
class PlainPrinter(_ctx: Context) extends Printer
class Printer
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def Str(str: String, lineRange: LineRange): Str

Usual target for Annotation#toText, overridden in RefinedPrinter

Usual target for Annotation#toText, overridden in RefinedPrinter

def dclText(sym: Symbol): Text
def dclsText(syms: List[Symbol], sep: String): Text
def homogenize(tp: Type): Type

String representation of symbol's kind.

String representation of symbol's kind.

def nameString(name: Name): String
def toText(name: Name): Text
def toText(tp: Type): Text
def toText(sym: Symbol): Text
def toText(denot: Denotation): Text
def toText(const: Constant): Text
def toText(annot: Annotation): Text
def toText(param: LambdaParam): Text
def toText(sc: Scope): Text
def toText[T >: Untyped](tree: Tree[T]): Text
def toText(result: SearchResult): Text
def toText(importInfo: ImportInfo): Text

The string representation of this type used as a prefix, including separator

The string representation of this type used as a prefix, including separator

The string representation of this type used as a prefix

The string representation of this type used as a prefix

Inherited methods

def atPrec(prec: Precedence)(op: => Text): Text

Generate text using op, assuming a given precedence level prec.

Generate text using op, assuming a given precedence level prec.

atPrec vs changePrec

This is to be used when changing precedence inside some sort of parentheses: for instance, to print T[A]usetoText(T) ~ '[' ~ atPrec(GlobalPrec) { toText(A) } ~ ']'`.

If the presence of the parentheses depends on precedence, inserting them manually is most certainly a bug. Use changePrec instead to generate them exactly when needed.

Inherited from:
def changePrec(prec: Precedence)(op: => Text): Text

Generate text using op, assuming a given precedence level prec. If new level prec is lower than previous level, put text in parentheses.

Generate text using op, assuming a given precedence level prec. If new level prec is lower than previous level, put text in parentheses.

atPrec vs changePrec

To pretty-print A op B, you need something like changePrec(parsing.precedence(op, isType)) { toText(a) ~ op ~ toText(b) } // BUGGY that will insert parentheses around A op B if, for instance, the preceding operator has higher precedence.

But that does not handle infix operators with left- or right- associativity.

If op and op' have the same precedence and associativity, A op B op' C parses as (A op B) op' C if op and op' are left-associative, and as A op (B op' C) if they're right-associative, so we need respectively

val isType = ??? // is this a term or type operator?
val prec = parsing.precedence(op, isType)
// either:
changePrec(prec) { toText(a) ~ op ~ atPrec(prec + 1) { toText(b) } } // for left-associative op and op'
// or:
changePrec(prec) { atPrec(prec + 1) { toText(a) } ~ op ~ toText(b) } // for right-associative op and op'
Inherited from:

The current precedence level. When pretty-printing arguments of operator op, currentPrecedence must equal op's precedence level, so that pretty-printing expressions using lower-precedence operators can insert parentheses automatically by calling changePrec.

The current precedence level. When pretty-printing arguments of operator op, currentPrecedence must equal op's precedence level, so that pretty-printing expressions using lower-precedence operators can insert parentheses automatically by calling changePrec.

Inherited from:
def toText(elems: Iterable[Showable], sep: String): Text

Render elements alternating with sep string

Render elements alternating with sep string

Inherited from:

Render elements within lowest precedence

Render elements within lowest precedence

Inherited from:

Render element within lowest precedence

Render element within lowest precedence

Inherited from:

Render elements within highest precedence

Render elements within highest precedence

Inherited from:

Render element within highest precedence

Render element within highest precedence

Inherited from:
