
object ClassPath
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Deprecated classlikes

@deprecated("shim for sbt\'s compiler interface", since = "2.12.0")
sealed abstract class ClassPathContext
[Since version 2.12.0]
@deprecated("shim for sbt\'s compiler interface", since = "2.12.0")
sealed abstract class JavaContext
[Since version 2.12.0]

Value members

Concrete methods

def expandDir(extdir: String): List[String]

Expand dir out to contents, a la extdir

Expand dir out to contents, a la extdir

Expand manifest jar classpath entries: these are either urls, or paths relative to the location of the jar.

Expand manifest jar classpath entries: these are either urls, or paths relative to the location of the jar.

def expandPath(path: String, expandStar: Boolean): List[String]

Expand path and possibly expanding stars

Expand path and possibly expanding stars

def join(paths: String*): String

Join classpath using platform-dependent path separator

Join classpath using platform-dependent path separator

def map(cp: String, f: String => String): String

Split the classpath, apply a transformation function, and reassemble it.

Split the classpath, apply a transformation function, and reassemble it.

def specToURL(spec: String): Option[URL]
def split(path: String): List[String]

Split classpath using platform-dependent path separator

Split classpath using platform-dependent path separator

Concrete fields