
case class GenFrom(pat: Tree, expr: Tree, checkMode: GenCheckMode)(implicit @constructorOnly src: SourceFile) extends Tree[Untyped]
class Tree[Untyped]
trait Showable
trait Container
trait Cloneable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait SrcPos
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

type ThisTree[T >: Untyped] <: Tree[T]

The type constructor at the root of the tree

The type constructor at the root of the tree

Inherited from:

Value members

Inherited methods

final def allAttachments: List[(Key[_], Any)]

The list of all keys and values attached to this container.

The list of all keys and values attached to this container.

Inherited from:
final def attachment[V](key: Key[V]): V

The attachment corresponding to key.

The attachment corresponding to key.


if no attachment with key exists

Inherited from:
final def attachmentOrElse[V](key: Key[V], default: V): V

The attachment corresponding to key, or default if no attachment with key exists.

The attachment corresponding to key, or default if no attachment with key exists.

Inherited from:
def checkPos(nonOverlapping: Boolean)(using Context): Unit

Check that all positioned items in this tree satisfy the following conditions:

Check that all positioned items in this tree satisfy the following conditions:

  • Parent spans contain child spans
  • If item is a non-empty tree, it has a position
Inherited from:

Clone this node but assign it a fresh id which marks it as a node in file.

Clone this node but assign it a fresh id which marks it as a node in file.

Inherited from:
Inherited from:

The denotation referred to by this tree. Defined for DenotingTrees and ProxyTrees, NoDenotation for other kinds of trees

The denotation referred to by this tree. Defined for DenotingTrees and ProxyTrees, NoDenotation for other kinds of trees

Inherited from:
def endPos(using ctx: Context): SourcePosition
Inherited from:
def envelope(src: SourceFile, startSpan: Span): Span

The union of startSpan and the spans of all positioned children that have the same source as this node, except that Inlined nodes only consider their call child.

The union of startSpan and the spans of all positioned children that have the same source as this node, except that Inlined nodes only consider their call child.

Side effect: Any descendants without spans have but with the same source as this node have their span set to the end position of the envelope of all children to the left, or, if that one does not exist, to the start position of the envelope of all children to the right.

Inherited from:
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean
Definition Classes
Tree -> Equals -> Any
Inherited from:
def fallbackToText(printer: Printer): Text

A fallback text representation, if the pattern matching in Printers does not have a case for this showable element

A fallback text representation, if the pattern matching in Printers does not have a case for this showable element

Inherited from:
def focus(using ctx: Context): SourcePosition
Inherited from:

If this is a thicket, perform op on each of its trees otherwise, perform op ion tree itself.

If this is a thicket, perform op on each of its trees otherwise, perform op ion tree itself.

Inherited from:
final def getAttachment[V](key: Key[V]): Option[V]

Optionally get attachment corresponding to key

Optionally get attachment corresponding to key

Inherited from:
final def hasAttachment[V](key: Key[V]): Boolean

Does an attachment corresponding to key exist?

Does an attachment corresponding to key exist?

Inherited from:
final def hasType: Boolean

Does the tree have its type field set? Note: this operation is not referentially transparent, because it can observe the withType modifications. Should be used only in special circumstances (we need it for printing trees with optional type info).

Does the tree have its type field set? Note: this operation is not referentially transparent, because it can observe the withType modifications. Should be used only in special circumstances (we need it for printing trees with optional type info).

Inherited from:
override def hashCode(): Int
Definition Classes
Tree -> Any
Inherited from:

Does this tree define a new symbol that is not defined elsewhere?

Does this tree define a new symbol that is not defined elsewhere?

Inherited from:

Is this tree either the empty tree or the empty ValDef or an empty type ident?

Is this tree either the empty tree or the empty ValDef or an empty type ident?

Inherited from:

Is this a legal part of a pattern which is not at the same time a term?

Is this a legal part of a pattern which is not at the same time a term?

Inherited from:

Does this tree represent a term?

Does this tree represent a term?

Inherited from:

Does this tree represent a type?

Does this tree represent a type?

Inherited from:
def line(using ctx: Context): Int
Inherited from:
inline def orElse[U >: Untyped <: Untyped](inline that: Tree[U]): Tree[U]

if this tree is the empty tree, the alternative, else this tree

if this tree is the empty tree, the alternative, else this tree

Inherited from:
Inherited from:
final def pushAttachment[V](key: Key[V], value: V)(using ctx: Context): Unit
Inherited from:
final def putAttachment[V](key: Key[V], value: V): Option[V]

Add attachment with given key and value.

Add attachment with given key and value.


Optionally, the old attachment with given key if one existed before. The new attachment is added at the position of the old one, or at the end if no attachment with same key existed.

Inherited from:
Inherited from:
final def removeAttachment[V](key: Key[V]): Option[V]

Remove attachment with given key, if it exists.

Remove attachment with given key, if it exists.


Optionally, the removed attachment with given key if one existed before.

Inherited from:
def sameTree(that: Tree[_]): Boolean
Inherited from:
def show(using Context): String

The string representation of this showable element.

The string representation of this showable element.

Inherited from:
def showIndented(margin: Int)(using Context): String

The string representation with each line after the first one indented by the given given margin (in spaces).

The string representation with each line after the first one indented by the given given margin (in spaces).

Inherited from:
def showSummary(depth: Int)(using Context): String

The summarized string representation of this showable element. Recursion depth is limited to some smallish value. Default is Config.summarizeDepth.

The summarized string representation of this showable element. Recursion depth is limited to some smallish value. Default is Config.summarizeDepth.

Inherited from:
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def span: Span

The span part of the item's position

The span part of the item's position

Inherited from:
def span_=(span: Span): Unit
Inherited from:
final def srcPos: SrcPos

This positioned item, widened to SrcPos. Used to make clear we only need the position, typically for error reporting.

This positioned item, widened to SrcPos. Used to make clear we only need the position, typically for error reporting.

Inherited from:
Inherited from:
final def symbol(using Context): Symbol

Shorthand for denot.symbol.

Shorthand for denot.symbol.

Inherited from:

Convert tree to a list. Gives a singleton list, except for thickets which return their element trees.

Convert tree to a list. Gives a singleton list, except for thickets which return their element trees.

Inherited from:
override def toText(printer: Printer): Text
Definition Classes
Inherited from:
final def tpe: Untyped

The type of the tree. In case of an untyped tree, an UnAssignedTypeException is thrown. (Overridden by empty trees)

The type of the tree. In case of an untyped tree, an UnAssignedTypeException is thrown. (Overridden by empty trees)

Inherited from:

The number of nodes in this tree

The number of nodes in this tree

Inherited from:
final def typeOpt: Type
Inherited from:

A unique identifier in case -Yshow-tree-ids, or -Ydebug-tree-with-id is set, -1 otherwise.

A unique identifier in case -Yshow-tree-ids, or -Ydebug-tree-with-id is set, -1 otherwise.

Inherited from:
def withAttachment[V](key: Key[V], value: V): GenFrom
Inherited from:
final def withAttachmentsFrom(container: Container): GenFrom

Copy the sticky attachments from container to this container.

Copy the sticky attachments from container to this container.

Inherited from:
def withSpan(span: Span): GenFrom

A positioned item like this one with given span. If the positioned item is source-derived, a clone is returned. If the positioned item is synthetic, the position is updated destructively and the item itself is returned.

A positioned item like this one with given span. If the positioned item is source-derived, a clone is returned. If the positioned item is synthetic, the position is updated destructively and the item itself is returned.

Inherited from:
def withType(tpe: Type)(using Context): ThisTree[Type]

Return a typed tree that's isomorphic to this tree, but has given type. (Overridden by empty trees)

Return a typed tree that's isomorphic to this tree, but has given type. (Overridden by empty trees)

Inherited from:
Inherited from:

Inherited fields

protected var myTpe: Untyped
Inherited from: