
class StubSTMImpl extends STMImpl
trait STMImpl
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[Z](block: InTxn => Z)(mt: MaybeTxn): Z
def compareAndSet[A, B](a: Ref[A], a0: A, a1: A, b: Ref[B], b0: B, b1: B): Boolean
def compareAndSetIdentity[A <: AnyRef, B <: AnyRef](a: Ref[A], a0: A, a1: A, b: Ref[B], b0: B, b1: B): Boolean
def findCurrent(mt: MaybeTxn): Option[InTxn]
def isControlFlow(x: Throwable): Boolean
def newCommitBarrier(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): CommitBarrier
def newRef(v0: Boolean): Ref[Boolean]
def newRef(v0: Byte): Ref[Byte]
def newRef(v0: Short): Ref[Short]
def newRef(v0: Char): Ref[Char]
def newRef(v0: Int): Ref[Int]
def newRef(v0: Float): Ref[Float]
def newRef(v0: Long): Ref[Long]
def newRef(v0: Double): Ref[Double]
def newRef(v0: Unit): Ref[Unit]
def newRef[A](v0: A)(`evidence$1`: ClassTag[A]): Ref[A]
def newTArray[A](length: Int)(`evidence$2`: ClassTag[A]): TArray[A]
def newTArray[A](xs: IterableOnce[A])(`evidence$3`: ClassTag[A]): TArray[A]
def newTMap[A, B]: TMap[A, B]
def newTMapBuilder[A, B]: Builder[(A, B), TMap[A, B]]
def newTSet[A]: TSet[A]
def newTSetBuilder[A]: Builder[A, TSet[A]]
def newTxnLocal[A](init: => A, initialValue: InTxn => A, beforeCommit: InTxn => Unit, whilePreparing: InTxnEnd => Unit, whileCommitting: InTxnEnd => Unit, afterCommit: A => Unit, afterRollback: Status => Unit, afterCompletion: Status => Unit): TxnLocal[A]
def oneOf[Z](blocks: InTxn => Z*)(mt: MaybeTxn): Z
def postDecisionFailureHandler: (Status, Throwable) => Unit
def pushAlternative[Z](mt: MaybeTxn, block: InTxn => Z): Boolean
def retryTimeoutNanos: Option[Long]
def unrecorded[Z](block: InTxn => Z, outerFailure: RollbackCause => Z)(mt: MaybeTxn): Z
def withControlFlowRecognizer(pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, Boolean]): TxnExecutor
def withPostDecisionFailureHandler(handler: (Status, Throwable) => Unit): TxnExecutor
def withRetryTimeoutNanos(timeout: Option[Long]): TxnExecutor

Inherited methods

def withRetryTimeout(timeout: Long, unit: TimeUnit): TxnExecutor

Returns a TxnExecutor that is identical to this one except that it has the specified retry timeout. The default time unit is milliseconds. If the retry timeout expires the retry will be cancelled with an InterruptedException.

Returns a TxnExecutor that is identical to this one except that it has the specified retry timeout. The default time unit is milliseconds. If the retry timeout expires the retry will be cancelled with an InterruptedException.

Inherited from