Java code samples or sbt vs. Maven build examples can be produced. Keep in mind that multiple selections having this property set to true would result in the cartesian product of available e-book versions, it is therefore unusual to have more than one or two.

  11. case class Selections(selections: Seq[SelectionConfig]) extends Product with Serializable

    Groups configuration for multiple @:select directives.

    Groups configuration for multiple @:select directives.

    The @:select directive is a special directive that allows to create alternative versions of the same documentation, for example one with Scala code examples and one with Java. Or as in the case of Laika's own documentation, one showing configuration setup with sbt and the other through the library API.

    When using the default Helium theme these alternatives will be rendered as tabs in the website.

    While for EPUB and PDF output it triggers the generation of separate books for each of the alternatives and offers them on the download page to cater for the fact that tabs do not work well on paper.

  12. sealed trait TargetFormats extends AnyRef

    Describes the supported target (output) formats of a resource.

  13. case class BasicPathTranslator(outputSuffix: String) extends PathTranslator with Product with Serializable

    (Since version 0.19.2) use NoOpPathTranslator for transforming a single input

Value Members

  1. object AutonumberConfig extends Serializable
  2. object ChoiceConfig extends Serializable
  3. object CoverImage extends Serializable
  4. object CoverImages extends Serializable
  5. object NavigationOrder

    Responsible for applying the navigation order to the contents of a document tree, either based on user-specified configuration or by the alphabetical order of the names of the documents and subtrees.

  6. object NoOpPathTranslator extends PathTranslator

    Path translator implementation that returns all paths unmodified.

    Path translator implementation that returns all paths unmodified.

    Used in scenarios where only a single document gets rendered and there is no use case for cross references or static or versioned documents.

  7. object PathTranslator

    Builders that apply additional functionality to existing path translator instances.

  8. object PrettyURLs extends ExtensionBundle

    Extension specific to site rendering that translates the output path, producing "pretty URLs" that do not contain the html file suffix.

    Extension specific to site rendering that translates the output path, producing "pretty URLs" that do not contain the html file suffix.

    A path like foo/bar.html for example would be translated to foo/bar/index.html so that links can be simply rendered as foo/bar/.

    When the render format is anything other than HTML, this extension has no effect.

    The extension can be added to a transformer like any other extension:

    val transformer = Transformer

    or via the laikaExtensions setting when using the sbt plugin:

    laikaExtensions += PrettyURLs
  9. object Scope
  10. object SectionBuilder extends RewriteRulesBuilder

    Rewrite rules responsible for building the section structure of a document based on the header elements it contains and their level.

  11. object SelectionConfig extends Serializable
  12. object Selections extends Serializable

    Companion for creating selection config instances that can be passed to Laika configuration and builders that produce configuration of all possible combinations of @:select directives.

    Companion for creating selection config instances that can be passed to Laika configuration and builders that produce configuration of all possible combinations of @:select directives.

    See the documentation for the @:select directive in the manual for the full context of this feature.

  13. object TargetFormats
  14. object TitleDocumentConfig

    Configuration for the names of title documents in the input and output trees.
