
This module is carefully optimized to give zero overhead if Config.tracingEnabled is false. The trace operation is called in various hotspots, so every tiny bit of overhead is unacceptable: boxing, closures, additional method calls are all out.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object force.type
object log.type
object trace.type

Value members

Abstract methods

inline def isEnabled: Boolean

Concrete methods

inline def apply[T, U >: T](inline question: String, inline printer: Printer, inline showOp: U => String)(inline op: T)(using Context): T
inline def apply[T](inline question: String, inline printer: Printer, inline show: Boolean)(inline op: T)(using Context): T
inline def apply[T](inline question: String, inline printer: Printer)(inline op: T)(using Context): T
inline def apply[T](inline question: String, inline show: Boolean)(inline op: T)(using Context): T
inline def apply[T](inline question: String)(inline op: T)(using Context): T
inline def conditionally[TC](inline cond: Boolean, inline question: String, inline show: Boolean)(inline op: TC)(using Context): TC
inline def onDebug[TD](inline question: String)(inline op: TD)(using Context): TD

Abstract fields

protected val isForced: Boolean