



package schema

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. schema
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. sealed trait AbstractType extends Type with Named
  2. sealed trait Action[+Ctx, +Val] extends AnyRef
  3. case class AdditionalDirectives[Ctx](additionalDirectives: Seq[Directive]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  4. case class AdditionalTypes[Ctx](additionalTypes: List[MaterializedType]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  5. case class AnyFieldResolver[Ctx](resolve: PartialFunction[MatOrigin, (Context[Ctx, _]) => Action[Ctx, Any]]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  6. case class Args(raw: Map[String, Any], argsWithDefault: Set[String], optionalArgs: Set[String], undefinedArgs: Set[String], defaultInfo: Cache[String, Any]) extends Product with Serializable
  7. case class Argument[T](name: String, argumentType: InputType[_], description: Option[String], defaultValue: Option[Tuple2[_, ToInput[_, _]]], fromInput: FromInput[_], astDirectives: Vector[ast.Directive], astNodes: Vector[AstNode]) extends InputValue[T] with Named with HasAstInfo with Product with Serializable
  8. trait ArgumentType[T] extends AnyRef
  9. trait ArgumentTypeLowPrio extends ArgumentTypeLowestPrio
  10. trait ArgumentTypeLowestPrio extends AnyRef
  11. case class AstDirectiveContext[Ctx](directive: ast.Directive, typeDefinition: Either[TypeDefinition, ObjectLikeType[Ctx, _]], fieldDefinition: FieldDefinition, extensions: Vector[ObjectLikeTypeExtensionDefinition], ctx: Context[Ctx, _], lastValue: Option[Action[Ctx, Any]], args: Args) extends WithArguments with Product with Serializable
  12. case class AstDirectiveInputTypeContext[Ctx](origin: MatOrigin, directive: ast.Directive, schemaDefinition: Option[Type with Named], astDefinition: Option[TypeSystemDefinition], astField: Option[FieldDefinition], definition: InputValueDefinition, materializer: AstSchemaMaterializer[Ctx], args: Args) extends WithArguments with WithTypeLookup[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  13. case class AstDirectiveOutputTypeContext[Ctx](origin: MatOrigin, directive: ast.Directive, typeDefinition: Either[TypeDefinition, ObjectLikeType[Ctx, _]], fieldDefinition: FieldDefinition, extensions: Vector[ObjectLikeTypeExtensionDefinition], materializer: AstSchemaMaterializer[Ctx], args: Args) extends WithArguments with WithTypeLookup[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  14. case class AstDirectiveScalarContext(directive: ast.Directive, definition: ScalarTypeDefinition, args: Args) extends WithArguments with Product with Serializable
  15. case class AstInputTypeContext[Ctx](origin: MatOrigin, schemaDefinition: Option[Type with Named], astDefinition: Option[TypeSystemDefinition], astField: Option[FieldDefinition], definition: InputValueDefinition, materializer: AstSchemaMaterializer[Ctx]) extends WithTypeLookup[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  16. case class AstOutputTypeContext[Ctx](origin: MatOrigin, typeDefinition: Either[TypeDefinition, ObjectLikeType[Ctx, _]], fieldDefinition: FieldDefinition, extensions: Vector[ObjectLikeTypeExtensionDefinition], materializer: AstSchemaMaterializer[Ctx]) extends WithTypeLookup[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  17. trait AstSchemaBuilder[Ctx] extends AnyRef
  18. sealed trait AstSchemaGenericResolver[T] extends AnyRef
  19. class AstSchemaMaterializer[Ctx] extends AnyRef
  20. sealed trait AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] extends AnyRef
  21. abstract class BaseMatOrigin extends MatOrigin
  22. case class BuiltMaterializedTypeInst(origin: MatOrigin, tpe: Type with Named) extends MaterializedType with Product with Serializable
  23. case class ComplexityDirectiveContext[Ctx](directive: ast.Directive, typeDefinition: Either[TypeDefinition, ObjectLikeType[Ctx, _]], fieldDefinition: FieldDefinition, args: Args) extends Product with Serializable
  24. case class ComplexityDynamicDirectiveContext[Ctx, In](directive: ast.Directive, typeDefinition: Either[TypeDefinition, ObjectLikeType[Ctx, _]], fieldDefinition: FieldDefinition, args: In) extends Product with Serializable
  25. sealed trait CompositeType[T] extends Type with Named with OutputType[T]
  26. case class ConflictResolver[Ctx](resolve: (MatOrigin, Vector[MaterializedType]) => MaterializedType) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  27. case class Context[Ctx, Val](value: Val, ctx: Ctx, args: Args, schema: Schema[Ctx, Val], field: Field[Ctx, Val], parentType: ObjectType[Ctx, Any], marshaller: ResultMarshaller, query: Document, sourceMapper: Option[SourceMapper], deprecationTracker: DeprecationTracker, astFields: Vector[ast.Field], path: ExecutionPath, deferredResolverState: Any, middlewareAttachments: Vector[MiddlewareAttachment] = Vector.empty) extends WithArguments with WithInputTypeRendering[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  28. class DefaultAstSchemaBuilder[Ctx] extends AstSchemaBuilder[Ctx]
  29. class DefaultIntrospectionSchemaBuilder[Ctx] extends IntrospectionSchemaBuilder[Ctx]
  30. case class DefaultValueParser[T](schema: Schema[_, _], parser: InputParser[T], toInput: ToInput[T, _]) extends Product with Serializable
  31. case class DeferredFutureValue[Ctx, Val](value: Future[Deferred[Val]]) extends LeafAction[Ctx, Val] with Product with Serializable
  32. case class DeferredValue[Ctx, Val](value: Deferred[Val]) extends LeafAction[Ctx, Val] with Product with Serializable
  33. case class Directive(name: String, description: Option[String] = None, arguments: List[Argument[_]] = Nil, locations: Set[DirectiveLocation.Value] = Set.empty, shouldInclude: (DirectiveContext) => Boolean = _ => true) extends HasArguments with Named with Product with Serializable
  34. case class DirectiveContext(selection: WithDirectives, directive: Directive, args: Args) extends WithArguments with Product with Serializable
  35. case class DirectiveFieldProvider[Ctx](directive: Directive, resolve: (DirectiveFieldProviderContext[Ctx]) => List[MaterializedField[Ctx, _]]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  36. case class DirectiveFieldProviderContext[Ctx](origin: MatOrigin, directive: ast.Directive, typeDefinition: TypeDefinition, extensions: Vector[ObjectLikeTypeExtensionDefinition], materializer: AstSchemaMaterializer[Ctx], args: Args) extends WithArguments with WithTypeLookup[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  37. case class DirectiveInputTypeResolver[Ctx](directive: Directive, resolve: (AstDirectiveInputTypeContext[Ctx]) => InputType[Any]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  38. case class DirectiveOutputTypeResolver[Ctx](directive: Directive, resolve: (AstDirectiveOutputTypeContext[Ctx]) => OutputType[Any]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  39. case class DirectiveResolver[Ctx](directive: Directive, resolve: (AstDirectiveContext[Ctx]) => Action[Ctx, Any], complexity: Option[(ComplexityDirectiveContext[Ctx]) => (Ctx, Args, Double) => Double] = None) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  40. case class DirectiveScalarResolver[Ctx](directive: Directive, resolve: (AstDirectiveScalarContext) => ScalarType[_]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  41. case class DynamicDirectiveContext[Ctx, In](directive: ast.Directive, typeDefinition: Either[TypeDefinition, ObjectLikeType[Ctx, _]], fieldDefinition: FieldDefinition, extensions: Vector[ObjectLikeTypeExtensionDefinition], ctx: Context[Ctx, _], lastValue: Option[Action[Ctx, Any]], args: In) extends Product with Serializable
  42. case class DynamicDirectiveFieldProvider[Ctx, A](directiveName: String, resolve: (DynamicDirectiveFieldProviderContext[Ctx, A]) => List[MaterializedField[Ctx, _]])(implicit marshaller: ResultMarshallerForType[A]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  43. case class DynamicDirectiveFieldProviderContext[Ctx, A](origin: MatOrigin, directive: ast.Directive, typeDefinition: TypeDefinition, extensions: Vector[ObjectLikeTypeExtensionDefinition], materializer: AstSchemaMaterializer[Ctx], args: A) extends WithTypeLookup[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  44. case class DynamicDirectiveResolver[Ctx, T](directiveName: String, resolve: (DynamicDirectiveContext[Ctx, T]) => Action[Ctx, Any], complexity: Option[(ComplexityDynamicDirectiveContext[Ctx, T]) => (Ctx, Args, Double) => Double] = None)(implicit marshaller: ResultMarshallerForType[T]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  45. case class EnumType[T](name: String, description: Option[String] = None, values: List[EnumValue[T]], astDirectives: Vector[ast.Directive] = Vector.empty, astNodes: Vector[AstNode] = Vector.empty) extends InputType[@@[T, CoercedScalaResult]] with OutputType[T] with LeafType with NullableType with UnmodifiedType with Named with HasAstInfo with Product with Serializable
  46. case class EnumValue[+T](name: String, description: Option[String] = None, value: T, deprecationReason: Option[String] = None, astDirectives: Vector[ast.Directive] = Vector.empty, astNodes: Vector[AstNode] = Vector.empty) extends Named with HasDeprecation with HasAstInfo with Product with Serializable
  47. case class ExistingEnumContext[Ctx](origin: MatOrigin, extensions: Vector[EnumTypeExtensionDefinition], existing: EnumType[Any], materializer: AstSchemaMaterializer[Ctx]) extends WithTypeLookup[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  48. case class ExistingEnumResolver[Ctx](resolve: PartialFunction[ExistingEnumContext[Ctx], EnumType[Any]]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  49. case class ExistingFieldResolver[Ctx](resolve: PartialFunction[(MatOrigin, Option[ObjectLikeType[Ctx, _]], Field[Ctx, _]), (Context[Ctx, _]) => Action[Ctx, Any]]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  50. case class ExistingInstanceCheck[Ctx](fn: (ExistingInstanceCheckContext[Ctx]) => (Any, Class[_]) => Boolean) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  51. case class ExistingInstanceCheckContext[Ctx](origin: MatOrigin, tpe: ObjectType[Ctx, _], extensions: List[ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition]) extends Product with Serializable
  52. case class ExistingScalarContext[Ctx](origin: MatOrigin, extensions: Vector[ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition], existing: ScalarType[Any], materializer: AstSchemaMaterializer[Ctx]) extends WithTypeLookup[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  53. case class ExistingScalarResolver[Ctx](resolve: PartialFunction[ExistingScalarContext[Ctx], ScalarType[Any]]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  54. case class ExistingSchemaOrigin[Ctx, Val](schema: Schema[Ctx, Val]) extends BaseMatOrigin with Product with Serializable
  55. case class Field[Ctx, Val](name: String, fieldType: OutputType[_], description: Option[String], arguments: List[Argument[_]], resolve: (Context[Ctx, Val]) => Action[Ctx, _], deprecationReason: Option[String], tags: List[FieldTag], complexity: Option[(Ctx, Args, Double) => Double], manualPossibleTypes: () => List[ObjectType[_, _]], astDirectives: Vector[ast.Directive], astNodes: Vector[AstNode]) extends Named with HasArguments with HasDeprecation with HasAstInfo with Product with Serializable
  56. case class FieldResolver[Ctx](resolve: PartialFunction[(Either[TypeDefinition, ObjectLikeType[Ctx, _]], FieldDefinition), (Context[Ctx, _]) => Action[Ctx, Any]], complexity: PartialFunction[(Either[TypeDefinition, ObjectLikeType[Ctx, _]], FieldDefinition), (Ctx, Args, Double) => Double] = PartialFunction.empty) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  57. class FullSchemaTraversalValidationRule extends SchemaValidationRule
  58. case class FutureValue[Ctx, Val](value: Future[Val]) extends LeafAction[Ctx, Val] with ReduceAction[Ctx, Val] with Product with Serializable
  59. case class GenericDirectiveContext(directive: ast.Directive, astNode: AstNode, args: Args) extends WithArguments with Product with Serializable
  60. case class GenericDirectiveResolver[T](directive: Directive, locations: Set[DirectiveLocation.Value] = Set.empty, resolve: (GenericDirectiveContext) => Option[T]) extends AstSchemaGenericResolver[T] with Product with Serializable
  61. case class GenericDynamicDirectiveContext[A](directive: ast.Directive, astNode: AstNode, args: A) extends Product with Serializable
  62. case class GenericDynamicDirectiveResolver[T, A](directiveName: String, locations: Set[DirectiveLocation.Value] = Set.empty, resolve: (GenericDynamicDirectiveContext[A]) => Option[T])(implicit marshaller: ResultMarshallerForType[T]) extends AstSchemaGenericResolver[T] with Product with Serializable
  63. sealed trait HasArguments extends AnyRef
  64. sealed trait HasAstInfo extends AnyRef
  65. sealed trait HasDeprecation extends AnyRef
  66. sealed trait HasDescription extends AnyRef
  67. case class InputField[T](name: String, fieldType: InputType[T], description: Option[String], defaultValue: Option[Tuple2[_, ToInput[_, _]]], astDirectives: Vector[ast.Directive], astNodes: Vector[AstNode]) extends InputValue[T] with Named with HasAstInfo with Product with Serializable
  68. case class InputMaterializationException(message: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable
  69. trait InputObjectDefaultResult[T] extends AnyRef
  70. trait InputObjectDefaultResultLowPrio extends AnyRef
  71. case class InputObjectType[T](name: String, description: Option[String] = None, fieldsFn: () => List[InputField[_]], astDirectives: Vector[ast.Directive], astNodes: Vector[AstNode]) extends InputType[@@[T, InputObjectResult]] with NullableType with UnmodifiedType with Named with HasAstInfo with Product with Serializable
  72. sealed trait InputType[+T] extends Type
  73. case class InputTypeResolver[Ctx](resolve: PartialFunction[AstInputTypeContext[Ctx], InputType[Any]]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  74. trait InputValue[T] extends AnyRef
  75. case class InstanceCheck[Ctx](fn: (InstanceCheckContext[Ctx]) => (Any, Class[_]) => Boolean) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  76. case class InstanceCheckContext[Ctx](origin: MatOrigin, definition: ObjectTypeDefinition, extensions: List[ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition]) extends Product with Serializable
  77. case class InterfaceType[Ctx, Val](name: String, description: Option[String] = None, fieldsFn: () => List[Field[Ctx, Val]], interfaces: List[InterfaceType[Ctx, _]], manualPossibleTypes: () => List[ObjectType[_, _]], astDirectives: Vector[ast.Directive], astNodes: Vector[AstNode] = Vector.empty) extends ObjectLikeType[Ctx, Val] with AbstractType with Product with Serializable
  78. trait IntrospectionSchemaBuilder[Ctx] extends AnyRef
  79. class IntrospectionSchemaMaterializer[Ctx, T] extends AnyRef
  80. sealed trait LeafAction[+Ctx, +Val] extends Action[Ctx, Val]
  81. sealed trait LeafType extends Type with Named with HasAstInfo
  82. case class ListInputType[T](ofType: InputType[T]) extends InputType[Seq[T]] with NullableType with Product with Serializable
  83. case class ListType[T](ofType: OutputType[T]) extends OutputType[Seq[T]] with NullableType with Product with Serializable
  84. trait LowPrioActions extends LowestPrioActions
  85. trait LowestPrioActions extends AnyRef
  86. sealed trait MappedAbstractType[T] extends Type with AbstractType with OutputType[T]
  87. class MappedSequenceLeafAction[Ctx, Val, NewVal] extends LeafAction[Ctx, NewVal]
  88. class MappedUpdateCtx[Ctx, Val, NewVal] extends Action[Ctx, NewVal]
  89. case class MappingDeferred[A, +B](deferred: Deferred[A], mapFn: (A) => (B, Vector[Throwable])) extends Deferred[B] with Product with Serializable
  90. trait MatOrigin extends AnyRef

    Provide info on where the definitions came from.

    Provide info on where the definitions came from. E.g. SDL, existing schema, etc

  91. sealed trait MaterializedField[Ctx, +Val] extends AnyRef
  92. case class MaterializedFieldAst[Ctx](origin: MatOrigin, field: FieldDefinition) extends MaterializedField[Ctx, Any] with Product with Serializable
  93. case class MaterializedFieldInst[Ctx, Val](origin: MatOrigin, field: Field[Ctx, Val]) extends MaterializedField[Ctx, Val] with Product with Serializable
  94. sealed trait MaterializedType extends AnyRef
  95. case class MaterializedTypeAst(origin: MatOrigin, tpe: TypeDefinition) extends MaterializedType with Product with Serializable
  96. case class MaterializedTypeInst(origin: MatOrigin, tpe: Type with Named) extends MaterializedType with Product with Serializable
  97. sealed trait Named extends HasDescription
  98. sealed trait NullableType extends AnyRef
  99. sealed trait ObjectLikeType[Ctx, Val] extends OutputType[Val] with CompositeType[Val] with NullableType with UnmodifiedType with Named with HasAstInfo
  100. case class ObjectType[Ctx, Val](name: String, description: Option[String], fieldsFn: () => List[Field[Ctx, Val]], interfaces: List[InterfaceType[Ctx, _]], instanceCheck: (Any, Class[_], ObjectType[Ctx, Val]) => Boolean, astDirectives: Vector[ast.Directive], astNodes: Vector[AstNode])(implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[Val]) extends ObjectLikeType[Ctx, Val] with Product with Serializable
  101. case class OptionInputType[T](ofType: InputType[T]) extends InputType[Option[T]] with Product with Serializable
  102. case class OptionType[T](ofType: OutputType[T]) extends OutputType[Option[T]] with Product with Serializable
  103. sealed trait OutputType[+T] extends Type
  104. case class OutputTypeResolver[Ctx](resolve: PartialFunction[AstOutputTypeContext[Ctx], OutputType[Any]]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  105. case class PartialFutureValue[Ctx, Val](value: Future[PartialValue[Ctx, Val]]) extends LeafAction[Ctx, Val] with Product with Serializable
  106. case class PartialValue[Ctx, Val](value: Val, errors: Vector[Throwable]) extends LeafAction[Ctx, Val] with Product with Serializable
  107. case class PossibleInterface[Ctx, Concrete](interfaceType: InterfaceType[Ctx, _]) extends Product with Serializable
  108. trait PossibleInterfaceLowPrioImplicits extends AnyRef
  109. case class PossibleObject[Ctx, Abstract](objectType: ObjectType[Ctx, _]) extends Product with Serializable
  110. trait PossibleType[AbstrType, ConcreteType] extends AnyRef
  111. case class ProjectedName(name: String, children: Vector[ProjectedName] = Vector.empty) extends Product with Serializable
  112. case class ProjectionName(name: String) extends FieldTag with Product with Serializable
  113. trait Projector[Ctx, Val, Res] extends (Context[Ctx, Val]) => Action[Ctx, Res]
  114. sealed trait ReduceAction[+Ctx, +Val] extends Action[Ctx, Val]
  115. class ResolverBasedAstSchemaBuilder[Ctx] extends DefaultAstSchemaBuilder[Ctx]
  116. case class SDLOrigin(document: Document) extends BaseMatOrigin with Product with Serializable
  117. case class ScalarAlias[T, ST](aliasFor: ScalarType[ST], toScalar: (T) => ST, fromScalar: (ST) => Either[Violation, T]) extends InputType[@@[T, CoercedScalaResult]] with OutputType[T] with LeafType with NullableType with UnmodifiedType with Named with Product with Serializable
  118. case class ScalarResolver[Ctx](resolve: PartialFunction[ScalarTypeDefinition, ScalarType[_]]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  119. case class ScalarType[T](name: String, description: Option[String] = None, coerceUserInput: (Any) => Either[Violation, T], coerceOutput: (T, Set[MarshallerCapability]) => Any, coerceInput: (ast.Value) => Either[Violation, T], complexity: Double = 0.0D, scalarInfo: Set[ScalarValueInfo] = Set.empty, astDirectives: Vector[ast.Directive] = Vector.empty, astNodes: Vector[AstNode] = Vector.empty) extends InputType[@@[T, CoercedScalaResult]] with OutputType[T] with LeafType with NullableType with UnmodifiedType with Named with Product with Serializable

    Defines a GraphQL scalar value type.

    Defines a GraphQL scalar value type.

    coerceOutput is allowed to return following scala values:

    • String
    • Boolean
    • Int
    • Long
    • Float
    • Double
    • scala.BigInt
    • scala.BigDecimal
    • sangria.ast.Value (it would be converted to raw scala value before given to a marshalling API)

    It may also return other values as well as long as underlying marshalling library supports them.

    You can provide additional meta-information to marshalling API with scalarInfo.

  120. case class Schema[Ctx, Val](query: ObjectType[Ctx, Val], mutation: Option[ObjectType[Ctx, Val]] = None, subscription: Option[ObjectType[Ctx, Val]] = None, additionalTypes: List[Type with Named] = Nil, description: Option[String] = None, directives: List[Directive] = BuiltinDirectives, validationRules: List[SchemaValidationRule] = SchemaValidationRule.default, astDirectives: Vector[ast.Directive] = Vector.empty, astNodes: Vector[AstNode] = Vector.empty) extends HasAstInfo with HasDescription with Product with Serializable
  121. sealed trait SchemaChange extends AnyRef
  122. trait SchemaElementValidator extends AnyRef
  123. case class SchemaMaterializationException(message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends Exception with Product with Serializable
  124. case class SchemaValidationException(violations: Vector[Violation], eh: ExceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler.empty) extends ExecutionError with WithViolations with QueryAnalysisError with Product with Serializable
  125. trait SchemaValidationRule extends AnyRef
  126. case class SequenceLeafAction[Ctx, Val](value: Seq[LeafAction[Ctx, Val]]) extends LeafAction[Ctx, Seq[Val]] with Product with Serializable
  127. case class SimpleEnumValueResolver[Ctx](resolve: PartialFunction[(Either[EnumTypeDefinition, EnumType[_]], EnumValueDefinition), String]) extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx] with Product with Serializable
  128. case class TryValue[Ctx, Val](value: Try[Val]) extends LeafAction[Ctx, Val] with ReduceAction[Ctx, Val] with Product with Serializable
  129. sealed trait Type extends AnyRef
  130. case class UnionType[Ctx](name: String, description: Option[String] = None, types: List[ObjectType[Ctx, _]], astDirectives: Vector[ast.Directive] = Vector.empty, astNodes: Vector[AstNode] = Vector.empty) extends OutputType[Any] with CompositeType[Any] with AbstractType with NullableType with UnmodifiedType with HasAstInfo with Product with Serializable
  131. sealed trait UnmodifiedType extends AnyRef
  132. class UpdateCtx[Ctx, Val] extends Action[Ctx, Val]
  133. trait ValidOutType[-Res, +Out] extends AnyRef
    @implicitNotFound("${Res} is invalid type for the resulting GraphQL type ${Out}.")
  134. case class Value[Ctx, Val](value: Val) extends LeafAction[Ctx, Val] with ReduceAction[Ctx, Val] with Product with Serializable
  135. trait WithArguments extends AnyRef
  136. trait WithInputTypeRendering[Ctx] extends AnyRef
  137. trait WithTypeLookup[Ctx] extends AnyRef
  138. trait WithoutInputTypeTags[T] extends AnyRef
  139. trait WithoutInputTypeTagsLowPrio extends AnyRef

Deprecated Type Members

  1. class LegacyCommentDescriptionsResolver[Ctx] extends AstSchemaResolver[Ctx]

    (Since version 1.4.0) Please migrate to new string-based description format

Value Members

  1. implicit val BigDecimalType: ScalarType[BigDecimal]
  2. implicit val BigIntType: ScalarType[BigInt]
  3. implicit val BooleanType: ScalarType[Boolean]
  4. val BuiltinDirectives: List[Directive]
  5. val BuiltinDirectivesByName: Map[String, Directive]
  6. val BuiltinGraphQLScalars: List[ScalarType[_]]
  7. val BuiltinGraphQLScalarsByName: Map[String, ScalarType[_]]
  8. val BuiltinSangriaScalars: List[ScalarType[_]]
  9. val BuiltinSangriaScalarsByName: Map[String, ScalarType[_]]
  10. val BuiltinScalars: List[ScalarType[_]]
  11. val BuiltinScalarsByName: Map[String, ScalarType[_]]
  12. val DefaultDeprecationReason: String
  13. val DeprecatedDirective: Directive
  14. implicit val FloatType: ScalarType[Double]
  15. val IDType: ScalarType[String]
  16. val IfArg: Argument[Boolean]
  17. val IncludeDirective: Directive
  18. implicit val IntType: ScalarType[Int]
  19. implicit val LongType: ScalarType[Long]
  20. val ReasonArg: Argument[String]
  21. val SkipDirective: Directive
  22. implicit val StringType: ScalarType[String]
  23. def fields[Ctx, Val](fields: Field[Ctx, Val]*): List[Field[Ctx, Val]]
  24. def interfaces[Ctx, Concrete](interfaces: PossibleInterface[Ctx, Concrete]*): List[PossibleInterface[Ctx, Concrete]]
  25. def possibleTypes[Ctx, Abstract](objectTypes: PossibleObject[Ctx, Abstract]*): List[PossibleObject[Ctx, Abstract]]
  26. def valueOutput[T](value: T, capabilities: Set[MarshallerCapability]): T
  27. object Action extends LowPrioActions
  28. object AdditionalTypes extends Serializable
  29. object AnyFieldResolver extends Serializable
  30. object Args extends Serializable
  31. object Argument extends Serializable
  32. object ArgumentType extends ArgumentTypeLowPrio
  33. object AstSchemaBuilder
  34. object AstSchemaMaterializer
  35. object ContainerMembersValidator extends SchemaElementValidator
  36. object DefaultIntrospectionSchemaBuilder
  37. object DefaultValueParser extends Serializable
  38. object DefaultValueRenderer
  39. object DefaultValuesValidationRule extends SchemaValidationRule
  40. object DirectiveLocation extends Enumeration
  41. object EnumValueReservedNameValidator extends SchemaElementValidator
  42. object ExistingFieldResolver extends Serializable
  43. object Field extends Serializable
  44. object FieldResolver extends Serializable
  45. object InputField extends Serializable
  46. object InputObjectDefaultResult extends InputObjectDefaultResultLowPrio
  47. object InputObjectType extends Serializable
  48. object InputObjectTypeRecursionValidator extends SchemaElementValidator
  49. object InstanceCheck extends Serializable
  50. object InterfaceImplementationValidationRule extends SchemaValidationRule
  51. object InterfaceType extends Serializable
  52. object IntrospectionNamesValidator extends SchemaElementValidator
  53. object IntrospectionSchemaBuilder
  54. object IntrospectionSchemaMaterializer
  55. object LeafAction
  56. object LegacyCommentDescriptionsResolver
  57. object MaterializedField
  58. object MaterializedType
  59. object Named
  60. object ObjectType extends Serializable
  61. object PossibleInterface extends PossibleInterfaceLowPrioImplicits with Serializable
  62. object PossibleObject extends Serializable
  63. object PossibleType
  64. object ProjectionExclude extends FieldTag with Product with Serializable
  65. object Projector
  66. object ReduceAction
  67. object ResolverBasedAstSchemaBuilder
  68. object Schema extends Serializable
  69. object SchemaChange
  70. object SchemaComparator
  71. object SchemaElementValidator
  72. object SchemaValidationRule
  73. object StandaloneOrigin extends BaseMatOrigin with Product with Serializable
  74. object SubscriptionFieldsValidationRule extends SchemaValidationRule
  75. object UpdateCtx
  76. object ValidNamesValidator extends SchemaElementValidator
  77. object ValidOutType
  78. object WithoutInputTypeTags extends WithoutInputTypeTagsLowPrio

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
