
trait Filtered

[source: scala/collection/generic/TraversableViewTemplate.scala]

trait Filtered
extends Transformed[A]
Direct Known Subclasses:

Value Summary
protected[this] abstract val pred : (A) => Boolean
Values and Variables inherited from Transformed
Method Summary
override def foreach [C](f : (A) => C) : Unit
Apply a function f to all elements of this traversable object.
override def stringPrefix : java.lang.String
Defines the prefix of this object's toString representation.
Methods inherited from TraversableViewTemplate
newBuilder, force, newAppended, newMapped, newFlatMapped, newFiltered, newSliced, newDroppedWhile, newTakenWhile, ++, ++, map, flatMap, filter, init, drop, take, slice, dropWhile, takeWhile, span, splitAt
Methods inherited from Traversable
Methods inherited from TraversableClass
genericBuilder, unzip, flatten, transpose
Methods inherited from TraversableTemplate
thisCollection, isEmpty, nonEmpty, size, hasDefiniteSize, filterMap, filterNot, remove, partition, groupBy, forall, exists, count, find, foldLeft, /:, foldRight, :\, reduceLeft, reduceLeftOption, reduceRight, reduceRightOption, head, headOption, tail, last, lastOption, copyToBuffer, copyToArray, copyToArray, toArray, toList, toIterable, toSequence, toStream, toSet, mkString, mkString, mkString, addString, addString, addString, toString, view, view
Methods inherited from AnyRef
getClass, hashCode, equals, clone, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait, finalize, ==, !=, eq, ne, synchronized
Methods inherited from Any
==, !=, isInstanceOf, asInstanceOf
Value Details
protected[this] abstract val pred : (A) => Boolean

Method Details
override def foreach[C](f : (A) => C) : Unit
Apply a function f to all elements of this traversable object.
f - A function that is applied for its side-effect to every element. The result (of arbitrary type U) of function `f` is discarded.
This method underlies the implementation of most other bulk operations. It's important to implement this method in an efficient way.

override def stringPrefix : java.lang.String
Defines the prefix of this object's toString representation.