
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Accumulation.type



implicit def convertGenTraversableOnceToCombinable[G, ERR, EVERY <: (Every), TRAVONCE <: (IterableOnce)](xs: TRAVONCE[Or[G, EVERY[ERR]]])(implicit cbf: BuildFrom[TRAVONCE[Or[G, EVERY[ERR]]], G, TRAVONCE[G]]): Combinable[G, ERR, TRAVONCE]

Implicitly converts a covariant GenTraversableOnce containing accumulating Ors to an instance of Combinable, which enables the combined method to be invoked on it.

Implicitly converts a covariant GenTraversableOnce containing accumulating Ors to an instance of Combinable, which enables the combined method to be invoked on it.

For more information and examples, see the Using combined section of the main documentation for class Or.

implicit def convertGenTraversableOnceToCombinable3[E, TRAVONCE <: (IterableOnce)](xs: TRAVONCE[Bad[Every[E]]]): Combinable[Nothing, E, TRAVONCE]