

Responsible for building a theme resource with the user-provided effect type and runtime configuration.

Implementations of this trait can be passed to the withTheme method of the parser, renderer and transformer APIs of the laika-io module. Theme authors would usually offer a theme-specific configuration API with a final build method that provides a ThemeProvider for the user.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def build[F[_] : Async]: Resource[F, Theme[F]]

Builds the theme resource with the user-provided effect type and runtime configuration.

Builds the theme resource with the user-provided effect type and runtime configuration.

For convenience, implementations of this method usually utilize a laika.theme.ThemeBuilder to construct Theme instances, but this is not mandatory.


Concrete methods

Creates a new theme using this instance as a base and the provided instance as the extension.

Creates a new theme using this instance as a base and the provided instance as the extension.

The exact mechanics of extending a theme vary depending on the type of functionality supported by themes. They are roughly as follows:

  • For functionality that is an accumulation of features, for example input files, parser extensions, renderer overrides or AST rewrite rules, the effect is accumulative, this theme and the extensions will be merged to a single set of features.

  • For functionality that is provided by unique instances, for example the template engine or the default template, the effect is replacement, where the instance in the extension replaces the corresponding instance in the base, if present.
