Uses of Interface

Packages that use MutableTrigger
org.quartz The main package of Quartz, containing the client-side interfaces. 
org.quartz.impl.triggers This package contains Trigger implementations that ship with Quartz. 
org.quartz.spi Contains Service Provider Interfaces that can be implemented by those wishing to create and use custom versions of Quartz back-end/behind-the-scenes services. 

Uses of MutableTrigger in org.quartz

Methods in org.quartz that return MutableTrigger
          Build the actual Trigger -- NOT intended to be invoked by end users, but will rather be invoked by a TriggerBuilder which this ScheduleBuilder is given to.
protected abstract  MutableTrigger
          Build the actual Trigger -- NOT intended to be invoked by end users, but will rather be invoked by a TriggerBuilder which this ScheduleBuilder is given to.
          Build the actual Trigger -- NOT intended to be invoked by end users, but will rather be invoked by a TriggerBuilder which this ScheduleBuilder is given to.
          Build the actual Trigger -- NOT intended to be invoked by end users, but will rather be invoked by a TriggerBuilder which this ScheduleBuilder is given to.

Uses of MutableTrigger in org.quartz.core.jmx

Methods in org.quartz.core.jmx with parameters of type MutableTrigger
static void TriggerSupport.initializeTrigger(MutableTrigger trigger, CompositeData cData)
static void TriggerSupport.initializeTrigger(MutableTrigger trigger, Map<String,Object> attrMap)

Uses of MutableTrigger in org.quartz.impl.triggers

Classes in org.quartz.impl.triggers that implement MutableTrigger
 class AbstractTrigger<T extends Trigger>
           The base abstract class to be extended by all Triggers.
 class CalendarIntervalTriggerImpl
          A concrete Trigger that is used to fire a JobDetail based upon repeating calendar time intervals.
 class CronTriggerImpl
           A concrete Trigger that is used to fire a JobDetail at given moments in time, defined with Unix 'cron-like' definitions.
 class DailyTimeIntervalTriggerImpl
          A concrete implementation of DailyTimeIntervalTrigger that is used to fire a JobDetail based upon daily repeating time intervals.
 class SimpleTriggerImpl
           A concrete Trigger that is used to fire a JobDetail at a given moment in time, and optionally repeated at a specified interval.

Uses of MutableTrigger in org.quartz.spi

Subinterfaces of MutableTrigger in org.quartz.spi
 interface OperableTrigger

Uses of MutableTrigger in org.quartz.xml

Fields in org.quartz.xml with type parameters of type MutableTrigger
protected  List<MutableTrigger> XMLSchedulingDataProcessor.loadedTriggers

Methods in org.quartz.xml that return types with arguments of type MutableTrigger
protected  List<MutableTrigger> XMLSchedulingDataProcessor.getLoadedTriggers()
          Returns a List of triggers loaded from the xml file.

Methods in org.quartz.xml with parameters of type MutableTrigger
protected  void XMLSchedulingDataProcessor.addTriggerToSchedule(MutableTrigger trigger)

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