
trait ApplicativeParent[F[_]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait Applicative[F]
trait MonadPlus[F]
trait IsomorphismMonadTell[F, G, S]
trait Monad[F]
trait MonadError[F, S]
trait MonadReader[F, S]
trait MonadState[F, S]
trait MonadTell[F, S]
trait MonadListen[F, W]
trait MonadIO[F]
trait MonadCatchIO[M]
trait RegionTMonad[S, M]

Value members

Concrete methods

def par: Par[F]

A lawful implementation of this that is isomorphic up to the methods defined on Applicative allowing for optimised parallel implementations that would otherwise violate laws of more specific typeclasses (e.g. Monad).

A lawful implementation of this that is isomorphic up to the methods defined on Applicative allowing for optimised parallel implementations that would otherwise violate laws of more specific typeclasses (e.g. Monad).