
trait Normalization[A]

Defines a custom way to normalize instances of a type.

For example, to normalize Doubles by truncating off any decimal part, you might write:

import org.scalactic._

val truncated =
 new Normalization[Double] {
  def normalized(d: Double) = d.floor

Given this definition you could use it with the Explicitly DSL like this:

import org.scalatest._
import Matchers._
import TypeCheckedTripleEquals._

(2.1 should === (2.0)) (after being truncated)

Note that to use a Normalization with the Explicitly DSL, you'll need to use TypeCheckedTripleEquals. If you're just using plain-old TripleEquals, you'll need a Uniformity, a Normalization subclass.

If you make the truncated val implicit and import or mix in the members of NormMethods, you can access the behavior by invoking .norm on Doubles.

implicit val doubleNormalization = truncated
import NormMethods._

val d = 2.1
d.norm // returns 2.0
Type parameters:

the type whose normalization is being defined

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def normalized(a: A): A

Returns a normalized form of the passed object.

Returns a normalized form of the passed object.

If the passed object is already in normal form, this method may return the same instance passed.

Type parameters:

the type of the object to normalize

Value parameters:

the object to normalize


the normalized form of the passed object


Concrete methods

final def and(other: Normalization[A]): Normalization[A]

Returns a new Normalization that composes this and the passed Normalization.

Returns a new Normalization that composes this and the passed Normalization.

The normalized method of the Normalization returned by this method returns a normalized form of the passed object obtained by forwarding the passed value first to this Normalization's normalized method, then passing that result to the other Normalization's normalized method. Essentially, the body of the composed normalized method is:

Value parameters:

a Normalization to 'and' with this one


a Normalization representing the composition of this and the passed Normalization

final def toEquivalence(implicit equivalence: Equivalence[A]): NormalizingEquivalence[A]

Converts this Normalization to a NormalizingEquivalence[A] whose normalized method delegates to this Normalization[A] and whose afterNormalizationEquivalence field returns the implicitly passed Equivalence[A].

Converts this Normalization to a NormalizingEquivalence[A] whose normalized method delegates to this Normalization[A] and whose afterNormalizationEquivalence field returns the implicitly passed Equivalence[A].

Value parameters:

the Equivalence that the returned NormalizingEquivalence will delegate to determine equality after normalizing both left and right (if appropriate) sides.
