



package execution

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package batch
  2. package deferred

Type Members

  1. trait AlternativeExecutionScheme extends AnyRef
  2. case class AttributeCoercionError(violations: Vector[Violation], eh: ExceptionHandler) extends ExecutionError with WithViolations with QueryAnalysisError with Product with Serializable
  3. case class BeforeFieldResult[Ctx, FieldVal](fieldVal: FieldVal = (), actionOverride: Option[Action[Ctx, _]] = None, attachment: Option[MiddlewareAttachment] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class CollectedField(name: String, field: Field, allFields: Try[Vector[Field]]) extends Product with Serializable
  5. case class CollectedFields(namesOrdered: Vector[String], fields: Vector[CollectedField]) extends Product with Serializable
  6. class CollectedFieldsBuilder extends AnyRef
  7. trait DeferredWithInfo extends AnyRef
  8. trait DeprecationTracker extends AnyRef
  9. trait ErrorWithResolver extends AnyRef
  10. case class ExceptionHandler(onException: PartialFunction[(ResultMarshaller, Throwable), HandledException] = PartialFunction.empty, onViolation: PartialFunction[(ResultMarshaller, Violation), HandledException] = PartialFunction.empty, onUserFacingError: PartialFunction[(ResultMarshaller, UserFacingError), HandledException] = PartialFunction.empty) extends Product with Serializable
  11. class ExecutionError extends Exception with AstNodeLocation with UserFacingError with ErrorWithResolver
  12. case class ExecutionPath extends Product with Serializable
  13. case class ExecutionResult[Ctx, Res](ctx: Ctx, result: Res, errors: Vector[RegisteredError], middlewareVals: List[(Any, Middleware[_])], validationTiming: TimeMeasurement, queryReducerTiming: TimeMeasurement) extends Product with Serializable
  14. sealed trait ExecutionScheme extends AnyRef
  15. case class Executor[Ctx, Root](schema: Schema[Ctx, Root], queryValidator: QueryValidator = QueryValidator.default, deferredResolver: DeferredResolver[Ctx] = DeferredResolver.empty, exceptionHandler: ExceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler.empty, deprecationTracker: DeprecationTracker = DeprecationTracker.empty, middleware: List[Middleware[Ctx]] = Nil, maxQueryDepth: Option[Int] = None, queryReducers: List[QueryReducer[Ctx, _]] = Nil)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) extends Product with Serializable
  16. case class Extension[In](data: In)(implicit iu: InputUnmarshaller[In]) extends Product with Serializable
  17. class FieldCollector[Ctx, Val] extends AnyRef
  18. trait FieldTag extends AnyRef
  19. sealed trait HandledException extends AnyRef
  20. class HasIntrospectionReducer[Ctx] extends QueryReducer[Ctx, Ctx]
  21. case class InputDocumentMaterializationError(violations: Vector[Violation], eh: ExceptionHandler) extends ExecutionError with WithViolations with QueryAnalysisError with Product with Serializable
  22. case class InputDocumentMaterializer[Vars](schema: Schema[_, _], variables: Vars = InputUnmarshaller.emptyMapVars)(implicit iu: InputUnmarshaller[Vars]) extends Product with Serializable
  23. abstract class InternalExecutionError extends Exception with AstNodeLocation with ErrorWithResolver
  24. class LoggingDeprecationTracker extends DeprecationTracker
  25. case class MappedCtxUpdate[Ctx, Val, NewVal](ctxFn: (Val) => Ctx, mapFn: (Val) => NewVal, onError: (Throwable) => Unit) extends Product with Serializable
  26. case class MaterializedSchemaValidationError(violations: Vector[Violation], eh: ExceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler.empty) extends ExecutionError with WithViolations with QueryAnalysisError with Product with Serializable
  27. case class MaxQueryDepthReachedError(maxDepth: Int) extends Exception with UserFacingError with Product with Serializable
  28. class MeasureComplexity[Ctx] extends QueryReducer[Ctx, Ctx]
  29. class MeasureQueryDepth[Ctx] extends QueryReducer[Ctx, Ctx]
  30. trait Middleware[-Ctx] extends AnyRef
  31. trait MiddlewareAfterField[Ctx] extends MiddlewareBeforeField[Ctx]
  32. trait MiddlewareAttachment extends AnyRef
  33. trait MiddlewareBeforeField[Ctx] extends Middleware[Ctx]
  34. trait MiddlewareErrorField[Ctx] extends MiddlewareBeforeField[Ctx]
  35. trait MiddlewareExtension[Ctx] extends Middleware[Ctx]
  36. trait MiddlewareFromScalar[Ctx] extends Middleware[Ctx]
  37. case class MiddlewareQueryContext[+Ctx, RootVal, Input](ctx: Ctx, executor: Executor[_ <: Ctx, RootVal], queryAst: Document, operationName: Option[String], variables: Input, inputUnmarshaller: InputUnmarshaller[Input], validationTiming: TimeMeasurement, queryReducerTiming: TimeMeasurement) extends Product with Serializable
  38. trait MiddlewareToScalar[Ctx] extends Middleware[Ctx]
  39. case class MultipleHandledExceptions(messages: Vector[(String, Map[String, Node], List[AstLocation])], addFieldsInExtensions: Boolean = true, addFieldsInError: Boolean = false) extends HandledException with Product with Serializable
  40. case class OperationSelectionError(message: String, eh: ExceptionHandler, sm: Option[SourceMapper] = None, pos: List[AstLocation] = Nil) extends ExecutionError with QueryAnalysisError with Product with Serializable
  41. case class PreparedField[Ctx, Root](field: Field[Ctx, Root], args: Args) extends Product with Serializable
  42. class PreparedQuery[Ctx, Root, Input] extends AnyRef
  43. trait QueryAnalysisError extends ErrorWithResolver
  44. trait QueryReducer[-Ctx, +Out] extends AnyRef
  45. case class QueryReducingError(cause: Throwable, exceptionHandler: ExceptionHandler) extends Exception with QueryAnalysisError with Product with Serializable
  46. case class RegisteredError(path: ExecutionPath, error: Throwable, position: Option[AstLocation]) extends Product with Serializable
  47. class Resolver[Ctx] extends AnyRef
  48. class ResultResolver extends AnyRef
  49. class SimpleAstBasedExtensionMiddleware[Ctx] extends Middleware[Ctx] with MiddlewareExtension[Ctx]
  50. case class SingleHandledException(message: String, additionalFields: Map[String, Node] = Map.empty, locations: List[AstLocation] = Nil, addFieldsInExtensions: Boolean = true, addFieldsInError: Boolean = false) extends HandledException with Product with Serializable
  51. case class StopWatch(startTime: Long, startNanos: Long) extends Product with Serializable
  52. case class StringTag(name: String) extends Product with Serializable
  53. case class SubscriptionField[S[_]](stream: SubscriptionStream[S]) extends FieldTag with Product with Serializable
  54. class TagCollector[Ctx, T] extends QueryReducer[Ctx, Ctx]
  55. case class TimeMeasurement(startMs: Long, endMs: Long, durationNanos: Long) extends Product with Serializable
  56. sealed trait Trinary[+T] extends AnyRef
  57. case class UndefinedConcreteTypeError(path: ExecutionPath, abstractType: AbstractType, possibleTypes: Vector[ObjectType[_, _]], value: Any, exceptionHandler: ExceptionHandler, sourceMapper: Option[SourceMapper] = None, locations: List[AstLocation] = Nil) extends InternalExecutionError with Product with Serializable
  58. trait UserFacingError extends AnyRef
  59. case class ValidationError(violations: Vector[Violation], eh: ExceptionHandler) extends ExecutionError with WithViolations with QueryAnalysisError with Product with Serializable
  60. class ValueCoercionHelper[Ctx] extends AnyRef
  61. class ValueCollector[Ctx, Input] extends AnyRef
  62. case class VariableCoercionError(violations: Vector[Violation], eh: ExceptionHandler) extends ExecutionError with WithViolations with QueryAnalysisError with Product with Serializable
  63. case class VariableValue(fn: (ResultMarshaller, ResultMarshaller, InputType[_]) => Either[Vector[Violation], Trinary[Node]]) extends Product with Serializable
  64. trait WithViolations extends UserFacingError

Value Members

  1. object BeforeFieldResult extends Serializable
  2. object DeprecationTracker
  3. object ExceptionHandler extends Serializable
  4. object ExecutionPath extends Serializable
  5. object ExecutionScheme extends AlternativeExecutionScheme
  6. object Executor extends Serializable
  7. object FieldTag
  8. object HandledException
  9. object InputDocumentMaterializer extends Serializable
  10. object IntrospectionNotAllowedError extends Exception with UserFacingError with Product with Serializable
  11. object MeasureComplexity
  12. object Middleware
  13. object NilDeprecationTracker extends DeprecationTracker
  14. object QueryReducer
  15. object QueryReducerExecutor
  16. object Resolver
  17. object ResultResolver
  18. object StopWatch extends Serializable
  19. object TimeMeasurement extends Serializable
  20. object Trinary
  21. object UndefinedConcreteTypeError extends Serializable
  22. object ValueCoercionHelper
  23. object ValueCollector
