
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object STMImpl

Value members

Concrete methods

def select(implClassName: String): Unit

Installs Class.forName(implClassName) as the system-wide STM implementation if no STMImpl has yet been chosen, or verifies that implClassName was previously selected, throwing IllegalStateException if a different STM implementation has already been selected

Installs Class.forName(implClassName) as the system-wide STM implementation if no STMImpl has yet been chosen, or verifies that implClassName was previously selected, throwing IllegalStateException if a different STM implementation has already been selected

def select(impl: STMImpl): Unit

Installs impl as the system-wide STM implementation if no STMImpl has yet been chosen, or verifies that impl is equal to the previously selected instance, throwing IllegalStateException if an STM implementation has already been selected and impl != instance

Installs impl as the system-wide STM implementation if no STMImpl has yet been chosen, or verifies that impl is equal to the previously selected instance, throwing IllegalStateException if an STM implementation has already been selected and impl != instance

def trySelect(implClassName: String): Boolean

If no STMImpl instance has yet been selected, installs an instance of Class.forName(implClassName) as the system-wide STM implementation. Returns true if implClassName was newly or previously selected, or returns false if another STM implementation was chosen.

If no STMImpl instance has yet been selected, installs an instance of Class.forName(implClassName) as the system-wide STM implementation. Returns true if implClassName was newly or previously selected, or returns false if another STM implementation was chosen.